No one escapes death is too OP! It needs to be nerfed!
Just cleanse the totems. I hate these people, not even having 50 hours in this game but they start complaining about every damn thing in this game that doesn't go in their favor.
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I run noed on my wraith and i am lucky if it even nets me one kill endgame. Most people have the gate open before you can even get there nowadays. If survivors play smart and split up as soon as they see noed and go for both exit gates rather than one, noed will have little value.
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NOED is the best indicator for bad killers. Of course its design doesnt contribute to any healthy state.
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Ds, adrenaline, bt , sprint burst ect ect. All perks that if not used would have resulted in the survivor dying
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I don't mind NOED, but it has been used far more since the Ruin nerf and I'm just so tired of it.
I'm a solo survivor and I'm not lying when I say it's such a defeating feeling on knowing you looped the killer, did a gen or two and you get hit with NOED and die.
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We all know you did this totem only for your Inner Strenght wink wink
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Or for the cleanse 12 totems challenge in the archives that everyone hated.