Is this okay? (The Rift)

Is this okay? To only be lvl 57 when i have completed all of the challenges of the archives?
Had i been atleast close to completion than thats a different story, but its not like im some master gamer or anything like that, but i wanted to complete the rift and i dont have enough free time to play for several hours everyday so i did challenges. And expected that i would be close to my goal when i was done, but as you can see from my screenshots, this is far from the truth.
Do you agree or disagree with me on the matter? Tell me about your thoughts and what they can or shouldn't do about in the comments.
One thing i know they shouldn't do is nothing...
I would either increase the amount of shards for every challenge or remove all the filler tiers and cut it down to 50 tiers. Making it more obtainable would be more healthy in my opinion since this rift is "forcing" me to play more than i want, because i want to complete it all. And that causes burnout, wich is not good for either player or company.
Is the dev team aware of how unbalanced the grind is @not_Queen @Peanits ?
It wouldn't be so bad if matchmaking were quicker.
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I made it to tier 70 with some incomplete challenges, although I have played alot the last few weeks due to the virus.
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I have no doubt that it is easier for people to obtain tier 70 considering the world situation, but as you can see from my screenshots this is clearly not the case for everyone. To top of the fact that i now have 13 levels left i have no goals ingame making me burnout even quicker my 3 games after completing the last challenge completely turned me off from even playing DBD at all. And that is an issue that can and should be looked into.
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Fair enough, everyone has different play times, so yes this should be looked into.
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Ive only just reached tier 63 with 2 challenges left and ive been long since burned out the archives felt like a commitment to a overly attached partner aka you cant go see your friends, i dont want you playing any other game...because of the archives ive even started dcing from matches because i get way to stressed out because im no longer having fun i want to play it for fun and get the rewards but the archives just demolishes fun
The archives needs to be wayyy easier on the grinding side, the archives felt like it was made for red rank only
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I don't play every day, when I play it's less than two hours, I didn't complete all the challenges, and I'm 70.
I don't know how often you play, but if you expect completing the rift playing one day per weeks...
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Yes it’s ok just because you own the game does not mean you deserve all it’s rewards.
play more and unlock or just suck it up and pay.
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Ive played every day since the release of tome 2 and im still quite far off but in all fairness ive mainly played survivor this month and killers have certainly increased with their tunnelling and camping tactics or atleast the ones i keep getting
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I mean, yeah it's "okay" because it's free stuff and paying for it is totally optional. Saying that it's not okay for the devs to give us free stuff because the free stuff isn't easy enough to get would be a rather entitled attitude to take.
Having said that, I do agree that it's not ideal, because grinding tiers beyond the challenges is a bit of a slog. Personally, as a player, I would really like it if there were about 50-60 tiers' worth of Fragments in the challenge rewards alone, which would pretty much guarantee that anyone who completed the challenges would complete the Rift.
However, at the same time, from a business standpoint, given that each of those outfits would be worth about $10 in the Store, and the Rift gives us about a dozen outfits for that same price (at least two of which are completely free), I can understand why they would make the grind so great, to match the substantial reward.
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In the free track you don't really get anything of value. No shards, no auric cells, no splinters to play unowned characters. What you do get is a couple of reskins, community created content and some charms that frankly don't belong in this game. All the valuable stuff and actuall cool skins (besides the community created ones) is in the paid track. And even though you get a "good" deal. The base asking price for the cosmetics was already to damn high, when they pump out 2-3 new skins every other week that cost more than a whole chapter! Then i think it's safe to say that they have blown up their prices way beyond proportions. I say that depending on the quality their true prices should range between 1-5 dollars at max, unless its charity type of content.
But that actually isn't the point. Im a completionist, like most people are. And the company knows that that is something that can be exploited, hence why its so grindy. Tempting me to pay real money for something that has no real value. And even when im doing everything they require of me and putting in an substantial amount of time, they need more of my time... Alot more, or you know... Money.
