Congrats Devs. You got my money and chased me off.

I was sitting there mid match, asking my I having fun? What part of this is fun? Even when match making puts me up against people I should and not just survivors who are clearly better than me who just stomp and mock me at the end game I having fun? No. No I am not, this game isn't fun. This game is just frustrating. I asked my self. Why am I still playing.
sunk cost fallacy. That is why I am still playing. I had gotten in a cycle where I started all young and baby faced enjoying the game. But over the hundreds of hours I sank into it, I became invested, even long after it stopped being fun.
I tried going to survivor, but playing Survivor as a Solo is almost as bad as playing Killer. But for totally different reasons.
I was so ready to give up on this game, but then you released a killer that was totally up my Ally. A ######### Cowboy! I love Cowboys, the wild west over all. The map looked awesome and the killer looked fun. He was...for about three matches. Then all those warts that ruin this game that you as the Devs say are intented to be there and to be frustrating started to show up again. So congrats Devs, I just can't muster playing this game anymore.
It is to the point where if I'm not high or drunk, there is no enjoyment playing this game. Which isn't a good sign as being high or drunk can make most things enjoyable. So you got one more DLC worth of my money, but never again. I'm going to be weening my dependency on this game until I can just uninstall it and never come back. Because you and I both aren't interested in fixing the problems the community has with this game. At least Blizzard as ######### as they are can pretend to like and respect their community.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Blizzard like and respect their community? Blitzchung would like a word...
In all seriousness it sounds like you do need to take a break. Be it a few days or a few months. If the game isnt fun for you anymore you really shouldnt play it. I hope you feel better and come back to the fog once you've rested up!
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BHVR is Survivor sided, so technically they juked your complaints instead of chasing you off. :P
That said, can we not defend Blizzard after the "pride and dignity of China" fiasco?
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@Nescau That is fair enough. I just wanted to make a point that I don't like either Devs, but one is able to pretend to save face. But after some time to sit I know BHVR is no where near as bad as Blizzard. Which I am STILL boycotting until april
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Never look back
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According to the clip I saw from Spacecoconut the game is supposed to be frustrating according to is what makes the game so fun. Makes you want to go "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" and start smashing things. I know that is always fun for me.
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All right bro, hope you find another game that you like!:)
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I feel the same as you. Gonna grab the last rift progress thingies and then I'm putting the game on a shelf.
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Dang. I was gonna suggest getting drunk and/or high.
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I still love this game, even tho its situation is kinda bad, but sometimes I know how it feels. Play a non PvP game, like my little pony (not joking) or even GTA, I don't have any games to suggest cuz I only play this game
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They always come back. Be it months or years later.
I gave up this game too, not long ago. About almost a year ago. Then randomly, I was pulled back into the game by my brother-in-law. And oh boy, I became invested too. I have all the Chapter DLCs. Despite all the complaints, despite all the toxicity, despite all the uninteresting matches, despite all the fun I am not having when the matches are just unfair, I still am playing the game and I still love the game.
And deep down in your heart, you know you still love the game. It's something you get attached to. You just can't leave it behind.
See you in the fog at a different timeline, friend.
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@Godot the problem with the whole "you'll be back in x time" logic is that it only works so long as DbD has no real competition. And luckily for them, others games like this have flunked. That's the issue with monopolies, there's no real incentive to prioritise consumerism QoL. Where are they gonna go? It's either their way or the highway.