Dear nurse mains and ex nurse mains, what would you want tweaked with the nurse ?

For me I’d want the recharge mechanic completely redone. Make it so blinks don’t recharge while not in a chase and holding a blink allow you to recharge your second one while you charge your first one. Or, they could just remove the recharge mechanic and change the recharge addons to movement speed addons because those were fun to play around with lol.



  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    I think keeping the recharge but getting rid of fatigue would be ok. A movement speed boost would be nice too.

  • LifeQuestions
    LifeQuestions Member Posts: 26

    I don't mind new Nurse that much, but maybe I'd want her base blink to be a bit longer?

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    nothing i got a 4k today on hawkins and i barely play nurse she is still as good as old nurse

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Remove the cool down for now.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230
    edited March 2020

    1) a bit faster base blink recharge.With her movement speed as it is it's just overkill.

    2) rework addons,they are all laughable except for the recharge ones and make those very rares only.

    Also fixing her bugs ofcourse eh.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Fix her bugs, several of the bugs she has have been around since her first rework. Remove the fatigue or apply a cool down after blink attacks only.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Keep the cooldown if you want to, just fix all the goddamn bugs.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Get rid of the recharge, deal with any addons that may be an issue as a result..boom..everyone gets to enjoy nurse without her old addons...otherwise nurse takes way too much effort for mediocre capabilities vs efficient survivors and that's just not fair

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    Revert her rework, then nerf her +blink addons.


  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    No cool down on blinks.

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    Fix her bugs before her blinks. Having no cooldown doesn't matter if you can't access 1/2/3 of your blinks throughout the trial because of a game glitch. Also, her maximum distance she travels sometimes feels like she travels shorter/further at certain times even when unimpeded by any obstacles (I'd imagine something with dedicated servers).

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    She works very well with certain add-ons so I think her base mechanic is fine. Matchbox and Anxious Gasp are pretty fun.

    With that said, her Kavanagh's last breath and heavy panting add-ons are useless. You lose all distance simply charging your power. Charge time decrease needs to go.

    Torn Bookmark takes the more annoying parts of her kit and magnifies them. I absolutely hate stopping short from a charged blink. Especially if it loses a chase.

    And I'm pretty sure she has a glitch where she can't attack after blinking. That can't stay.

    If they make any additional changes to her base kit, less blackout while she's exhausted would be nice. And a vacuum feature where I appear on the other side of a wall if I short blink. I get real annoying when it does nothing.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Fix her bugs, and up her movement speed to 4.0 so shes the same speed as survivors, doesn't change much for normal maps, but really helps on maps like lery's

  • camman0000
    camman0000 Member Posts: 35

    Rework her addons. Why are there addons that make her unable to blink? or just move faster? when her power is the fun part about her, I feel like the only fun / good ones are the ones that let her blink more.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Remove the entire recharge mechanic, and rework certain addons accordingly.

  • Gorgonzola
    Gorgonzola Member Posts: 176

    It's not about how strong she is. The cooldown is just extremely annoying and unfun. I just don't play Nurse because it's super boring to be forced to walk for 6 seconds without any power with her terrible MS.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Ok but wouldn't removing the cooldown be a buff?

    Nurse can still be completely busted and a good Nurse will 4k every game with ease. All they need to do is fix the bugs, then nurse will be fine.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Bugs should be fixed, of course. And I definitely feel for console nurse players. For them, the old nurse basekit should be reversed. But for PC players nurse is still a top 2 killer. Old basekit nurse was better and more consistent than any other killer in the game. People who want that back simply haven't played against/as a really good nurse player.

    While many people have stopped playing nurse, others have now begun playing her much more (like me), because now it doesn't feel like a 4k is the default result if you are good. Now it actually feels like there are 2 sides, rather than the nurse playing a single player game.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    You won’t see this discussion getting “pinned”

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Please only comment suggestions that contribute to the thread. Thank you!

  • Cotten
    Cotten Member Posts: 31

    As a nurse player i would say the following with confidence.

    (a) Allow us to CANCEL BLINK. Every other killer can cancel their ability why cant she???

    (b) Allow us to always see our blink destination. There are a lot of factors that go into blinking. (a) is there an object between us (More charge time required) (b) is there multiple floors where I plan to land ( might blink onto a different floor) (c) is my angle to high or too low (changes the distance) Doing this will bring her more into the mainstream of killers.