I don't think it is entitled to expect to get the reward when all the challenges you have been presented with have been completed. If that is through brute grinding or skillfully completing all challenges both should be rewarded. If only the whales and the people who have dedicated their lives to play dbd is the only ones that should have the ability to get all the rewards then the battlepass has shown its true face... Corporate greed.
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Whether or not the free rewards are good is irrelevant (although personally, I think the community skins are great), the point is that they're free. And of course most of the good stuff is on the premium track - if it weren't, no one would buy it.
The challenge rewards are Rift Fragments, bloodpoints, lore and specific charms. The items on the Rift are not for completing challenges, so no, you shouldn't expect to get a reward which wasn't promised. If you, having spent as much time as you want or are able to on the Rift, feel that the premium items are worth $10, you can pay $10 for them. Offering you an item in exchange for money, being completely upfront about exactly how what you're paying for and how much, isn't exploitative, it's business. If they were trying to sell the Rift to children, that might be considered exploitative, because children don't have the capacity for critical decision-making that adults do. But everyone who plays this game is, or should be, an adult, so it's up to them to exercise self-control, rather than making impulse buys and then blaming the company for being too good at marketing.
As for the Store prices, they're worth as much as people are willing to pay for them. That's how capitalism works. As long as people are happy to pay $10 per outfit, they can reasonably charge $10 per outfit. They may be too expensive for you, but if that's the case, you don't have to buy them. I already said I would like it if the Rift were easier, and for that matter, I would like it if the Store items were cheaper, as a player, because that would suit me. But as a business, of course they're going to charge as much as people are willing to pay for those things. You can call that "corporate greed" if you like, but really all it is is good sense.
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I believe doing almost 6/7 of the entire thing based only on the challenges is pretty fair.
You get a lot of things at that point.
Unlocking everything just with the challenges would be too much.
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yeah i too think that the last levels are way too grindy (currently tier 68)
i was thinking of maybe an event in the last week of the rift where you gain double progress towards Rift Fragments?
would be nice for those that - like you - are somewhere around tier 60 and want to finish it, as it would cut the required grind in half.
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No it's not ok if you have to pay to unlock the bottom portion the least they could do is give u maybe 10 tiers free or more like other battlepasses for other games.. the grind is insane I spent an entire day Sunday and got up maybe 2 or 3 levels. That is not ok. A good comparison is apex legends that I play I can level up quite easily on there I'm around level 70 out of 110 and have about 40ish days left to finish easily obtainable for casual play. Dbd hell no the rift was not made for casuals it was made for the tryhards or the ppl that will grind this game every single day it's burning a lot of people out including myself
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@deeziebaby your allowed your opinion on it. I will say this game isn't as bad as some games out there. And I promise you this game wish's it had a grind. As what little grind it has is all the content it has.
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@deeziebaby ok wait let's talk about final fantasy 11 you know the game were if u die you level down and mythics take years to make. It used to be you could log on say paladin and put your looking for xp flag up. and u had to fight with every warrior ninja and other paladins for that one spot. Some days you did nothing but wait if you could not fill a group. Fortnight grind is also a joke.
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Devs said you gotta play at least 1 hour every day to achieve all levels of the rift, and challenges are only there to help, you're missing 13 levels, you can allways buy(what the devs want) or just play non stop
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Multiple threads for the same matter?
Its completely fine, you dont have to complete the Rift.
But yeah, I guess BHVR should remove the Archives and the Rift all together, so many people are complaining...
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Do you really think they don't want you to spend auric cells to get more levels?
Just as intended
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Buying the premium should give a small boost to earning the fragments. From what I know it works like that in every other game that has a battlepass.
Oh well, guess they won't be getting money from me because I don't pay unless I unlock everything beforehand and it seems like it will never happen. I'm not really bothered though, but too bad for those who are.
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I think the rift is fine simply because it's meant to be done over the entire period. At level 57 that means you have 13 more tiers or around 175 games or so. This would have been about 2-3 games extra everyday or when you have free time you would have been able to catch up on some of them. Sure, having to do 13 tiers all in a few days would be (is) devastating but if you had spread it out over the entire time limit it would have been a lot more doable. In the first tome I had 20 tiers left after finishing everything and struggled to do it. This time around I just tried to play a couple games here and there everyday and I'm at 69 now with a lots of time to spare.
