Why I Camp,Tunnel and Run NoEd

I've had this game a while and I play alot of killer I will admit im not the best but I used to play fairly as Myers and have tuff but fun games when i got matched up with people my skill level but recently ive been getting ranked up against red Ranks SWF who are super Toxic Gen Rushing Looping and all that stuff and it's made it so unfun because after the matches they would give me crap. So I was tired of it as i said im good but not red rank so getting matched up against red ranks drove me Insane. So I thought How do i counter this well stoop to their level. So I started maining Doctor Running NoEd and camping because it works its honestly one of the best counters against SWF After that i realised just how toxic the community is and its a shame cause since matchmaking is broken i just have to be Toxic and sadly it works I know i dont help the situation at all but this feels like the only way to play when im skill capped at rank 12 and get put against rank 1s and because of my strats im rank 8


  • jus_Ignant
    jus_Ignant Member Posts: 124

    I thought the post was going to say....because I can.

    You play how you want to play and let the babies cry about it.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Although I would say that, I reached rank one with only one meta perk, Iron will, along with aftercare, lithe and spine chill.

    When I play killer, there are alot of meta builds, but there are the odd people who use fun and interesting builds.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Their perk slots, they put what they want in it, same way a killer gets to choose their own perks for their slots.

    It isn't like every survivor has the same loadout anyway so I don't really understand the moaning about the meta build. It is so rare I actually see anyone with it all.

    Even if I do, I still get 4 kills often and I don't have to spend half a match stood still.

    They never get to use DS on me so that is a waste of a perk slot unless they're a team who are all dressed the same and multiple injured/broken. Dead Hard might work the first time but after that I just wait for them to use it and then hit.

    In my SWF group(which is a pool of about 6 people of varying ranks from 1 to 13) we have 1 DS, 1 Unbreakable, 0 Dead hard, 1 Adrenaline. All of those are on different people, nobody has more than 1 of them. There are two rank 1 people in the 6 and neither of them use any of those perks.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    play however u want, but don't complain when people counterplay you. or play how they want.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    This is a PvP game. It's normal that people play to win and there is nothing wrong with using strong game mechanics (for both survivors and killers).

    Also the killer's role is not to be the fun provider for survivors.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Honestly, yes. The most efficient way to counter a swf that each survivor from that group have a thousand hours more than you, is to camp and tunnel. SWF are known for being over altruistic. If one of their friend is hooked, most of the times atleast 2 of the 3 survivors left will go for the save, letting 1 guy doing gens. The guy that is doing gens will do aprox 1.6 gens till the guy you hooked is dead. If they manage to save him, you down him again, less time for doing gens for that one guy. in a 3v1 scenario, after the first guy is dead, if you camp and tunnel its pretty much a gg. They will try to save the hooked guy or they will try to do the gens and escape. If they choose to do the gens and let the guy die, it will be atleast 1 gen that has to be done after that. In that time you can start a chase, get closer to the survivor and when the gen is popped NOED. Yay you get atleast a 3k!

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    You play the game the way you want to. If you feel like using certain strats and running certain Perks will help you win and have more fun, go for it.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    Definitely the most toxic ways of playing are the most effective in this game. I'm running a little slug experiment and collecting some data that I'll be sharing in the future.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    The most pathetic feeling is when you go into the match knowning that you're going to loose. This is your noed, camping, tunneling, mentality.

    "Git gud" is made exactly for you and the others who doing that.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    As a killer, if survivors are toxic, be toxic.

    As a survivor, if the killer is toxic, be toxic.

    Simple as.

