How do people still not realize that tunneling is one of the only ways to create permanent pressure.



  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    This killer mentality is so prevalent that the idea of me queuing into a match without sprint burst iron will and bt is very unwise. I'm numb to the tunnel and these three perks just help me fight this "oh here we go again" strat and have made the perks downright mandatory for me.

    I guess I should be happy to have that 4th perk slot free..

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Tunneling is definitely more efficient than rotating.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I wonder sometimes if the survivor off the hook knows how much danger they are in and why they aren't doing something smarter then self caring. They go back up on the hook and quit or get a mori to the face for their questionable effort.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited March 2020

    I wish I could show my appreciation in game I really do but I don't want to be misunderstood when the only form of communication in game is teabagging pointing and beckoning. What would you take as a sign of appreciation in game?

    We literally teabag each other to say hello. I even see it as killer, a survivor will squat as if to say good luck.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Right, survivors hop right back on the nearest gen injured because they think this weird code will keep them safe.

    I won’t tunnel, but you have to do your part as survivor too. Get away from the hook and maybe heal up.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    NOED? Rancor? Devour Hope? Haunted Ground? Blood Warden? Iron Maiden? Make your Choice? Not to mention killers have the ability to face camp and mori?

    Half of those perks literally only activate due to a killer tunneling.. DS and BT are literally anti-tunneling perks.. Dont tunnel and they're useless.

    Dead Hard isn't a 2nd chance perk, it's no different than 99%'ing exhaustion for Sprint Burst or having Lithe.

    Unbreakable and Adrenaline are the only legit 2nd chance perks.. and 1 is payback for slugging someone for 20 seconds.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    It works but it's not fun for the survivor. You can also tunnel so hard it's detrimental to the match since you're not patrolling gens although a Mori lets you get rid of the survivor very quickly.

    I play both and I dislike playing scummy. If a survivor provokes me (flashlight clicking, teabagging) yeah I might tunnel them out of spite but I find the idea of going into the match with the mindset of "Alright I'm gonna tunnel the first survivor I see" sort of messed up.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean, as a strategy tunnelling gets worse and worse the better the survivors you're versing are.

    If they're somewhat decent, you'll get BTd, DSd and genrushed to oblivion while the survivor runs you around.

    Of course, if you find a weak link and exploit it, it works. And I don't even blame the player in this case. Tunnelling is anti-fun and unhealthy but it's not the player's fault, it's the game's fault. The only way to fix this is by making tunnelling and camping more punishing and rewarding the killer for going for different people. In the current state of the game, you don't have the time to kill everyone without playing "scummy" if the survivors are good, with most killers at least.

    Remember guys, don't blame the player unless they're deliberately making your experience in particular miserable.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Yeah but it depends on how you're doing it. Tunneling can just as easily lead to a pretty decent advantage as it can lead to a complete throw of your game. I can think of several situations where you wouldn't want to tunnel one person down. It really just depends on the situation, but no it's not "one of the only ways."

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    So to ensure your having fun and a good game you decided to completely wreak someone else's experience? I'm pretty sure eventually you'll complain when someone does this too you as Karma.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    It’s incredibly frustrating as survivor almost every match. Someone has to go down eventually. Nobody’s running the killer around for all 5 gens without a down and hook. So why is it that guy never gets off the hook? So what you found me? 🤷‍♂️ Big deal. Why make it so punishing though to play the game as survivor? I agree. Harsher penalties for hook camping or tunneling needs to be in place. It’s a cheap way to get Mori’s and A Free hook running somebody through sacrificial stages. Then killers just rub it in your face at the end of the match with these “gg ez” messages as if these mf are entitled to their 4Ks lol and I have red/purple rank survivors on my team. Here’s the killer sitting at green rank with 2 perks equipped and he don’t even need the other two apparently. And here people complain about gen speed nahhhhh. I’d rather do anything else than stare at a progress bar longer on a generator and a teammate bleeding out faster on the hook. That’s killer having the advantage.

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    But who said you should 4k every time? If you do then game is not balanced! why should I play a survivor if all killers 4k every time? its a 5 man game play my friend and not only yours, am sure the guy on the hook didnt sign up for a game to be pressing SPACE on struggle the entire game!

    maybe watch some killer main streamers they do 4k often without being toxic and taking a lame excuse to justify their trashy game play! yeah ill say it to you then, get good :)

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    edited March 2020

    I used to think like that, until I realised how pressure works on this game: By tunneling someone to death you're applying absolutely zero pressure to the other survivors. But lets say you managed to tunnel "Fedoraman27" to death, there's 1 gen left, you can handle it easily, right? No. The other survivors were not hooked once, so you're not going to kill someone fast enough to win and if you tunnel someone, its over. So no, it doesn't work like that, so no need to destroy "Fedoraman27"'s fun hoping that you're going to win. pls don't tunnel :)

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Good thing that Peanits with BT is always around to protect me. My hero. 😍

    Also, why DS is a perk? Are our devs making a pay to win game? Now Im scared of the future.😭