Sabo Rage

I am only asking because I have still seen rage post about this but why is everyone so mad and thinks the new Sabo perk is OP?
I mean with the CD use and the respawn rate of hooks now in my opinion it is next to useless unless used in team on comms. I mean I used a toolbox and broke a hook only to have that teammate get placed on another hook and still by the time the killer came back the hook above my head was already back. I know the old respawn time was 3 minutes but its more like 30 seconds now almost making Sabotage useless.
I play solo que so maybe that is why it does not feel OP to me but in my experience even with using toolboxes, I can break one hook and my teammate still gets placed on another hook and no joke I turn around and the hook I took down is back already. It came back so fast it made me question if I had even broke it in the first place. lol
JUST FYI I am not saying Respawn times are to fast at all and not asking for nerfs or power ups just asking why is SABO so OP to some people with the new 30 second or less repsawn time of hooks?
Well, two things:
First of all, this Forum is Killer-sided. Just open a Thread with "Killers are weak" and one with "Survivors are weak" and look at the responses.
Second, people here seem to base things of single games, rather than the majority of games. If in one game someone pulled off a Sabo-Move, they will open a Thread. But those 20 games where no Sabotage happened will be ignored. Its like Sabo Squads, sure, you might run into one, but this is like 1 in 200 games. And this is not even frequent, a 4 man SWF deciding to Sabo will not do this every game.
Like, for me, I have missed exactly one Hook because of Sabotage. I needed to drop the Survivor, needed to keep them slugged, they got picked up and I got my Hook later. Otherwise I usually got to another Hook.
And I have seen people going down while I was carried by the Killer in an attempt to sabotage the Hook... Resulting in the complete opposite - two Survivors down/hooked instead of one getting rescued because of Sabotage.
Sabotage (and Saboteur) are better, but not that strong. And this is good, because something which prevents one of the core mechanics of the game (putting Survivors on the Hook) should not be disabled easily.
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Because it completely negates a killers ability to do their job. Sabotaging is something that should have never been introduced into the game. It is extremely frustrating for a killer to either outplay a survivor in a chase, or even just eventually catch them after getting looped forever only to have the hooks removed right in front of their face.
Imagine if the devs gave killers the ability to completely break down fully powered generators, what would the response to that be? It may not be as severe as that, but the emotion would be similar. Playing killer is stressful enough, add in sabo squads (that know what they’re doing) on top of everything they have to deal with, most would probably stop playing after a bit.
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I literally removed the hook from the killer and she still had time to get to another hook and in that same time the hook I got rid of came back and she put me on it. I mean it is not nearly as bad as it use to be. I remember breaking hooks and they were gone for what seemed like forever. I mean the respawn rate on these hooks now are so fast it would take a team of smart SWF to use Sabo right and even then just go to another hook.
I mean don't killers have a way to break repaired gens? You just kick it right? It is kind of the same as the 30 second respawn on hooks now. The kick does about the same amount of damage then add Pop or one of those other perks, heck even as broke as Hex Ruin is if a survivor leaves the gen for even a small bit a ton of progress is undone.
I never complain anymore just FYI but just was wondering why Sabo is considered OP when I see killers pretty much at this point who even as two hooks gets broke can handle things. I think you are right though it may need to be used in the right setup with a SABO team but with the cooldown now being at a minimum 60 seconds, the respawn rate of hooks coming back so fast kind of balances it out now.
Thank you for sharing your opinion and input with me. =)
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Sabo is not a thing, its way to situational and just not worth the time mostly
Post edited by ZoneDymo on6 -
TY! I love your response! I agree 100%!!!!
People(killers) judge based off one game out off 200. Then if you point out the fact it only happened once then the argument becomes, "Well the fact is it could happen".
I guess if anything CAN happen then it should just be taken out of the game by that logic. I mean in that case take out NOED because my team COULD miss a totem or take out BT because a survivor could rescue my hooked survivor and they COULD get away. lol
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How often does this work for you?
I tried 2 games using toolboxes and all that happened to me was I sabo a hook the killer took the person to another hook and by the time she did that, the hook I broke was now back and I was placed on that hook.