    (c) Maybe Change the purpose of blink. Now hear me out. (1) Billy, Oni, Legion, Demigorgan, and Freddy can all move fast distances with no real down side. That said i know they have CD but at least when they get there they can keep track of the survivor and some can keep going "billy" until they actually down some one and that is a one hitter quitter. Blinking feels more like a Gap closer more so then any thing else. Your base blink is 20m 2nd blink is 10m so thats 30m with 2 blinks followed by 2-3 seconds of fatigue. If you hit the player you might as well stop chasing since they will be further than your blink distance after your fatigue most of the time.

    With that information give her a buff in Movement speed from 3.8m/s too about 4.3m/s and make the blinks have a shorter range. This will get rid of a lot of section (b) issues and give her a great feel instead of playing "look at the ground for half the game". While we are on the topic of looking at the ground. Can we remove us getting Blinded by Flashlights during that period!!!! I AM LOOKING AT THE GROUND.

    (d) Remove the fatigue. Yes we blinked but we still have a CD that we must go through anyway before we can blink again that is usable after the length of fatigue to begin with.. This fatigue serve no purpose. All it does is causes us to have to waste more time finding the player we just found.

    I mean since you asked

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Fix her bugs. Her new base kit is great way to balance her and only old Nurse mains who do not want any balance in their main say her blink cd is bad.

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    Change the fatigue, its awful. Don't get rid of it but find some way to make it more bearable like shortening it bc of the nerf or having something in place

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Not a "main" but always played her a fair bit, and still do.

    Fix her bugs before anything else. I don't even mind the cooldown too much, but at little leniency where it keeps charging for a limited amount of time after starting to charge a blink would be nice. Sucks when stuff gets hectic and you start charging a blink 0.001 seconds too early and you're left with 1 instead of 2.

    Cooldown could also be shortened a bit but I don't have any good ideas for specific numbers on that one.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    More baby nurse friendly add-ons instead of gimmick "+200 bps" add-ons

    Nurse is such a hard killer, and people wont even try to play her because she's so hard to learn and take so much time to practice, it's a shame, I love playing as and against her, I would love more people to be able to do so, but for that we need new baby friendly add-ons for her

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    just make it so if you hit a survivor after a blink you get 1 charge back so by the time the fatigue ends you will have both blinks fully charged this will make nurse feel like she used too but only if she hits a survivor bringing back her lethality on good blinks whilst keeping her ability to blink across the map limited this would still be fair and would feel better to play

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The reason why we say get rid of her blink CD is because it's her main source of movement and the devs practically nerfed her movement. It's like being in a race and the officials give you ankle weights you can't handle to intentionally piss you off and/or hold you back

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    A. Nurse can cancel the movement of the blink by simply looking down at the ground and she won't move. Just gotta be careful that the basement or a bottom floor isn't underneath you.

    B. This is why I tell people to stop using her Plaid Flannel add-on when they get comfortable with her blink ranges, because you become more focused on WHERE your going to blink, instead of where you NEED to blink. Nurse requires a lot of map knowledge and awareness, and once you learn that it becomes Trial and Error to improve your gameplay with her.

    C. Increasing her movement speed would make her even more boring and most Nurse's main (That I've talked to at least) used her because of how unique she was

    D. I would rather keep fatigue than get rid of it because her fatigue was actually a CD that she had control over how long it lasted, rather than keep blink recharge which makes her annoying.

    Not trying to 1 up you, just trying to get you to look at it from a former Nurse mains prespective

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Not often, but that's how it should be. Nurse is supposed to be hard to play.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I needed about 1k hours to get good as nurse. Should she be that hard?

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    If you want to easily 4k every single game then yes. She should take a long time to learn because then we'd be going against Nurse 24/7 in red ranks and it would just be a slaughter house. I'm fine with SOME games being an instant lose as soon as you hit ready up just not all of them.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The base nerf changed nothing for me. It only made her learning curve hell.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
  • SoulSever
    SoulSever Member Posts: 40

    Anything that does not make survivors able to force 2-3 blink cycles by simply running in a straight line. Blinking is how the Nurse moves about, putting a cooldown this harsh on it is like putting a cooldown on W for other killers.

    Suggested fixes:

    Slightly increasing the blink range to compensate for distance lost during cooldown.

    Reducing the cooldown and making so that both blinks recharge independently (Meaning charging a blink does not halt the recharge of the other one, like Tracer in Overwatch).

    Removing the cooldown entirely.

    Increasing base movement speed.

    Increasing blink movement speed (The speed at which you move during the blink. This would mess with existing muscle memory so it is less preferable).

