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Hatch Bug


Xbox One

As i was playing killer last night I encountered a bug involving the hatch on Léry’s Memorial Institute. As i closed the hatch and triggered end game a survivor ran into me I swung and downed the survivor but he/she still managed to escape through the closed hatch. Attached is a short clip I have of the bug.

1 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated

In this clip, the survivor had a key and reopened the hatch.


  • maxchienbinh
    maxchienbinh Member Posts: 92

    dedicated server. so timing might be off on her screen. not sure about xbox but on PC this happens a lot

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 810

    I see nothing wrong. Her Adrenaline popped and she used a key to open the hatch. Survivor will always be able to interact with the hatch during any mid-animation(downing animation) if the Hatch is open or they have a key to open it.

    I must assume that you're new to the game(1 post), so I'll explain: Survivors can use items and one of them are keys, that allows them to open a closed Hatch.