Gotta love DS

GreenStar Member Posts: 20
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I was playing as Doctor on Haddonfield, and all the gens were done and the doors were open, but I'd gotten quite a few hooks. As I hooked one of the survivors and went to a door, they got unhooked. I managed to down them again, but instead of picking them up, I went to force 2 of their teammates to leave, but manage to down and pick one of the 2 up and kill them. Meanwhile, the guy that I had left on the ground had unbreakable and picked themself back up, but started healing themself instead of running to the gate. So I kill their teammate, bait the guy's dead hard and down him next to the gate. I pick him up to go and hook him... and get hit with DS and he escapes.

Like how is that fair at all? I didn't even tunnel him apart from downing him first as he was leaving. In fact, I'd gone after another person, downed and hooked them before returning back to the guy, who had the easiest opportunity to leave as I was hooking his friend.

DS needs to be reworked

EDIT: looking at the perks at the end, the 4th guy must have healed him instead of him having unbreakable. I was picking up the other one so I didn't see it happen

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