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Tricked Survivor Into Working With Killer

NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

Not sure if I was allowed to do that, but here's the scenario;

Me - Freddy w/ Surveilance - I hit all the Gen's but two that were really out of place and difficult to find.

Survivors we're playing really poorly. Two were obviously SWF, and the other two were SWF but really bad, or two solo's. So I killed off one of the SWF, and one of the Solo's leaving Jane (SWF), and David (Solo). I downed Jane to slug for the 4k, but as I was looking for David I couldn't find him and gen's were not being repaired. So I returned to Jane and picked her up.

Just as I picked her up A gen from across the map turned yellow. So dropped her continuing to leave her to slug, and teleported to that gen. David was already long gone, and no scratch marks. Now the sensible idea is that he walked away and then started to run for Jane to help her up. So I kicked the gen again and made my way back to Jane watching over the big areas between, checking corners. No scratch marks. No rescue. No tap on the gen again. So as a person who played Solo Survivor before, it was clear that David was pushing for the Hatch game. Which from experience of leaving other survivors to die so I could get the hatch, I knew that the Jane would be pretty mad, and most possibly will kill the survivor who refused to save her and the Friendly Killer would let her go free for her honest work. So I picked up and started dropping Jane. Ol and behold, when she breaks free. She points in a direction. I go that way. Then she notification spams at a Window, and I walk back to her clicking her flashlight at David in a corner. I attack David, down David, let him slug. Then down the Jane, pick her up, hook her, and sacrifice her to the Entity. Then I pick David up, hook him, and sacrifice him to the entity.

The end game chat explodes were the two SWF (Jane, and another Survivor) talk down David, and I just sit there finally the only one not getting bullied by the survivors in end game chat as Killer.

Anyway's my question is. Am I allowed to do plays like this as Killer? Does the Killer even get in trouble when survivors work with the Killer. It's a interesting scenario since I didn't actually reward the player for working with the Killer, but at the same time I did use it to my advantage.

Best Answer

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020 Answer ✓


    This is allowed. You didn't work with the Survivors, they tried to work with you and got punished for doing it. You just used it to your advantage. Don't worry, only working with a Survivor/Killer in a very literal sense is an offense.

    You were trying to get the 4k by any means, and you didn't play the game any differently than before, the Jane wanted the David dead.

    And no, the Killer doesn't get in trouble if a Survivor decides to work with them, the Survivor does.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited March 2020


    I was avoiding this because it's hard to say if this actually counts as "working with the opposite team".

    You followed their instructions and found the other Survivor, but the twist is that you didn't reward them afterwards and downed and hooked them both. This wouldn't be classified as targeting a specific user, since you probably never seen that David until that match specific match... but you did technically follow that Jane, which lead you to David... had you not done that, you probably wouldn't have ever found David.

    HOWEVER, this wasn't your obvious intentions, you were mostly curious to what Jane was doing in that moment (from the looks of it). You never asked or insinuated to her that you wanted David, she did this on her own. So, with all that being said, it's more-so the Survivor (Jane) that would get in-trouble as a result, and not you since you didn't ask for this to happen. She lead you to him on her own, you just did your job and killed both when they were found together.

    So in my opinion, Jane would be the one at fault.

    That's just my personal opinion on the matter though. I'm not a dev, mod, or support team member, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. My word ISN'T a fact, it's just my opinion on the scenario you gave.

    If you're curious about other things that're bannable than please review the link below to the game rules posts.