Deathslinger is like a huntress that doesn't have to go to a locker to reload. Huntress could just throw hatchets at you until she either downed you or got close enough to M1.

My experience with Deathslinger:

In my experience I drop a pallet, he hits me across the loop (window, pallet or low obstruction), reels me in and I am now injured. Regardless whether I stay or move to another loop, he shoots me again (across the pallet and reels me in). Now I am downed and being hooked.

If i am far away from him, he runs me down while shooting at me. If I dodge the harpoon, he gains ground on me and eventually either harpoons me across the loop or M1s me when he gets close.

If he would have to reload somewhere or if the harpoon traveled a little slower to give some reaction time, it would give survivors a chance to dodge.


  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    If a huntress hits you twice, you are down. In almost all cases where a deathslinger can hit you a huntress hatchet can also hit you. Actually a huntress hatchet can hit you across the map. If he hits you will you are injured and is unable to down you, you don't go down, unlike huntress you would be down.

    Death slinger suffers a 1.5 second delay on a missed show before being able to fire again, he also suffers a 4 second penalty anytime his chain is broken in which he doesn't release it.

    I am unable to confirm this, but I believe his hitbox for his harpoon is smaller than that of the huntress hatchet. I can't confirm this, its more of a feel, as I've played a lot of huntress and am often shocked when I miss a hit with him that I am confident would have hit as huntress.

    Basically he isn't guaranteed to down you and suffers a penalty when he fails to down you well using his power. Huntress does not have this same issue. If you wanna nerf his ability to shoot, you need to buff him by removing some of his drawbacks to using his actual power.

    Keep in mind, stunning him by breaking his chain is almost twice as long as it takes him to drop a pallet. If I remember correctly breaking a pallet takes like 2.5 seconds, the stun is 4 seconds.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Currently Rank 4 survivor but have been Rank 1. Did you have something relevant to say or just trolling.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I agree with you and Oicimau that he has trouble with map pressure. I would be ok with a buff there.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Practice playing the game that is the key for you. If you are a good survivor all killer problems vanish.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    He does not need a nerf, he simply need some changes.

    Give him more mappressure, but nerf his chase potential.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Immagine proposing a nerf for one of the botton 3 Killers

    Bait post

    If not a bait post stop running in the open, a ranged Killer cannot be looped like the others but you should know since the requirement for reaching red ranks is playing a lot, that's why I'm assuming this is bait, sheer incompetence.

    Break line of sight and do gens.

    Also, really tired of these "nerf Deathslinger because people know how to aim" posts.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Huntress is a better Deathslinger, so you want to nerf her too?

    Yes Huntress needs lockers for reloads but she can have up to 8 hatchets with the right add-ons, she can also have up to 3 hatchets when using her UR add-on "Iridescent head", which makes her hatchets to 2x the normal damage

    DeathSlinger has 1 shot, but can reload after every shot and the reload cannot be canceled without being stunned. His UR add-ons are not the best, with his best being iri coin imo. He is also punished heavily for missing.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I thought if it would be good to add a small wind-up and a scoping notification for him in exchange for 115%. It would lower his chase potential for map pressure. (something like that would help huntress too imo btw)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    He doesn't need nerfed. Against good teams he struggles due to his map pressure.

    For how weak he is in map pressure he needs to be strong in chases which I think is good. If you play against him similar to clown (aka drop pallet sooner than on normal killers) then you should get a 4k escape.

