Playstyle change based on objective? Anyone else do this?


For instance, when I was playing to get to rank 1, I was much stealthier and careful... running DH, BT, Bond (solo player) and a random perk...

Right now I am straight BP farming, running BT and WGLF. I basically just collect points any way I can, rush the hook (I figure its not a farm if I have BT and take a WGLF hit for them). I dont care about surviving (although the 5000 bp is nice). I will gladly trade places with a camped survivor for the 2 WGLF tokens when the gates are open (assuming the math is right)


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
    edited August 2018

    I find myself playing more and more against the other survivors if I can still escape.

    I hid in a basement locker as Ace in a silly outfit. When someone got hooked there and the killer had gone I left the locker and just walked right past them at normal speed and then up the stairs without unhooking them.