Deathslinger is a killer past his time
His issue is that he lacks map pressure, which if you want a viable killer nowadays you need map pressure or else you are destined to lose that round and end with pure frustration with his flea sized harpoon hitbox to the point it relies on a survivor making a mistake or you get lucky.
His concept is good, great design, but he is not meant for DBD in its current state of viable killers being the last ones to be able to do anything at all anymore without relying on mistakes, trying to learn him has brought me to literal madness as all that happens is gens flying by to the point that I would just open a gate and let survivors out or actually rely on camping.
This isn't a good killer, he relies on HOPING that you don't miss a shot out in the open or else you just made a mistake that results in a longer chase.
If you actually have a conversation on here, for the love of god keep it civil
Just had this conversation with someone else on another post. His real power lies in his ability to end chases quickly. If he was buffed in any way the devs would have to be careful not to buff him to much or he could easily become the next Nurse. So in order for him to be balanced he has to be heavily skill based. That's why the small hitbox and 110 speed and lots of slow actions. Granted he could use a small buff or two and some QOL improvements like an ADS sens slider but there are certain things that just shouldn't be changed.
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Absolutely this. Any killer that can essentially ignore pallets can be too strong if overtuned - that's why Huntress has a windup time and slower speed, as well as why Legion has gone through so many changes. I definitely prefer a conservative initial version that gets buffed later if there are areas that are lacking, rather than an overtuned beginning.
Deathslinger is just a different take on the ranged killer that we've seen in Huntress, Clown, and even Plague.
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His pressure is his ability to end chases quickly. Will gens get done in the first few minutes of the game? More than likely...
Remember, as a killer, you can see the gen layout and should be already thinking of mid to end game gen positioning.
Will the avg player 4k all the time? No.
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Think of clown. You want to throw bottles to "herd" survivors where you want them to go. Now think more in general terms of late game for all killers. You want to try to "herd" survivors in to a 3 gen situation.
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SWF don't get 3 genned.
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How does he ignore pallets tho? Once the pallet is down, his chain will be blocked by the rest of the loop and only last 2.5 seconds before breaking.. You can't even walk around a small loop before the chain breaks.
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A good deathslinger can shoot you over the loop. An even better Slinger will force you to the short side of the loop then shoot you over it, allowing them to reel you around it and get a hit. Or they can catch up enough so they can even shoot you on the same side before you vault or round the corner at the opposite end of the loop.
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Also if you can predict the survivor movements well enough you can hook them before they even reach the pallet.