Do the survivors hear their own heartbeat or the killers'?

According to Benedict Baker, they hear the killer's heartbeat.
But an note found in the fog says it is their own that the survivors hear.
What do you think?
They hear their own heartbeats from what I'm aware.
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This is disputed by a mysterious note: Again, my senses have proven to be the keys to my survival. If my heartbeat rings clear, the killer is close. If I see the red stain in my surroundings, the killer is even closer!
I think this is one of the few times Benedict Baker is just flat out wrong. Or misinformed. Hell, a lot of early game lore contradicts itself/isn't explained well.
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There's a lot of pieces of early lore that contradicts what we currently have.
This typically happens when a lot bigger of a lore focus is put on a game that's not exactly lor heavy.
Most of the stuff in early Dead by daylight used to just be flavour text something to enhance the immersion but was never really hardcore lore.
Now the lore and the backstory of becoming a lot bigger and taking more of a focus some of the flavour text lore might be changedretconed because when trying to establish a big picture the little flavour text fragments don't really align well.
Couple of examples.
Survivors who completely give up hope where hinted to become something different in the early stages of the game. This is where the concept of survivors becoming Killers came from ( this would be flavour text)
Later the concept of the Void was introduced essentially retconning that idea and suggesting now that anybody who does lose hope or Killers who will refuse to follow no matter what are just tossed aside into the void to fade away ( this is the updated lore)
Another example would be Killers interacting.
Initially it was established that they never encountered each other and were kept completely separated. ( flavour text)
Later it was then established that killers have encountered each other however very rarely with varying interactions.
Positive: Nurse and Wraith ( Currently the only positive interaction we know of the exception of the technicality of the Legion)
However some have definitely been confirmed to be extremely negative or violent towards each other. ( we don't which Killers were involved in this(
Then you have the concept of the legion who are literally four individual teenagers who literally hang out with each other most of the time they're not in a trials. (they aren't fused into one body or any variation of that idea. They are literally 4 separate people, it is even stated that they do their own separate trials)
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Acording to DBD Mobile - Survivors hear their own heartbeat.
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Its theyr own heartbeat. But something is holding their heart to explode with such a strong ans noisy beat!!!