    Play however you want.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah staring at a person, is petty much what i think about when i hear the words camping or tunneling. Which normally leads to to one of two outcomes. Everyone doing gens and getting alive with at least three survivors if not the whole team. That or everyone dying, trying to save the one person. Now if you were hooking a survivor and notice one of their friends nearby. than performing a classic loop around would be different. Since you are trying to catch them off, using the knowledge that someone is nearby. Since if you are just staring at someone until they die. It sounds like you are not going to get much out of it, unless the whole team really wants to save that one person. Heck, stabbing and chasing other survivors would give you more blood points at least, than just staring at someone until they die. That and if they are running bbq perk, well hooking that person might of just gave you information as to where the other survivors are.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    So true. Kills me when people use these strategies running bbq.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I will admit that in my inexperience as A Killer, I relied too heavily on camping and tunneling and as I got better, I could start to adapt to survivor rulebooks to get more bp and have a decent time with everyone but the toxic survivor community of harassing killers after the game was what broke me. Being forced to cut off communication with the gaming community, so I’m not harassed, is a sad reality about my time with DbD. Now I flipped my mindset on how I play with survivors and unless I see they are very potato or I feel bad because my advantage is much too strong, I’ll normally tunnel or camp just because it feels good. Go ahead and get salty and try to message me now (aww you can’t lol)

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Ahem, the emblem system would like to have a word with you.

    "Didn't provide enough fun for survivors, ended game too quickly, no pip for you"

    So by your admission you refuse to attempt to get better. Ok then.

    Also I'm genuinely confused what harassment you are actually experiencing if you aren't getting messaged and you don't stick around in post-game chat. What's the worst thing you could be dealing with at that point? Someone t-bagging at an exit gate or a pallet? Flashlight blinding? Gotta be honest if that minor level of "harassment" is triggering you that much video games just may not be a healthy pursuit for you, or at least maybe you should stick to single player games.

    Bottom line as others have said play how you want, but I'm sure you know as well as I do this type of playstyle more often than not results in a de-pip, and a paltry amount of BP. If you have no desire to actually succeed in the game, why even play it? Seems like another game would make a lot more sense.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I understand your frustration, but would caution you not to fall victim to the toxicity. I have long tried to view the game from both sides even though I play killer 80 percent of the time. Lately it has been difficult as killer because all I face are 4 man SWF that just want to bully the killer. I already struggle with the maps due to no colorblind mode, but facing 15 SWF out of 18 matches makes it that much more frustrating.

    I thought I'd take a break and play survivor. HUGE mistake. I was slugged for the entire game 4 matches in a row. Tunneled to death in the 5th game. Face camped in the 7th, and slugged 2 more times.

    I loaded killer with the sweatiest build possible and ebony mori for 3 matches before realizing I was not enjoying being part of the problem.

    Don't let them ruin the game for you.

  • Entropius
    Entropius Member Posts: 63

    I agree with this. I also give you all props for being able to read their massive run-on sentences. It was very hard to read.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited March 2020

    Camping against swf is probably the best strat.

    They just leave gens and try to squad save and it's kinda predictable. You can tell they are swf even without checking their profiles when they try to hook rush with 2 or all 3. A lot of them do.

    And I really don't see how camping like that is "toxic".

    Post edited by BigBubs on
  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Gen rushing isn't real dude. It's the main objective and totems are optional. Maybe you aren't ending chases soon enough. Sorry your having trouble though.

  • M4ST3RM1ND
    M4ST3RM1ND Member Posts: 33

    Then don't cry if you get tunneled or camped, killing it's killer's objective, isn't it?

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Your right gen rushing isnt a thing. It's wrong to tell survivors of someone is being canoed to just do gens then to complain and day you got gen rushed. The problem is 2 gens pop before the first survivor is hooked. Gens are being done way to fast for killers to be able to just apply pressure.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    Okay? They are allowed to play the game how they want, you are not entitled to tell someone how to play the game. I know! Maybe lets figure out why killers have the need to camp and tunnel *cough* ruin nerf *cough* insane god loops.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    there shouldn’t even be a survivor rule book. The “rules” contained within this rule book should just become part of the game in the form of discouragement for these killers to camp and tunnel. Or a buff for the survivors to stave off the killer for a penalizing amount of time for doing so. I don’t believe DS is long enough. You have to understand it’s not fun to come in and just die for you anyways. Why should anyone do that if the odds are once you get hooked or caught you won’t be able to play the game after that? Why should I continue playing? Why shouldn’t I be mad at that? These are things that should be addressed/countered hard through survivor perks or items. Neither of which are really effective enough in my opinion. If it’s a one time use DS then I want more than 5 seconds because you actually lose a second dropping back to the ground so 4 seconds. Well, track marks last 7. So he’s right back on you again. Then you got Mori’s. I understand people think they need them to keep up, but that’s not true. Why should killers be given short cuts because they aren’t controlling the map like they should?ive seen it done hooking everyone without camping (12 hooks) So why are they in the game if it’s possible? They tell survivors to get good, but the way killer players come on here and complain and whine, it sounds like you need to get good 😂 they hand killers so many crutches.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Where did I tell him how to play the game?

