Second Chance Perks

Let me preface this by saying that I am very much a Killer main, but I do also grind Survivor with my friends. I understand that these perks are often the only way to win against some Killers who play like a**holes.

Decisive Strike is an awful perk. It encourages Survivors to play like idiots, and allows them to entirely bully killers with entire teams running the perk. When I manage to finally down someone I get rushed by the entire SWF and they sacrifice each other to get their friend and all end up gaining DS in the process, winning them the overall fight. Whenever I play against SWF, they always run the same 3 perks, Decisive Strike, Adrenaline, and Dead Hard. I don't hate Dead Hard personally, but Adrenaline working after someone gets unhooked or when you happen to have 1 person slugged while going for another is incredibly obnoxious. Decisive Strike is in a league of its own for frustration as a Killer. Survivors bully you relentlessly knowing they essentially have a minute of invincibility. The issue I have with the perk is that it is almost a necessary evil with how a lot of Killer players play. I don't know how they could fix the perk without leaving Survivors at the mercy of the tunneling numbskulls that play Killer so often, but something has to be done about it.


  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641
    edited March 2020

    I actually find Adrenaline the least frustrating of the three you mentioned. Sure occasionally it gets someone up that was down or gives someone a free health state at the critical moment but overall it's usually not gamebreaking.

    Dead Hard in the hands of a good survivor is really strong as it gives them usually at least one more rotation out of a loop before having to drop a pallet.

    The fix to DS is simple, it should de-activate once the killer hooks another survivor. If the goal of the perk is anti-tunnel (which it clearly is looking at the design change when it was reworked) then if the killer hooks another survivor after hooking you by definition they didn't tunnel. This still accomplishes the goal of protecting an unhooked survivor from getting tunneled while also rewarding a killer who went after another survivor and happens to find this survivor again naturally.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Personally, It's Borrowed Time that I despise the most. When I bring it up, I get a ton of 'tHEn doN't CaMp!' This annoys me. In a lot of cases, I just hooked somebody, turn around, and start making my way from the hook, when *noise notification* not two seconds later. Turn back around, and there's the Jake unhooking. I go for the Jake, and the Blendette, who now has Borrowed Time, is body blocking for the savior. I can either try and work my way around, or hit her. She gets the sprint burst, and the savior just gained at least three seconds head start. It's this play, and similar other plays, that really bugs me, and unfortunately, I'm seeing it more and more.

    DS itself isn't much of an issue, at least mid game. I'd like if I could see a DS symbol over their names, just for the times when they all run the same character, but other than that, most of the match, I just slug. DS becomes an issue in the EGC. They will intentionally body block, knowing that if you down them, they're safe, and can just crawl to the exit. The same with BT. They both act as free escapes at that time.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    I try to get decisive out as early as possible so I don’t have to worry about it later or get robbed by hooking someone else and still get decisive’d 59 seconds later

    Adrenaline is adrenaline and it’s not too big of a problem unless more then two people are alive or a full swf group has it. plus it’s end game only so if you get everyone before the last gen pops then the survivor was down a whole perk

    Dead hard on the other hand is the most annoying survivor perk period. anyone who says “just bait it” either doesn’t have it or sucks at using it. it’s a perk that literally rewards players for getting hit and allows them to be more cocky, get away with mistakes, punish the killer for the mistake, increases loops, and generally make chases longer. if I had to make a bold change to dead hard i’d say make it only activate when heathy so if you’re out positioned or need to catch up to a loop before getting hit you can.

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    Borrowed Time is the worst offender of the perks imo