How to blink - mechanically ?

Hi there,
Before you tell me to check our youtube or written guides, hear me out. These guides discuss a lot of useful tips like when to use blinks to cover distance, correcting blinks, fatigue, cooldown timers, all sorts of things about blinking... but never quite how you do it. *Like literally what you do with your mouse*
I've played about 10 games with Nurse so my blinks are getting in the vague area I want to go but I still don't know how blink works.
Specifically I never seem to get my second blink off and fatigue after one. I also notice if I'm next to an object I can't blink for the second time. Is this a thing or an incorrect assumption?
Also a lot of the time I am trying to blink but I wont go through an object. Usually half tiles like barrels, wood piles, etc.
Anyone know of any guides, or section of them, where it describes mouse use while blinking and the * how to physically blink, mechanically * and not where, when, etc.
Best Answer
Well, the "i can't blink through this and this" is a bug that is in this game for god knows how long.
There's a brown add on you can use on nurse to see where you will blink, i suggest you to use it so you can get comfortable with her power.
It's Plaid Flannel
I believe most of the guides you've probably seen has covered this, but i'll explain it down below anyways. When you blink, you're moving forward at a set distance, this distance you cover depends on how long you charge the blink, whether that be the first or second blink you're using, and where your camera is tilted at that moment.
You can also reduce your blink range by tilting your camera up (to gain more distance) or tilting your camera down (to reduce your distance, even when your blink is fully charged). You can actually maneuver over a few obstacles by slightly tilting your camera up just a bit, doing so will allow you to gain more distance, which might blink over the obstacle.
I say might, because some obstacles are insanely hard to blink over due to their hitboxes. Some examples to this are the tire piles, rocks, bushes, etc. It really depends on where you camera is tilted and how long your blink has been charged. You can actually get a better idea of what I mean by using the add-on above "Plaid Flannel". This add-on can help you get an idea of where you're actually going, so i'd recommend using that add-on first to get an idea of how the mechanic works WITH the suggestions I gave above. Just use that add-on if you'd like to get a better handle of the blink mechanics, when you're trying to learn a new Killer power, it's best to learn through the base-kit power itself.
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I honestly wouldn't try learning nurse right now with all her game breaking bugs
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What game breaking bugs?
Most of the issues haven been taken care of since I last checked.
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Have they? I haven't seen a single one been addressed by a dev and haven't seen any fixed in patch notes, but maybe I missed them
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Can you name some of the bugs that come to mind? Since a lot of the past issues with The Nurse on the new maps, the bugs with her add-ons, etc have been mostly fixed.
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The one's that make her unable to blink through objects/force her to baby blink, the one that will force you to go the basement despite not looking at it, the addon bugs that break her speed. If those and others were fixed that's great, because they were there for a long time
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Thank you! This addon is saving my life. It actually seems like something that should be a standard part of the UI but anyway as I'm levelling her during the BP event I have 15 of these suckers so I will be getting to use it for a long while. Thanks!
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The ones about objects is somewhat fixed, the most prominent one was the Temple of Wrath statues you couldn't blink though. The basement one i'm not too sure, and the add-on bugs SHOULD be fixed now, especially the add-ons that were causing various... "things to happen".
I can't say EVERYTHING is fixed with a smile on my face, but a few things have been fixed yes.