I think it's very fair actually as long as you properly spread it out through the 70 day period. Most games are around 10 minutes so even if you did 1 game extra a day that number would have gone down a lot.
As it is now, I don't think it needs changing.
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And thats 175 is what is not okay, let's Say you play like 4 matches a hour, so basicly he needs to spend 44 h to game in a week to complete a rift, and he was still playing before. Devs forget dbd is not the only game people play, and Its really borning to experience the same thing and encounter the same killers because of archives. Also I believe most people who already completed 70 tiers before 4th part already play dbd min 4-5h a day. So its easy for them rift is alright.
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Honestly, it is fine. The Rift released with 70 days. Meaning you could get 1 tier per day and get all the rewards. If you joined in late to The Rift, then you simply need to grind more. The only thing I wish The Rift would do, is being able to do 2-3 challenges at the same time(especially considering Bloodpoints themselves dont really mean anything).
I mean, what you're doing right now, is basically going to a 10 hour concert that started 9 hours ago and complain they wont play all the songs anymore.
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Sure, that's a lot of time to play in one week but it's not a lot over the course of 70 days which is my point. If he had played even one more game or kept track of his tier progress better then he would be in better shape with a lot less games needed.
This is a commitment no doubt and a lot of casual players won't be able to finish it but for people who do want to do it, I think it's pretty fair.
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IF I complete the challenges i will have to grind maybe 3 or 4 games.
I didn't farm at all so some challenges took me many many tries. Others took one try.
For me, as annoying as some of these challenges were and are, they gave me almost exactly what i needed to complete the rift. So im ok with it. Better players would definitely need less attempts to finish everything. I play solo so that definitly adds to the challenge
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The only things I hate regarding the Rift is that some Challenges are just bollocks & tedious, or otherwise have you throw games to accomplish them. Not to mention queue times as Survivor make getting the Survivor Challenges even more annoying :/
It's easy to burn out playing this game. Between the horrible matchmaking, dedicated server issues and long queue times (for Survivor) it can be easy to not want to play, or not have time to grind things out...especially if you take breaks playing. Kinda wish you needed less exp leveling uo to obtain Rift Fragments, or change the design of some Challenges.
I've been stuck on a couple because they require you do certain thing 10+ times.I often have to throw a game away and screw over other players to make sure I can get them done/make progress on them because of how games go. Otherwise few Gens get worked on/done or they get done too fast and there's no opportunity to even attempt them.
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How is it possible dude? I'm a casual player, I don't play killer, except for certain quests or fun, OK I know how to play survivor, I'm rank 1, but I play with my friends, who are far far from toxic players, they don't use any flashlights, they learn how to play well right now, I'm carrying their games, then the rift is done, I don't understand how is it difficult to complete the rift.
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I dont play with friends, i cant even use a flashlight, im not toxic, i dont gen rush at all plus the highest rank ive ever gotten is rank 4, ive also had 8 matches in a row (being my longest streak) where i was just camped from the second i was caught. so its kind of easy to see why.
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I did every challenge possible (besides Killer specific ones for Doc and Spirit, including the killers' perk specific challenges) and still ended up around tier 63-65(?) I can't quite remember, but despite that fact, it takes me about 3-4 hours to go up a tier purely through Rift Fragments and just pure XP.
I think that's a little much, but I can't say for sure if it really is. I'm about a day or two ahead of the Rift, so it's a super close call.
I will say I did spend some time finishing these challenges, so that means I got a lot of XP before completing a challenge, which would help me get to the next tier on the Rift. If you did the challenges fast, then that could mean you didn't earn more XP for extra Fragments along the way if that makes sense.
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If in a game you do two saves, two gens and one escape from a chase, in a game, which is easy, you have a lot of exp for the rift. It was the objective I tried to do every game just for exp and it works. I don't complete all the challenges and already 70.
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I have the 4 unhook and 3 iri malicious challenges left but hit tier 70 last night. I'm taking a break now.