  • Nanglaur
    Nanglaur Member Posts: 124

    He needs to have a little delay on the aim, I dont think he is op but the fact that you can just aim in and out without any delay is just dumb.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Deathslinger does not need a nerf in any way shape or form.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    He needs buffs.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Deathslinger is fine the way he is. Learn to play against him just like every other killer. He has plenty of counterplay.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    you probably need to get better, dont mean that in a horrible way but in no regards is this killer OP or too strong. hes new learn to counter him its not too hard, he cant down you at most loops especially when the pallet is down, dont forget he`s 110 speed, use tht against him and get distance. saying youre rank 1 means nothing anymore, rank is pointless right now due to it being way to easy to pip as survivor, i see rank 1`s miss skill checks, go down in 5 seconds. against a good team he`s not very strong at all and i have yet to meet one who i thought otherwise

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    No he doesn't. They just nerfed his ads turn speed on console. Giving him a delay would make him dogshit because quick scoping is now his best way of getting hits on console. Also adding a delay would make him worse than old Freddy. The survivor would always have the upper hand against him. That's not how a killer power is supposed to work. That's why Freddy was reworked in the first place.

  • Legionmain0517
    Legionmain0517 Member Posts: 34

    Except adding a delay to his ADS is going to make him even worse than he already is. So what if he can quickscope? Its not like he can instant down you without any effort. He's a 110% Killer because his power was consider too strong to have base movement speed, not to mention alot of his actions with the gun cost him time and speed. Good survivors can constantly break line of sight using his movement speed against him too, so he actually NEEDS this nearly instant ADS speed if he wants a chance to hit anything.

    On a side note, have you actually tried to quickscope with the Deathslinger? It's not as easy as it looks, considering you have to account for survivor movement, which can be incredibly erratic. Not to mention the hook's tiny hitbox....

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    Plus the fact that it has limited range and you have to center the surv before firing which can be very difficult if they are constantly wiggling and spinning.

  • Nanglaur
    Nanglaur Member Posts: 124

    I think is pretty easy to aim with him, and thats why I think he needs a little delay to aim in, but whatever

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    He's cool but feels rather bad, definitely needs a movement buff or something

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    Okay, you're probably bad then.

    First of all, Deathslinger (hereafter DS) 's power is way worse than Huntresses. The projectile is way harder to aim, and the hitbox is bugged to #########. There are YouTube videos of people shooting someone center mass and nothing happening all over the place, and that ######### happens to me several times, every time I play him.

    Also, because of the recoil and reload, it's easier to lose sight of your target. You are almost always reloading mid-chase, whereas Huntress has usually finished chase when she reloads.

    He is hard countered by mid-long loops, and some small loops. Huntress just hits over them. Any situation where you can hit with DS at a loop, Huntress can hit and down. He usually can't.

    Also, survivors have way more control over his power than him. His power is useless at Max range, and even mid range if there's an object in the way.

    So yeah. Huntress is much better than DS; you're just wrong if you say otherwise. He is piss-easy to go against, and if you're losing a lot, you are playing incorrectly. He doesn't need a nerf; he's already crap.

  • Legionmain0517
    Legionmain0517 Member Posts: 34

    He's easy to aim with if you hardscope properly, but you cant just round corners and quickscope to get easy hooks or anything. That takes quite a bit of practice to do. Maybe you play a lot of shooters and think he's strong, but not everyone plays shooters and for all intents and purposes, he is not all that strong. His greatest asset is the fact that he can down survivors fast with proper play, but this does not stop generators from getting done. He's always on the clock as a Killer, even more so than other Killers.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol you're all saying he's fine as I'm watching one of the best DBD players refusing to play survivor because he doesn't want a Deathslinger match.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Have you ever tried to play with him? He's completely trash, huntress is 10 times better than him.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I think you meant buff, because he's some donkey Doo right now. He has nothing for map pressure, harpoon shot is iffy, he walks slower, can't down you with his power, and can be looped very easily. He's gonna become the king of getting gen rushed...

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    They need to remove his Bloodlust after he shoots.

    You constantly GAIN Bloodlust if you miss your shots.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Agreed, if anything that may need balancing I think he should be slowed down a bit and his accurate shots that are landed be more rewarded. Can't tell you how many times I see a Deathslinger just run around swinging at the survivors instead of shooting because it's harder to do. In fact what's sadder to admit is that I know more people who lose to him if he never shoots than the other way around.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    This killer definitley needs a nerf. All you killer mains are saying he needs more map pressure but ignore the fact how broken his terror radius is and the fact that he can end a chase in 3 seconds if he has save the best for last and can shoot threw the tinest cracks, bait out dead heard, dosen’t need to leave a chase to reload and still manage to down someone. Yup let’s Buff him right?