    I said you're not playing it properly and you do it because you are bad at the game and you get off on any form of attention.

    There is no reason to camp and tunnel. I play killer in red rank and I have never camped or tunnelled so don't come moaning at me about a ruin nerf causing these behaviours when both of these things existed before ruin was changed. It is an excuse that killers give to make out like they have no choice but to do it, but actually they do it because they're ######### at the game and can't play any other way.

  • Dahliasdollie
    Dahliasdollie Member Posts: 46

    "Just take a break from the game and play again when you can be less desperate for negative attention?" Lmao now that we got that slow brain to start working, i am also a red rank killer and I HIGHLY DOUBT you can play clown get a 4k without tunneling. Please show us

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Okay and? You're ruining the game for other people whilst simultaneously ruining your own potential for growth in the game. Play how you want, just don't expect everyone to be happy about it

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    Toxic survivors make killers camp. If killers didn’t have awful games when “playing fair” and then get taunted afterwards, they probably wouldn’t go into the next game to camp. Toxicity breeds toxicity. I say let them be mad.

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    can only blame you know who for still making camping and toxicity possible in 2020. kids like OP will never improve and are an anchor to the progression of this game. should be worth no more than a statistic as a player

  • Hsizzle
    Hsizzle Member Posts: 74

    well duh. normal people want their friends to have fun, they will attempt team orientated saves. no one wants to watch their friend sit on a hook because youre a skilless clown who thinks playing with their friends is OP. maybe get some friends so you can swf and see how you feel when your friend is being camped for little to no reason

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    How is looping toxic?? LOL. You obviously have not tried to improve if looping is considered "toxic". How are survivors supposed to get away from the killer? Just run right at you??

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2020

    The fact that you said "Looping" in one of the reasons why you tunnel, camp and run noed tells me your skill and how misunderstanding of the game you are, what do you expect the survivor to do if he knows how to run the killer? to wait and let you kill him? still the reasons you mentioned are a bit lame, i'd say watch some streamers and get better at the game instead of playing your sweat game

    let me tell you something, when I see survivors coming with FL and SWF am actually happy cause it means its gonna be a good game, we gonna have fun all of us, if they hide and ######### then its boring, M1 M1 Hook Damage Gen

    where is the fun now?

    if every killer kills all 4 every time it means the game isnt balanced,

    there is no winners or losers, every one makes points of this game.. so make points, allow survivors to make points

    your AIM is to Hook Survivors, Chase, Damage Gens, Sacrifice

    their AIM is to Unhook, Fix Gens, Open Gate, Search Chest, Cleanse totems

    When you camp you just killing the fun for everyone, especially the one camped, am sure he didnt get into the game to keep pressing SPACE

    Did you get into the game to Stand and M1 anyone coming close? then you need to find another game my friend

    Post edited by Rexis on
  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    Watch a good streamer. They're red rank and never camp or tunnel people.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Play as you please, but as a killer main here's my advice. Camping and tunneling doesn't make you a better at killer. The way that game is killer;s have to be ######### to even have a remote chance of either having fun or winning and survivor's hate that, but they don't realize that they brought it on themselves. Ignore all the survivor bullshit, ignore postgame chat and say gg and move on

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Ehm...Did you even read what I said?

    I didn't say "don't save your friends". Go ahead and do, but when you run at the hook in the open not trying to hide it's kinda obvious you bait the killer and even more if the killer sees all of you, and it would be pretty stupid of the killer to chase when he knows everyone is trying to save and no one is doing generators. If that's how you play with your friends then you don't have any right to whine about the killer camping.

