Play DBD for fun (High and Low ranks)

BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
edited August 2018 in General Discussions

I've been on this forum for a bit and a lot of subjects here are touchy and result in a lot of toxic comments.

I have been made fun of, told I don't know anything about DBD and won't get any better because I'm at lower ranks.
Apparently if your at lower ranks, you know nothing, and deserve to be laughed at by higher ups.

I tried to get higher up in ranks, but that led to a lot of raging, and dc every now and then. I wasn't happy with playing DBD anymore so I decided to be a smart person and take a break.

And I thought about it for some time and remembered...ITS A GAME!!! Its made for fun and should be nothing more then that.
So I decided to start playing DBD and its great! I'm much more calm and colective, I play more better, I slowly learning how to dodge killer attacks/knowing what survivors will do during a chase, and I don't mind loosing. I get much more joy out of playing with friends and helping my fellow players, weather I'm playing killer to challenge my self/ sometimes give people free points til I get good or help out other players advance to a higher rank on which ever side I choose to play.
Heck I even have the craziest of matches that I look back on and laugh at, I even learn how to catagorize matches on how we play them.

So what I'm saying is, weather your playing Survivor or Killer, remember this is a game and remember to have fun. This is a game and a lot of people take it and ranking way to seriously. Ranking isn't a bad thing, just don't forget to have fun while challenging your self to advance, and be a good sport.


  • jwentzel987
    jwentzel987 Member Posts: 150
    Couldnt agree more. Some people need to chill. Its a game not a way of life. No one is getting paid to play it either. Unless you happen to stream and have donators lol. But seriously, this game is so much fun and I'm glad I play it and can play with my friends and have a good time even if I get killed. Good to know there are other people who dont take it so seriously
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    by "playing for fun" you mean "let the survivors all escape every time because only their fun matters"
  • jwentzel987
    jwentzel987 Member Posts: 150
    yeet said:
    by "playing for fun" you mean "let the survivors all escape every time because only their fun matters"
    Ok Debbie downer...
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    yeet said:
    by "playing for fun" you mean "let the survivors all escape every time because only their fun matters"
    @RemoveSWF is that you?
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    BLUE_APE said:

    I've been on this forum for a bit and a lot of subjects here are touchy and result in a lot of toxic comments.

    I have been made fun of, told I don't know anything about DBD and won't get any better because I'm at lower ranks.
    Apparently if your at lower ranks, you know nothing, and deserve to be laughed at by higher ups.

    I tried to get higher up in ranks, but that led to a lot of raging, and dc every now and then. I wasn't happy with playing DBD anymore so I decided to be a smart person and take a break.

    And I thought about it for some time and remembered...ITS A GAME!!! Its made for fun and should be nothing more then that.
    So I decided to start playing DBD and its great! I'm much more calm and colective, I play more better, I slowly learning how to dodge killer attacks/knowing what survivors will do during a chase, and I don't mind loosing. I get much more joy out of playing with friends and helping my fellow players, weather I'm playing killer to challenge my self/ sometimes give people free points til I get good or help out other players advance to a higher rank on which ever side I choose to play.
    Heck I even have the craziest of matches that I look back on and laugh at, I even learn how to catagorize matches on how we play them.

    So what I'm saying is, weather your playing Survivor or Killer, remember this is a game and remember to have fun. This is a game and a lot of people take it and ranking way to seriously. Ranking isn't a bad thing, just don't forget to have fun while challenging your self to advance, and be a good sport.

    I do have fun with it, however this thread by you :

    Kind of shows you have a lot of hate for Killers. This was why you got hate on the forums. You got pissed at Killers, and decided to come here and ######### talk them about camping. 

    Skilled or unskilled, doesn’t matter. You were low ranks, maybe those Killers were new, and didn’t know any better? Maybe they found camping fun, hooking someone and waiting for their team mates to show up and preying on their Altruism just like many psycho movie Killers use “the token white girl” protagonist as bait. Maybe fun for some folks is being Tryhard going for high ranks, their fun is ranking up, and if they don’t, they don’t have fun. 

    We weren’t laughing at you, (well Lowbei was, but you’ll learn to just ignore him), but many of us were angry you wanted to bash Killers for just playing the game the way they wanted. You might not like it, but that’s no reason to come on here and bash Killers. 
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142
    @SovererignKing As always you say what I want to say but you word it much better. 
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @SovererignKing said:

    Kind of shows you have a lot of hate for Killers. This was why you got hate on the forums. You got pissed at Killers, and decided to come here and ######### talk them about camping. 

