Why was Deathslinger "Adjusted"?

memiieko Member Posts: 187
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

I know in the patch notes it said that his sensitivity was "adjusted" but it was honestly a nerf. His sensitivity was slowed down so much that he feels unplayable on console, at least with PC you can change your DPI midgame if your mouse allows.

I would like to know the reasoning behind this "adjustment"?

His whole ability is already skill based with aiming and his miss cool down and reloading offered a high risk high reward:

Miss and you waste a lot of time reloading and possibly extending the chase way more than anticipated

Rewarded with a guaranteed healthy to injured (with a hefty Legion stun) or a potential hit/down

Even with a lot of downsides he was still a decent killer with insane 1v1 potential but with this sensitivity "adjustment", he's now WAY more difficult to hit shots with, essentially increasing the difficulty and probablity of missing, increased risk but no increased reward. It seems BHVR loves to pick and choose who they compensate nerfs for

Inb4 people say "lol you're on console, it was already bad", No aiming is incredibly easy on console if you're used to aiming with games such as Rainbow Six Siege where there is 0 aim assist, I even play COD w/o aim assist and Deathslinger was a breeze to master but this nerf just honestly ruined him for me
