Would you like a dance emote?
We have the "point" and "come" emotes,would you like to see a dance emote in the future?
Personally i'd love to see it someday.It will be toxic i know,but what game isn't?
Would you like a dance emote? 45 votes
Yes,i want a dance emote
Yeah I'd want one for survivors but for everyone to have the same dance emote would be kinda lame and weird.
If they do, they should allow us to pick one out of 10 dance emotes to use in-game.
They should also have more expressive emotes like clap, cheer, laugh, yawn, angry, cry, spooky, magic card trick, I got your nose, don't forget the typical fortnite dance kinda emote, salute, sprinkle some salt, casually pull out a sandwich and start eating it.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
No thanks.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
Toxicity and it would promote the game to younger audiences which is the last thing this game needs right now.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
It does nothing for the game strategically or atmospherically, and as you yourself acknowledge, would only promote toxic behaviour. "Game communities are toxic anyway" isn't a good reason to intentionally steer them down that path.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
It's not Paladins or Overwatch to have some funny emotes, even if DbD is pure clownfiesta.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
No. Absolutely not. Under no circumstances. By no means. Nope. Not on your life. No way. In no manner. Not for a moment. Not once. Not ever. Never.
Like it or not at the end of the day DBD is a horror game. Even if it isn't "scary" by your own personal metric (most likely for those of us who have played for hundreds of hours) it doesn't change the fact that this is the genre the game belongs to. Especially and most definitely to new players, and I would absolute hate to see the experience and atmosphere that I have been able to enjoy since 2016 absolutely ruined for newcomers because some idiot Claudette with only 200 hours wants to be able to ######### floss behind a pallet in front of the killer.
Not to mention unlike dance emotes, the "point" and "come" emotes serve an actual practical purpose outside of booping the snoots of Pig mains everywhere. Survivors literally cannot talk to each other outside of deciphering morse-code-like communications via crouching, and it gives solo players the tools to communicate the most basic of actions with each other.
DBD IS NOT FORTNITE. The two games cater to entirely different audiences, one of which is an absolute stain on the gaming community and tarnishes the reputation of most everyone who plays video games, and the other is not, simple as that.
Side note, creating "dances" essentially means creating new animations with the current rigs. At that point, you might as well give the community something they were actually asking for: alternative moris for killers. Seriously ######### is this suggestion it's absolutely laughable
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You guys take it too seriously i think,relax :P
I won't even bother replying to the white knight above that said a dance would promote toxicity,like there inst enough already with teabags,OoO clicky clicky flashlights,moris,keys,m1 hooked person,head banging on hook,sabo hooks and what not.Relax.
It is a horror game,but it is a game.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
Hey, that's the point of the forums and specifically the polls section. If someone is suggesting a ######### idea I'm gonna call that ######### out just like everybody else so that the devs and mods see that it's absolutely clear this is not something we are interested in seeing.
On the other hand, if I see a good idea I will make absolutely certain to voice my support for it just like everybody else, and I will do my best to repeat the idea as often as I can so I can spread it around as much as possible so the devs know that this is something we are interested in seeing.
Them's the works. It's how the dev team assesses the community's standing on certain topics, regardless if it's harsh or not.
It was a ######### idea. And the overwhelmingly negative response (over 80% said no as of the time I write this) proves that. Nobody here is a white knight we're just calling it out as we see it. And what we're seeing, is garbage.
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Yes,i want a dance emote
Lmaoo absolutely yes. Too many sensitive killer mains and it would bring in younger people which results in more players. Behavior, I want a dance move where I spin into a split and bang my balls on the floor in front of the killer! This is not a horror game anymore, just stop it. This mess is as competitive as CoD..
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No,i do not want a dance emote
This isn't Fortnite.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
Huge pass for the game. Would rather more emotes with actual utility, like a wait/stop, hide, etc.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
No, just no this is not fortnite. Killers are already peeved off with tea bagging, can you image a dance emote??
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No,i do not want a dance emote
Imagine those claudettes in the exit gate, o my god....
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Yes,i want a dance emote
Sure why not
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Look dude i just made a poll with a subject that came at that very moment on my mind.I never said it's a fantastic idea,and i have to say i was a bit exagerated when i said in my OP that "i'd love" to have dance emote.Frankly i couldn't care less if they added it tomorrow or never.I was just wondering what opinion people had on the matter and that's it.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
I think Survivors should each have a unique 3rd emote. (FINGERGUNS for Ace BHVR) I don't think we should we just be giving people various dances as emotes.
Friday the 13th had them and it was fun; but this is Dead by Daylight. Meg doesn't need to be able to bust a move every time she stuns the Killer.
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No,i do not want a dance emote
No dance emotes! Keep that bullshitfuckingretard Fortnite tropes away from my DBD!