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    He does need some fixes:

    • His terror radius does not work properly (a lot of the custom ones do not). This is especially true if your back is to him. While it adds flavor to have custom TR songs, if they don't escalate based on closeness they are borderline useless.
    • His range is too far. Every deathslinger I face goes far from the hook but then is easily able to basically camp it from afar because his range is so great. They need to shorten it.
    • The "wiggling" when you are on his chain needs to work better. It's a bit clunky and not obvious how it works.
  • NittanyBruin1719
    NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46

    Though I've reached rank 7, I don't typically feel I'm that good at survivor until I see threads like this. Like, if your at the very least average or maybe slightly above average and pay attention to the advice people give to counter-play him, it shouldn't be that hard to play well against and loop the Deathslinger. Even my friend who can't make it past rank 15 because he's admittedly quite bad thinks the Deathslinger is one the easiest killers to play against.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    You can’t counter him. He will shoot you over loops, through walls, through cracks, over pallets, through windows.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Just loop him like you're looping a huntress, simple. Don't drop the pallet, run through it and maybe juke if he's already scoped in, since the redeemer's hitbox is pretty small and he has no wind up time like the huntress.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    He can hit over loops though. Even if you’re ducking at the loop. If you drop pallets at a small loop he can still injure or down you.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Oh my goodness, what have I just read? Allow me to clarify a few things:

    1) Huntress has 6 hatchets that she can fire nearly back-to-back before having to reload,

    2) Deathslinger's Deep Wound effect is cool and all, but the objective is to down and hook all Survivors, and that's what he struggles to do because hitting his shot does not guarantee a down (Survivor can wiggle out of it, their friends can body-block, etc.).

    3) Reeling speed. Look at one of Tru3ta1ent's latest videos on YouTube where he puts Huntress and Deathslinger in similar situations and Huntress is able to get 2 downs before Deathslinger can get even one while never missing a shot. He's slow not only in walking. (Tru3 is an experience Rank 1 Killer and Survivor, you can't blame his conclusion on the lack of skill or game awareness!)

    4) This one comes from the previous thing. Every mistake made on Deathslinger is extremely punishing! That's because of him having to reload after every shot on top of being slowed by a (short) cooldown animation. That means he's either supposed to let himself turn into an M1 Killer or allow a Survivor to put a rather considerable distance between him and them. Each of those options easily turns into a huge waste of time, causing him to lose a couple of gens easily.

    5) Extremely dependent on "Save the Best for Last" perk. Requires it to be at least somewhat viable by using his hit-cooldown-shot combo for insta-down. Otherwise simply too slow vs gen speed. Of course, he can bring the Perks applying Exposed status offect on Survivor, but that seems to be less consistent in it's performance.

    Considering how gens fly in the current meta (even at Rank 14 I had an experience of the first gen being done in 20 seconds or so), Deathslinger is nearly a joke at the higher ranks. His only way of winning against a good group of Survivors is to capitalize on their mistakes while having no right to make ones of his own. If Survivors don't make mistakes and are good at looping him, he might end up getting his first down by the time the last gen pops, and even that would be lucky.

    And above all that... You have said that Deathslinger has reeled you in over the pallet? That is not possible. If he hits you with his harpoon over the pallet, he can't reel you in close enough to hit you. He can either break the chain on his own and let you go or let it break on it's own to apply Deep Wound to you while he's stunned. The only exception to it is when there's an extremely short path around the pallet that he can walk and get to the other side before the chain breaks.

