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Oni needs a nerf more

How can anyone act like Oni running infectious fright and BBQ isn’t OP af? As a red rank PS4 solo, every game is like this:

  1. Oni downs someone. Someone screams nearby from IF.
  2. Oni hooks the player, and rages after the survivors that screamed or a BBQ target.
  3. Oni downs 1 or 2 more because it’s fng impossible to avoid the Oni in rage.
  4. or... Oni rages back to hook ala Spirit and downs 1 or 2 during the save.

It just goes on and on with Oni in near perpetual rage from all the hits. He is way too maneuverable and fast and can be in rage for way too much of the game. It’s not even worth playing most games. It’s a joke.

and if you are going to reply with a “git gud” just please don’t bother. You probably killer main or play in SWF or are just trying to look good. Oni is OPAF.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He's pretty balanced in my opinion. I wouldn't mind a small nerf to his slugging potential, but that's all.

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    Oh look. A spirit main. Lol. Spirit and Oni have the same play style. And everyone’s dodged him. You can’t dodge him well enough.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Oni is required to build up his power which during that time he is a basic 115, m1 killer, he should be incredibly strong when he finally gets it. In addition to this, slugging is what makes his power strong in the first place as otherwise you'd lose every game against competent survivors if you didn't.

    Regarding avoiding his hits, there are some things you can do for as long as Oni isn't running scalped topknot and for as long as you're not on a map like shelter woods (which would be an addon and map problem, not a killer problem).

    1 : When he's in his rage, position yourself at tiles or structures that feature lots of sharp turns such as LT walls, jungle gyms or any main structure (such as the houses on Badham & Haddonfield, not too sure about the new map yet though). Try to take as many turns as you can as soon as you can.

    2 : If you cannot position yourself at a jungle gym, there are some pallet tiles that feature a dip in them that you can use to help avoid a hit, alternatively dropping the pallet early or going to smaller pallet tiles can be helpful. Junk tiles like the ones on MacMilllan Estate and Autohaven also feature additional junk next to the pallet, try to change up how you run around them.

    3 : From what I can tell, you do not produce blood orbs while he's in bloodfury, take advantage of this and don't group up near the person being chased.

    It's important to note that a good Oni is probably going to down you in their power unless you're at a tile they can't dash very well at, however being able to waste enough time where their bloodfury ends is extremely important as if they only get a single down in their full duration then they haven't gained much value out of their power which in return makes them way more beatable.

    Infectious doesn't need a cooldown either, perks with long cooldowns on both roles aren't that fun to have while a short cooldown would simply just be pointless. More than anything I think that older maps like shelter woods should be looked at and adjusted to be made more interesting and fair for both roles and more maps should feature smaller pallets on the outskirts to make it easier to avoid the dash and other powers like it while also being fairly mindgameable for both roles.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    True, infectious fright is annoying.

    But I think Oni is the easiest killer to juke, especially when using power.


  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    You just described the whole point of Oni, he can easily snowball.

    He isn't that maneuverable , I play survivor much less but you can reliably dodge him so many times.

    If you're out in the open then you would be right but on most maps that isn't a problem.

    Denying an oni an early hit is also important.

    To me things that need nerfs have no reliable counter-play. I don't think this is the case for Oni. I actually think he's one of the more balance killers in the game.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Run Calm Spirit. It also hard counters Doctor, who I'm guessing you also think is OPAF

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Yeah you can I have done it and actually deathslinger main now. Just forgot to change my pic.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Its fully possible to avoid his blood fury, hell its easy to avoid it

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I 100% heavily disagree. He's perfectly balanced. His power needs to be moderately easy to use because he has to EARN it first.

    I feckin love facing him and playing as him.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    He can feel oppressive with those perks, but the trade-off is that Oni has no power when the game starts. His Demon Form needs to be strong to balance how weak he is without it.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300

    The only thing I would take away from him - ability to down multiple survivors with one demon strike , it's only effective at hook camp anyway .

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Suggestion: Play the Oni for a bunch of matches, you will learn where he is weak.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited March 2020

    How to beat oni:

    When he is raging:


    don't group together.

    If he sees you, run to the nearest obstacle, preferably corners and crouch to the side. Nine times out of ten he will charge directly past you. His charge has an exit period if he dosen't attack so it's easy to run around loops if he overly relies on charge. Unless he does some wall grinding 4D brain tactics.

    DON'T VAULT. Everyone assumes vaulting in time will save you but it won't. If anything you should actually pretend to vault or simply rapidly fake out a run to one side then commit to the other. The lung one shot has a bit of a homing leap to it and he will most likely hit a wall and stun.

    Don't bait him into chases. He gains pressure and power from injury. It's better to avoid being hit and not bleed orbs rather than allow yourself to be hit when healthy-which charges his power- then bleed orbs constantly -which also charge his power- Oni best counter is actually stealth.

    In other words. You got to actually respect the killer and the injury state to maximizes your chances.

    If you do get seen heal as soon as possible once you get away. Don't be afraid of lockers. Because at least you aren't bleeding orbs and powering him up anyone. He will also maybe miss you more since he will be seeking out orbs. Head on is good against him for this reason.