    And I did play with friends before and guess what - they won't beg me to save if the killer is camping, and would be ok dying because they are not as dumb as your friends (apparently) who seem to not understand that if the killer is camping there's a good chance that one or more will go down if they go saving them. And when I do go for saves I don't run in the open with all the others. I actually try to get to the hook unnoticed. Maybe you should try that with your friends.

    Btw maybe you could try playing a bit more solo , maybe then you would actually get good at the game and understand what I am talking about.


    Playing with friend in a dumb way and getting camped? Guess what - you get what you f'ing deserve.

    Some killers camp for no reason, nothing to do about that. Just gen rush and escape.


    I play survivor and killer equally. But go ahead and call me "killer main" lol.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    "You camp and tunnel because you refuse to improve at the game."

    This and I am trash and it is the only way I can kill anybody.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Don't sit in an after game lobby and complain that you're getting crap in the chat. That's the biggest reason to just move on to the next game afterward, not sit and read chat.

    It's just baffling to me that you say you play in a toxic way like this on, what seems like, a regular basis, and then complain about the community is toxic..? You said yourself you aren't helping the situation. In my opinion you're just doing things that are inviting back that exact toxicity you hate.

    Even I, once in a while, camp, tunnel, or might end up using NOED (I don't really as of now or in the past) because I know there's certain situations where it's smart to do. But to change your playstyle and just do that *as a rule* is just kind of... sad... to me.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Ok, cool. If you wanna do that it's up to you, just try to have fun with it yea? Because from your post you don't sound like you're having fun at all and should probably take a break from this game.

    Also gonna add that doing gens and looping is not toxic. I don't know why you'd call red rank survivors toxic when all they're doing is playing the game better than you (and I don't mean any offense that is literally what they're doing)

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    If players are being legitimately toxic or rude, who cares if you face camp or tunnel them? But just making face camping and tunneling your standard play is sad and lazy. It shows no skill and ruins the game for survivors who also just want to have fun. The difference between people being toxic to killers vs. people being toxic to survivors is that killers can do something about it. You can catch people, hook them, face camp them to death if you want. Survivors have no recourse for toxic killers anymore. They're expected to just grin and bear it. So just be nice. I have a killer your rank and I never get paired with R1 survivors unless an R1 happens to be in a SWF with lower lvl ppl. It can't happen that often.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Same can be said for many of the survivor's meta perks.

    Survivors might want to bring fun builds but when they are met with a tryhard camping ebony mori killer, they opt not to.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    That isn't me telling him how to play the game that is me saying take a ######### break if you're so desperate for negative attention that it takes over your entire game. Maybe in time he can calm down from whatever broke his little baby heart and start enjoying the game again. Nobody enjoys standing still no matter what they claim in post game chat.

    The only possible enjoyment from it is the enjoyment you get from ruining a game for someone else. Which again, really needs to result in the person playing that way to take a break from the game and assess their priorities, especially in the current climate.

    I have had multiple 4ks as a clown without camping or tunnelling against red ranks. I don't even aim for 4 kills every game. I play the game to have fun, not to be hyper serious and miserable if it doesn't go my way. Try having a bit more fun with the game and you might be less likely to obsess over 4 kills. Which is clearly your current measure of "fun".

    Also, why would I show you? Why would I invite you to watch me play a game I play for fun? So you can criticise me if it goes badly and make excuses if it goes well?

    It will either be:

    "HAHAHAHAH THEY BEAT YOU AFTER YOU SAID YOU ALWAYS 4K" (Which I have never said but you would completely avoid that fact in order to try and criticise my game)


    "You only got 4k because they were potatoes"

    Either way it wouldn't be possible for me to have my point validated because you're obsessed with your own point which is because it isn't possible for YOU to do it, then nobody can.

    There are plenty of people who play this game for a living. Watch them get 4 kills as a clown in red rank. I'll just stick to playing for fun and not crying every time a game doesn't go my way, be that a survivor game or a killer game. Try it sometime, it might make you a little more interesting to interact with.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Please remember to keep comments civil and constructive. Discuss the topic at hand rather than the people making the posts.