I agree 100% about the SWF thing but something should be taken out because it COULD be used by a SWF squad? I understand that would suck but that 1 out of 200 games chance or whatever the odds are should not be what breaks what seems to be normal perks. SWF abuse many perks that in a normal Solo Que would be considered crap.
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No, killers can’t break repaired generators. They can knock off some progress from ones being worked on, but once the generator is completed the killer can do nothing to it.
Whereas, if a Killer does everything perfectly in a chase, the Survivors can still out play them by breaking hooks in their face. Hooks are something that the Killer absolutely needs, and on maps like the swamp, they can be far apart enough to where a sabotage will negate all of a killers work.
I think it’s on par with Keys and Moris, all of them provide too much grief and none should have ever been introduced.
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Old sabo was silly.
One survivor could just 99 every hook and completely lock down a section of the map for 3 or so minutes. The new one requires teamwork to be optimal but a full sabo/saving focused build like dead hard sabo and breakout is a viable style of play now if you use your brains.
I really like the new sabo and have actually managed to save a couple survivors as a solo by baiting missed hits and such.
Even had a few quitters who dont realise slugging is a thing at rank 1.
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@Aven_Fallen Do you have stats about that? XD Let's do a test with that. Pretty sure it will not be "killer sided". I would bet my money on "both sided". During Ruin rework I saw an equal amount of killers complaining about gen rush as I see now survivors complaining about NOED. And the yelling about Deathslinger being super weak is the same as how OP he is in chases. No need to point at anyone, both sides can be pretty niggling
@DudeDelicious Just can't believe the 90%. That would just work if you stand right beneath the killer while he is picking up. When he starts walking, he needs to walk towards you or you won't be able to get to the hook 2.5 sec faster than the killer. And when he starts walking towards you and sees you, he normally has enough time to go for another hook. As solo this normally only works out if the killer needs to walk towards you and doesn't see you, so you can sabo the hook short before he reaches the hook, because THEN he already spent some time and needs to get to the NEXT hook which has a minimum distance. While standing in the middle of hooks, he has enough time to choose a direction
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First of all, this Forum is Survivor-sided.
See what i did there?
On topic: The new sabo is pretty balanced in solo queue. Not super easy to oull off, but with a sabo time of 2.5 seconds accessable for solos. In a coordinated swf thats another story...
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Would like to see that. What if the killer doesnt go into your direction? He has normally 3 hooks in range. You still need to stand beneath the killer to be faster. Or he still needs to head towards you otherwise with that 0.32m/s advantage, you will not be able to gain distance enough to get past the killer and to the hook, 1 second earlier to finish the sabo. Body blocking the killer is already hard enough if you are beside the killer, you need to cut corners or he can body block you. And I doubt that you stand at the right hook 90% of the time
EDIT: Just saw the Breakout, which gives 7% bonus. But it is still hard to imagine that it is 90%. If this is true, I would 1) see that way more often and 2) the game would be unplayable. On PTB there were Monto, Puppers and 2 others doing a coordinated sabo squad, and they are not the worst survivors around. They died like 80% of the time
Post edited by Deadeye on1 -
That still seems like luck because most games I seem to be so far from the killer when my team goes down working on a gen on the other side that if I tried to run to a hook I for sure would not make it.
You sir must somehow happen to be near the killer or have some good luck to be in the right place at the right time. =)
I am happy it works so well for you.
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Thank you for your response. You seem to understand what I am mostly saying. Yes I agree Sabo can be OP but for it to be OP it would take a situation like you described. It would need a SWF team out to only Sabo because any time I tried to break a hook either the killer just goes to another one and it is pointless or in a few cases the hook spawns RIGHT BACK and then I get hooked on the hook I broke. lol
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And frustrating is the name of the game. I haven't been able to do it often but it is pure joy to kill a hook right in front of the face of a killer as they tried to hook the survivor. I can just imagine their rage.
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Its not op by itself or solos. But can be very annoying when SWF teams go for it.
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Kinda wish hangman was back in it pre state. It was fun watching the hook respawn after it get sabo or destroy by the entity.