    Remember that oni rage has a normal swipe hit. So healing either way is a good ideas. It gives him less orbs in the long run and if he gets desperate that one swipe will cooldown waste some of his rage power.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited March 2020

    You're going to nerf the perk cooldown because 2 Killers hillbilly and Oni can use it effectively ridiculous.

    There are currently perks that right now don't need a cooldown that still have one I don't feel like adding more unnecessary cooldowns is worth it.

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    I do appreciate the tips. And I’ll try doing some things differently. Afa infectious fright though, I am definitely not a hook diver. I constantly scream from it while working on a gen or healing someone or myself. And he may start off with no advantages but it doesn’t take very long to get to the rage point after 1 or 2 hits. It’s snowball city from there. I used to find him easy to avoid by hiding and it still seems to be the best strategy. But it’s the snowball aspect with IF and BBQ that really hampers the hiding. After getting hit you have to stay out of IF range and then get in a closet if he’s about to hook which isn’t very easy. I heal ASAP with him so as to reduce the blood and try to slow down the rages ... but it’s a huge time suck trying to avoid the IF and BBQ... anyway.. I still feel the ability to decimate teams is too strong

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    If you're not going to contribute anything meaningful to the topic.

    Don't post.

    On another note. I believe Oni needs his turning nerfed or at least some sort of flaw to keep him from the unavoidable Rage-downs.

    A player who has any movement sense and has played Oni more then a handful of times, understands how to gear his turns properly.

    Some sort of nerf is needed, not enough to gimp him as juking is possible, but the turning around corners much easier the Billy is absolutely ridiculous.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Again, he needs to recharge his power and its a pretty damn lenghty process, and it is still possible to juke him on most loops

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    I keep having to go against facecamping red/purple Onis when I get him as a killer. Doesn't feel like a killer in need of a nerf. I'd like to have Onis that move around a map while a survivor is on the hook. 😂

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    He's a weaker billy, he really doesn't need a nerf. Sure he has more manueverability, but getting access to that blood fury in the first place can be difficult. His power gives him some help in chases, but until he gets it, he's an m1 killer with nothing to help him in chases.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    I agree I also think he needs a nerf. I think they should just make it so his power gauge goes all the way back down to zero when he picks someone up because it only goes down half way when he picks someone up and that's not enough because he gets his power back wayyy to fast right after he hooks someone.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah Oni lacks any real early game power. That and unless the survivors for some reason, let Oni get two easy hits early on. A gen or two might pop by the time Oni gets his power. The longer survivors deny that first hit for Oni, the more they are able to hurt Oni by denying him his ability.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I want his curving to be changed

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Let me translate

    "Oni is a balanced killer but i got beat by him so now i think he needs a nerf since learning how to counter him is tooooooo hard plz devs take pitty on me :("

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    While it's true that against a good Oni there isn't a whole lot you can do about his power when he has it up, it definitely doesn't need a nerf. It isn't slinger or spirit levels of fun and interactive, and he has to actually earn his power, and it's not up for a long time. Then, depending on how the survivors play, hell get it again and again if they don't heal up and that's the survivor's fault. It's kind of like plague in a way: you make wrong decisions and you get punished for it, only difference being he's a big angry man with a stick. He's a strong killer but he has very obvious weaknesses that I don't mind his power being as strong as it is because he has to earn it.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    It's not impossible to dodge Oni rage. I'm getting better at each time I face him.

  • afroboi
    afroboi Member Posts: 69

    dude run into him and he wont be able to hit you cause of his 90 degree turn yes 90 DEGREE turn which is small as ######### i dodge his attacks alot and he is definetly not opaf id say he is op but no on nurse or spirit level

  • afroboi
    afroboi Member Posts: 69

    btw back then he had 160 degree turn in the ptb or 120 or 140 i dont remember exactaly but rn i think he is in a fine spot

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I don't see why bad survivors want killers to be harmless. The only way they'll ever improve at the game is by stepping up to the challenge. This game isn't meant to hold anyone's hand.

    If things are not going your way then figure it out rather than begging for nerfs to BM or demolish killers away from the game (like what has been happening)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    Just putting this out there... Oni loses part of his power guage for each person he downs. Oni also doesnt keep "half" his gauge, he keeps whatever wasnt used. That could be 90% of it, that could be 10%.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Its because of a little thing alot of people have in the game called a sense of entitlement. If the killer is near the hook they should be doing gens or totems, not trying a rescue. But no. Another survivor post begging for a nerf.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I honestly fail to see how Oni needs a nerf. If you nerf his curving, he's basically not even worth playing and have to hope the survivors potato out on running him.

    He isn't like Billy where he always has his power. If you want to change the way he curves, then change the way he gains his power

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    You still produce blood orbs during blood fury It’s just oni can no longer see them or their auras

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    No blood does not drop when he is in his power. Yes he can't see the remaining orbs but you dont drop any new ones either. Next time you play against oni and are injured when he uses his power you can see for yourself

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