Making Survivors Unique


One issue with survivors which I share with quite some other people is how Survivors are currently just different skins. They are not inheritely different like killers are. Now there are a lot of ways to make Survivors different.

Originally I felt it might be worthwhile to make it so Survivors would be forced to take at least one of the character specific perks. This would still allow many different build options while also allowing the killer to counterplay, the latter could now take somewhat in mind the perks the survivors can bring. However I feel this would cause a great outrage, creating limitations on what is currently possible.

So I came to the following, how about making it so Survivors which use their character specific perks are rewarded for it instead by an fourth tier of the perk. So for example a Dwight using Bond will now have a bigger aura reading range, a Claudette using Self Care is now even more efficient with it. Etc. This would make all Survivors different from eachother in a subtle way, incentivising using the character specific perks without forcing you to.

Thoughts on this?


  • DKOuToFConTRoL
    DKOuToFConTRoL Member Posts: 59

    I REALLY like the idea of the survivors not just being different skins. I have also spent a weirdly large amount of time pondering ways to do this, honestly I have not had much luck. I had considered each survivor having their 4 perks innately, it makes sense in a logical way; after all, if Meg is fast, somehow she can switch a perk and now she's... not fast? My main concern with this approach is that it would make some survivors so favored to the point of it being ridiculous, like Claudette to heal. If this approach was taken it would only be fair to give the killers all their teachables as well.

    It also work for the killer since they would know to some degree who is likely capable of what and decide how to play against them. IE Anti healing build, maybe it is better to focus on Claudette.

    I think the idea of a 4th tier could be cool, I mean you would imagine the person doing the teaching is likely better at their teachable than who they taught it to. But a similar concern comes back to making some characters extra favored over others for their play-ability. Granted you could make the same case for survivors who hide easier like Feng being smaller, so maybe I am just being silly.

    Regardless, I do agree that survivors should be more than a skin and I think your 4th level idea could be a cool way to do that!

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Claudette would be used even more. Besides; I like being able to use Dwight and Ace despite their ass tier perks.

  • DKOuToFConTRoL
    DKOuToFConTRoL Member Posts: 59

    I actually like Dwight's perks (not Prove Thyself, because it is garbage), but Bond and Leader are fun.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Something identity v does is have character traits specific to the characters, so be cool to see that. 
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Yes, even if it meant a little tweaking or slight reducing of certain perks current levels to add the fourth level practically to each character. It would be fantastic to have a unique aspect to each characters play style

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Something identity v does is have character traits specific to the characters, so be cool to see that. 

    The traits that are good and bad right?

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Milo said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Something identity v does is have character traits specific to the characters, so be cool to see that. 

    The traits that are good and bad right?

    Yeah, some have really good traits and some negatives to balance, some have not too good or bad traits. They have that as well as a universal perk web.
  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    4th level of they OWN (For only themselfs) perks sounds really cool.