Decisive Strike change

AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,107
edited March 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Decisive Strike was supposed to be an Anti-Tunneling Perk, but in it's current state it's literally a God Mode for 60 seconds, with these changes I'm trying to make it into a true Anti-Tunneling Perk.

Decisive Strike

  • Decreased the active timer from 40/50/60 seconds to a flat 30 second timer.
  • The Killer stun will now take 3/4/5 seconds, depending on the tier of Decisive Strike.
  • The active timer will pause while in a Chase or while in the Dying State.

Decisive Strike will deactivate if:

  • You're not in the Dying State and another Survivor is hooked.
  • After being picked up from the Dying State. (Decisive Strike will remain active for 2 seconds before it deactivates when picked up from the Dying State to prevent farming when the Killer is near you and your Teammate picks you up in their face, so if the Killer downs you again in that time Decisive Strike will remain active)

Decisive Strike can be used multiple times.

Decisive Strike will no longer spawn an Obsession at the start of the Trial, instead you or other Survivors will become the new Obsession after using Decisive Strike. (Like For the People does)

What do you think?


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    seems decent, kinda worried about that multiple decisive option and you know, chases are so busted in this game, I wouldn't base anything over them.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,107
    edited March 2020

    Yea, you're right about the chases, I thought if I want to make Decisive Strike a true Anti-Tunneling Perk it should activate more than once, since you can get tunneled after every unhook.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Seems good... one question tho why did you make stun duration tiered?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,107

    I thought that having a timer like 20/25/30 seconds would be too little, so I made the stun tiered. (But if I think about that, the timer stops when in a chase, so having a tiered timer wouldn't be that bad)

  • Trollthem
    Trollthem Member Posts: 186

    Problems with the current DS :

    -Survivors suicide on you so they can use it

    -Survivors go in the lockers to force the killer to let them go or being dsed

    -Every High rank survivors use it.

    Your changes are good but not the multiple use from it.

  • neo2681
    neo2681 Member Posts: 7

    Honestly was just about to suggest pausing the decisive strike timer when in the dying state. I have been slugged too much when unhooked by a tunneling killer (or after being farmed by another survivor) and never get to use it, and it's becoming a problem in game.

    I don't think it needs multiple uses, while as a survivor main I'd love that, but like everything balance needs to be in play.

    I don't think it needs a set 30 second timer, truthfully that's too short IMO, I think the current times are perfect, just keep the timer paused while dying. If you get picked up then it restarts again.

  • HayaseRuriko
    HayaseRuriko Member Posts: 3

    A nice proposal though I do see some issues with it being an multiple use and more frustrations it might cause.

    Though I REALLY Like the condition of

    If you're not in the Dying State and another Survivor is hooked, DS deactivates

    I also really like the tiered stuntimes

    Personally I'd make the following changes

    Keep DS as is, but add a few conditions where it deactives along with decreasing it's duration to 30 seconds as mentioned by your suggestion

    1st addition: If the next hit on the survivor doesn't down them, DS deactivates.

    What it does essentially is prevent the abuse of Inner Healing/Second Wind or teammates healing to make it even MORE frustrating.

    2nd addition: If the survivor enters a locker at any point, DS deactivates.

    You can probably guess why this is here.

    3rd addition (Or rather bringing back an old part of DS): When not the Killer's Obsession, succeed a Skill Check when the wiggle meter is at 45/40/35 % to escape the Killer's grasp.

    This is to introduce some counterplay to DS other than slugging the survivor for however long you think they have DS. Which is unfun for both the killer and survivor. Granted they could use Flip-Flop to try and counteract this downside but that's a perkslot they're dedicating to doso meaning that's 1 less available meta perk they can use.

    It also allows the killer to potentially be able to hook someone who isn't the obsession but is using DS because someone else has it and the game chose them.

    Overall DS' current state is a mess to say the least, it's designed as an anti-tunnel but fails miserably at doing so and basically punishes the killer for literally doing their job at no fault of their own other than trying to win. It functions as an offensive perk rather than the defensive perk it wants to be.

  • Lanz
    Lanz Member Posts: 61

    DS also should not trigger after Dead Hard.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,107

    I mean, thank you, but the discussion is 2 years old already so my naive suggestion doesn't really hold up now.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    DS doesn’t need changes, and making it last infinitely while chasing or slugged is also busted and bad design. It is not meant to hard counter tunneling. It is meant to deincentivize reckless tunneling once.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,894

    This discussion is outdated cause DS already got nerfed. It’s fair now. But it could use some more qols

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I really like this idea!

    It's super similar to ones proposed before - I'd probably vote to change the timer to 16/24/32 and keep the stun amount a flat 5 seconds.

    I don't think it's a good idea to make it fizzle out when someone else gets hooked, because there are many times when there's a 'trade' that backfires and both survivors get put back into the dirt. I don't think DS should be deactivated when your friendly survivor makes a bad play and you both get punished for it.

    Also, if the countdown stopped altogether when you're on the ground, a killer would be made incapable of waiting the perk out.

    If you want the perk to finally slow down and stop featuring in every match, make it an Exhaustion perk. This way it doesn't have to be deactivated, it just exhausts you for the rest of the match - which is a fair tradeoff for denying the killer a hook state.


    Description: “You will not go quietly. If they try to take you, you’ll stab at them with whatever you can grab.”

    After being unhooked, this perk is active for 16/24/32 seconds.

    When the killer picks you up, succeed a difficult skill check to stun them for 5 seconds and free yourself.

    You become the Obsession when you use this perk to stun the killer.

    Cannot be activated while Exhausted. Upon landing a successful stun with this perk, become Exhausted for the remainder of the trial.

    While in chase, the countdown is paused. The countdown degrades half as fast while in the Dying state.

    The following interactions will deactivate this perk:

    Healing, repairing, cleansing, unhooking, Sabotaging, Unlocking, Opening

     Flavor-text: “’There’s nothing to be scared of… I killed him.’ - Laurie Strode’”