    Skilled or unskilled, doesn’t matter. You were low ranks, maybe those Killers were new, and didn’t know any better? Maybe they found camping fun, hooking someone and waiting for their team mates to show up and preying on their Altruism just like many psycho movie Killers use “the token white girl” protagonist as bait. Maybe fun for some folks is being Tryhard going for high ranks, their fun is ranking up, and if they don’t, they don’t have fun. 

    We weren’t laughing at you, (well Lowbei was, but you’ll learn to just ignore him), but many of us were angry you wanted to bash Killers for just playing the game the way they wanted. You might not like it, but that’s no reason to come on here and bash Killers. 

    True I ranted, but I'm done now and I'm not even looking at that thread.
    I understand that some new killers will camp and be toxic without realizing it. I'll amit camped ONCE, I was playing as wraith for a "Daily rituel" that wouldn't let me change it. after I hooked someone, I turned invisible, waited and after the hooked person was saved, I chased after the person who wasn't just on the hook, uncloaked and then on played fair.

    If you find camping fun? Then I'm sorry, but usually when people camp its because they want to win. And one match in particular with a leather face calling the 3 who escaped pussie's after we managed to get by his strat didn't help either.

    Also Lowbie was going way to far, if I see his account any more how do I block it?

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Baphomett said:
    yeet said:
    by "playing for fun" you mean "let the survivors all escape every time because only their fun matters"
    How did you get that out of his post?  I swear, I could post a picture of rainbows and puppy dogs on this forum and the first response would be salt from a cat lover.
    Probably had something to do with the OP stating they have a great time playing with friends(ie abusing voice coms) and farming with the survivors when playing killer. Clearly the OP does not understand the stress of playing killer when the Survivors hold all the power and many go out of their way make the game miserable for you because they can.

     It's like having playing in snow and the other kids in the neighborhood repeatedly holding you down and washing your face with snow. All the while telling you it's fine because you all are supposed to be having fun.
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Baphomett said:

    yeet said:

    by "playing for fun" you mean "let the survivors all escape every time because only their fun matters"

    How did you get that out of his post?  I swear, I could post a picture of rainbows and puppy dogs on this forum and the first response would be salt from a cat lover.

    Probably had something to do with the OP stating they have a great time playing with friends(ie abusing voice coms) and farming with the survivors when playing killer. Clearly the OP does not understand the stress of playing killer when the Survivors hold all the power and many go out of their way make the game miserable for you because they can.

     It's like having playing in snow and the other kids in the neighborhood repeatedly holding you down and washing your face with snow. All the while telling you it's fine because you all are supposed to be having fun.

    I already said I plan maining killer soon. so what eles is there to say?
    I'm going to see how hard it is real soon and I'll tell you when, and when I want to actually advance in ranks.

  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    When I first started playing I was a sweaty Survivor and Killer (like real sweat on my brow type of thing).

    As I found out there's no real reward for ranking (other than playing with people who are a "little" better, strategically), I wasn't as worried about it so I just play to have fun.

    Without using items and just getting all my Survivors to 40 to unlock teachable perks, I managed to hit Rank 6 (as well as getting Leatherface to 40 and Hag to 30 something). Once I finish with Denson I'll start working on the Killers more.

    It's a game. I treat it as such. If I'm not having fun with it that night I'll turn it off and play one of the other 100's of games that I have.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BLUE_APE said:
    I've been on this forum for a bit and a lot of subjects here are touchy and result in a lot of toxic comments.

    I have been made fun of, told I don't know anything about DBD and won't get any better because I'm at lower ranks.
    Apparently if your at lower ranks, you know nothing, and deserve to be laughed at by higher ups.

    I tried to get higher up in ranks, but that led to a lot of raging, and dc every now and then. I wasn't happy with playing DBD anymore so I decided to be a smart person and take a break.

    And I thought about it for some time and remembered...ITS A GAME!!! Its made for fun and should be nothing more then that.
    So I decided to start playing DBD and its great! I'm much more calm and colective, I play more better, I slowly learning how to dodge killer attacks/knowing what survivors will do during a chase, and I don't mind loosing. I get much more joy out of playing with friends and helping my fellow players, weather I'm playing killer to challenge my self/ sometimes give people free points til I get good or help out other players advance to a higher rank on which ever side I choose to play.
    Heck I even have the craziest of matches that I look back on and laugh at, I even learn how to catagorize matches on how we play them.

    So what I'm saying is, weather your playing Survivor or Killer, remember this is a game and remember to have fun. This is a game and a lot of people take it and ranking way to seriously. Ranking isn't a bad thing, just don't forget to have fun while challenging your self to advance, and be a good sport.

    Ive been saying this for ages now.
    Dont wanna play nurse and use tryhard builds all the time? Derank and have fun with "meme builds" in low rank