    Increasing blink charge speed (Has the same problem as the last suggestion).

    Increase the speed in which you move whilst charging the first blink and during fatigue to balance the distance lost (Currently they are 72% and 24% respectively).

    Additionally I would ask for Plaid Flannel as base-kit for consistency and to help with the learning of new players, too many are the times where you attempt to blink past a wall on an indoor map only to be blocked by some random junk in the middle of the corridor. Looking at you, Lery's hospital beds

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I just want her bugs fixed.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    its all about keeping the 2nd blink for the chase that way u have a small cooldown dont overblink too much and ur fine

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

     The only people who think she's OP are people who treat her as any other killer. Even at red ranks or with people who know how to use her correctly, her kill rate is still under 50% and is far more inconsistent than any other killer. Any killer is "great" against survivors who don't know how to play. I have not said to implement all these suggestions;

    To answer your question, the 2 biggest complaints I have are: Bring back the lock on swing if you correctly predict the pathing and blink correctly. Countless times I'll blink correctly and swing with survivor in front of me only to have the game said "you missed". Also, all killers can cancel their ability and swing, except nurse, why? give the ability to cancel blink and swing.

    Other than that, implement any ONE of these suggestions or something else. Anything, these are just suggestions I've gathered from other forums or other players. She needs to be looked at again, that's all we are asking for.

    a) DONT reset bloodlust timer on every blink. Make it like the rest of the killers, lose LOS for x time/get stunned/brake a pallet/ get a hit you know, same as other killers.

    I will also repost the other suggestions but note we are not asking for all of these, only for 1 of these to be implemented:

    b) Return her base kit to preenerf, leave addons as they are now.

    c) increase her base speed to 4.2-4.4 just like hag/spirit/huntress, leave rest as is.

    d) give her 3-4 blinks as opposed to 2, leave rest as is.

    e) Make one recharge bar recharge blinks to maximum (ie. one recharge bar gives you the 2 blinks at once), leave rest as is.

    f) remove the fatigue, leave rest as is.

    g) remove the blink c/ds while not in a chase, that way you start every chase w 2 blinks.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    Bugs and hit registration. Her interaction with the dedicated servers is really bad.

    Many map objects still function as pseudo deadzones (gens, trees, tires, HILLS) that require you to grossly overcharge a blink to clear them. You pretty much have to be frame perfect at low wall pallet tiles with a lot of clutter around them. Overcharge to actually blink to the other side, but not so much that you blink well past the target. And because of how framey she gets at the end of the blink animation, you're probably going to be super disoriented in relation to the survivor, so you'll have to perform another perfect blink within the chain window. You actually experience less motion blur if you rotate your mouse during the blink animation instead of keeping linear sight. Wut.

    The hit registration is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I often hit survivors who are well outside of my lunge range and mysteriously fail to hit survivors that are colliding with my hit box after blinking. This is at 50ms ping at 500mb down/300 up. I can't imagine playing her with higher ping. It's legitimately possible for survivors to be too close to her for blink lunges to register.

    And lastly, the bugs. This is pretty well trodden territory at this point. The most notable one in recent memory was a blink grab where it played the blink animation, froze my character mid animation, and I proceeded to glide out of control into a wall as the survivor finished the gen. Delete the servers for PC. It's a worse experience for all but those playing on McDonald's wifi.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    I would say increase the window of time you have to chainblink. As I can almost never chainblink when I should have been able to. 1 more second is probably all it needs.

    The stun after every blink is what usually makes the nurse unfun to play. It's moreso the limited vision that's annoying. Even after a successful hit, it really can cause you to lose the survivor anyways. Somehow make the limited vision shorter or remove it alltogether but keep the stun.

    Allow her to basic attack, blink, basic attack, blink, basic attack. How it is now, removes her ability to attack after blinking or vice versa.. Sometimes which kinda sucks and defeats the purpose of blinking.

    Speed up the distance charge time of her blink. If I wanna blink as far away as possible, I have to wait ages for the thing to charge up.. Huge time waster.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    Compare her to huntress or deathslinger, hell billy or spirit; none of them get stunned AND have a giant c/d AND lose LoS every time they use their ability; in fact, no other killer. Buff nurse. 

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited March 2020

    The biggest argument I hear is "well she can blink trough pallets and can blink trough walls. Hell if those two things are enough for a stun, the longest ability c/d (beside doctor) AND loss of LoS AND loss of movement speed to ven slower than survivors? I don't know everyone else but I would give up the ability to blink trough walls and pallets in order to remove half her handicap.