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Thanks for your response. That is kind of what I think too. I mean if the devs were to rework EVERY perk abused by the RARE instances SWF abuse them then the few perks that makes Solo Que possible at times would be useless. I am one of these players who plays both sides and yes some games are worst then others but I take the win or loss and move onto the next game. =) I dislike SWF abusers even if it is rare I can still see how rude and mean it is.
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I just checked what Hangman is and it lets the killer know when a Hook is being broke. What was it pre state?
I am betting this has become a next to useless perk with how quick hooks spawn back now. =(
I mean it is good though that they do come back though. I personally do not use toolboxes anymore. They don't really speed gens up much anymore and the hooks respawn so fast now. I am just collecting them for now but I STILL enjoy the game and do my best. =)
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It's because of sabo's synergy with perk builds and SWF. You can run a tank build plus sabo and a toolbox and become a huge pain in the Killer's ass. It gets even worse when the Survivors are coordinating or they're all running similar builds.
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So not saying you are wrong because you aren't at all but, it does seem like once again it comes down to being strong in rare or certain situations. It is OP in SWF BUT in Solo Que, which I play, it is more of a annoyance. That is if it is even used at the right time. I have learned though ANY perk with good coordinated teams and SWF can seem OP but people like me and many others that play Solo Que these perks just seem....okay. lol
Thanks for your response and I hope you and your family are staying safe. =)
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Why do you consider it fun to frustrate someone else? People like you are the reason online gaming is so toxic.
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Sabo works only in SWF teams. It's usually useless outside of it.
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In it prestate killer was notified when a hook is being sabo. After a hook is destroy by the entity/ sabo it is repair within 10 second plus bear traps was repair within 60 second.
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Just gonna say it is a waste to try and talk sense to him and others like him with their mindset. They enjoy causing problems because they can from the comfort of their homes where people like that are safe and "Strong". They also would rather be the problem then work towards the solution. They think well if someone else does it then I should do it to. If someone else is toxic well the ONLY solution is I must be MORE toxic. The don't think to maybe do the opposite and kill them with kindness. I hate to say it but its like my parents and many others have said. If your friend jumps off a bridge would you and sadly the answer I am seeing from him and many others is a huge YES!
I instead try to be polite and to be nice to even the meanest of people. I will not let people break or change how I treat them and others and I would rather be the solution then the problem. =)
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Didn't Matthew himself say what made this game so fun was the frustrating aspect of it? A few days 4 man SWF was down to 2, my friend knew where the hatch was, I didn't and I had the key. I got hit by the Deathslinger and he chased me. I and my friend jumped through the hatch right in front of his face. I bet he was beyond frustrated...but it gave me a nice warm feeling inside to know that was probably the case. That wasn't the last time I did a 2-man escape with one of my keys either. Am I toxic...I suppose yes, not as toxic as I wish I could become. Not so good with the looping and flashlight blinding all game...but I do what I can.
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Only if 2 survivors are working on it.
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Do you mind me asking as a toxic player do you mind or hate when players do to you what you do to others?
I am just asking as a question and not to say at all what you are doing is wrong. I say do what makes you happy. If you think making someone else upset in your mind when they probably don't care is fun then by all means do it. =)
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I get as good as I get to reverse the old saying.
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I mostly play killer (a bit less nowadays), and new sabo is really not an issue. I've been able to get a few saves with it and Breakout, but it is still very situational and requires a survivor to be at the right place at the right time or spend a lot of time attempting the save.
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Makes sense and figured I would ask. Thanks for answering. =)
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Thanks for the feedback and yeah I figured it was more of the right time right place perk than an OP perk. Yeah sure it is strong with a SWF but so is well any perk with SWF but solo que where you have to rely on, POINT POINT or WAVE THIS WAY, that is not easy to understand enough to really coordinate anything. lol
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Hooks respawn within 10 second of being destroyed by entity/sabo. Killer was notified when a hook is being work on and traps are repair within 60 second.
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Hooks respawn within 10 second of being destroyed by entity/sabo. Killer was notified when a hook is being work on and traps are repair within 60 second.