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Demogorgon not able to use abilities after hooking a survivor

Sometimes when the Demogorgon hooks a survivor he can't use his abilities for the remainder of the game and the hooked survivor won't die on hook.
Happened twice today to me while playing in public matches. The first time it was the last survivor I hooked and he didn't die until I closed the hatch and the timer ended. The second time all 4 of the survivors were alive but the only ability I was able to use was teleporting between already existing portals. I decided to leave the match after trying to fix it in various ways but nothing worked. In the end game lobby the survivors said something about them not being able to see that their teammate was hooked.
Steps to reproduce:
Honestly no clue. Has happened after hooking a survivor.
Platform: PC
I do have a recording of me trying to use my abilities but apparently I can't attach mp4 files.