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    Shoot you? Definitely. Down you? Not so sure. There's a big chance of him wasting his time reeling you in from afar only for you to get some terrain between you and him and break the chain. Deep Would might be annoying, but it's a million times better than hanging on the hook. Even if Deathslinger never misses a shot, he's bound to spend a lot of time actually getting a down. Huntress, for example, can get 2 downs in a time span shorter than the one Deathslinger needs to get even one!

    And have you actually tried playing Deathslinger yourself? If so, there's no way of you not knowing just how small Redeemer's hitbox is and how much precision it takes to land a successful shot. If you haven't played him, give it a try. And then, as a Survivor, try and copy the juke technique of the Survivors you won't be able to hit with your shot.

  • Gamekeeper
    Gamekeeper Member Posts: 47

    Do you survivor mains really like going against only billy, spirit, freddy and nurse? Do ya'll really want 0 different killers to fight or?

  • kaylawake
    kaylawake Member Posts: 15

    His hit area is too large. He can shoot from too far away and the area he can hit is too large. I can be on the left side of him and he can hit me with his basic attack while he is facing right and vice versa. Essentially he has the same hit area as leatherface when he uses his power (180 degree area).

  • Humanarian
    Humanarian Member Posts: 230

    You haven't mentioned if you tried landing his shots yourself. Especially from afar. Let's just say... If Deathslinger hits you with his harpoon from the max range, he's more than 100% deserving of getting a hit on you after reeling you in.

  • Trollthem
    Trollthem Member Posts: 186

    Hey new comer , can you not ping the devs/mods ? If they want to awnser they'll by their own

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2020

    I say he's perfect, this is a killer that if you play badly he's bad if you're a fps player or good shooter then he's real good. This might trigger you but learn how to run behind objects and throw pallets early at least, or simply get good cause this is skill-based killer, if you go down to better deathslinger then you need to step up your game.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    He's not bottom, deary.

    I think you need to go back to the classroom and look into that statement a little better.


  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Please elaborate on how a 110 Killer with a power that requires several seconds to get from a correct use (that needs aiming skills) to an actual hit and can be countered by breaking LoS and/or getting behind a wall after getting hit by the power is not in the botton 3 with Clown and Legion. Who is worse than him in high ranks in your opinion?

    Side note on how he has little to no map pressure due to limited mobility and range limit on his power, not to mention the very precise hurtbox on the harpoon that can be dodged by tapping A or D; also he gets destroyed by random pallets since the chain breaks very quickly and you can't always reel around walls.

    The only things going for him are the small TR and the ability to hit through windows after hitting with his power. Very good at proxy camping tho.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I love how people immediately say you're bad when you make a point that they don't agree with.

    You say "He is hard countered by mid-long loops, and some small loops."

    My experience playing him.

    Small - mid loops (also known as UNSAFE loops) Slinger chases then M1 (which is why survivors avoid these loops) the survivor.

    Mid-long loops - Slinger shoots across pallet or through window or over obstacle.

    Long loops - Slinger shoots once around the short side

    The point is that he NEVER runs out of shots so he never has to break chase.

    He disrupts loops much like Huntress BUT at some point SHE has to reload. She has to decide to become an M1 killer or reload.

    If he had to reload, what would want to buff him with to compensate? Faster movement, less penalty after each shot?

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I was exploring a balance whereas the DSlinger has to reload at some point in exchange for some buffs to help him with map pressure and not penalize him so much for missed shots. There is only 1 other ranged killer. DSlinger makes 2. Not sure that a reload changes him to some other type of killer.

  • Loit
    Loit Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2020

    LOLOLOL - Is this post for real? I'd love the OP to play as DeathSlinger for like 10 matches... watch as gen after gen pops in no time flat because you have 0 map pressure.

    He's one of the weakest Killers right now. You cannot be serious. Sure, he has decent 1v1 potential, but he gets wrecked by 75% of the maps in the game. Either OP is a troll or a newbie, not sure which. But clearly someone who has never played DS against any decent (not even good) survivors.