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General Discussions

The Legion are one of the best killers in the game

Member Posts: 3,426
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Ok here me out for a moment.

Personally, due to good map pressure, aswell as being able to find survivors easily and slow the game down, as long as you know how to play on tiles, The Legion are one of the best killers in the game.

Now is he better than Freddy, Spirit, Nurse or Hillbilly? Maybe Freddy? But the rest no. For me they're a top five.

They also works amazingly with certain perks (such as blood echo and thanataphobia).

Obviously there will be people who think different, but people say so much bad things about them when in actual fact they're fairly strong.

Edit : Decided it would be a great idea to do some more stat tracking, and this one will be on Legion at rank 1.

Edit 2.0: Done tracking stats, here is a link!

Post edited by Cheers on

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I'd argue there. Most of my games are 3-4k with Legion, with most 3ks being a hatch escape. Usually I pip and I have a gen or two lefts by the end.

  • Member Posts: 462

    That's completely fine. Until you face some of those good survivors and you wont get a down without losing a gen. They will force you to chase them for at least 30 seconds and you'll lose a gen every time

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Trust me I've faced many, many good survivors. Not including my first few games as him, I'm yet to get a 0k, and I've only got a handful of 1ks.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I mainly think he's better then Freddy because they can simply slow down the game so much more (as long as speed reduction add ons aren't being used). Yes Freddy can teleport to gens, giving him great map pressure on some maps, but against a team that get the job done where he can't delay them all, he struggles. Also his traps CAN be good but often survivors can avoid them in some way.

    Secondly, use it right? It's both! Especially in an anti-healing meta, commonly seen against the Legion, you're there and you're on an injured survivor. Yes there might be no one at that generator, so then you continue to patrol.

    Finally here is why Thanataphobia and Blood Echo are great perks on The Legion.

    Survivors have to spend 12 seconds mending themselves and an extra 12 seconds repairing that generator (If everyone is injured which is common facing The Legion). This is like a Pop goes the weasel that can be used without having to get a hook.

    Blood Echo is mainly useful for the fact is causes survivors to be exhausted. Any of their exhaustion perks are useless if I find them quick.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Legion can be really good for ranking up. 28 stab wounds and all.

    The problem is their ability to secure downs does seem near non-existant.

    Freddy is also THE top killer at the monent, or at least one who isn't Nurse. Bold claim that the Legion can be better than them.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    The problem that I always have is why do people consider Freddy so good.

    I don't think he's all that good or fun to play as, and he isn't a hard game playing against him.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    He has a power to help end chases and map pressure in the form of his teleport and the Dream World.

    His power also combines and compliments some of the strongest powers in the game right now.

    You also don't have to devote several months of your life straight into learning how to play him well, unlike Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    His map pressure I understand. Being able to teleport is great and does allow pressure of he goes to the right generator.

    His traps, if they're pallets or does blood pools, don't phase me. I try to run through blood pools when not in a chase and asleep if I see one. If I'm in a chase I'll either tank it or run around it.

    I usually pay attention to every pallet early game if I'm against a Freddy, and I usually go for only pallets I know are real.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    legion sucks balls

    also he was falsely advertised, i still remember

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I also hate that they were poorly advertised, but people give them a bad name despite them being good.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    His power easily falls apart when no one is grouped together. Or if they turn a corner since scratchmarks disappear.

    Otherwise he can keep everyone injured near the entire match. And keep track of multiple people.

  • Member Posts: 651

    The Legion are close to being a nicely balanced killer, but not quite there yet. They need the unnescessary restrictions removed from their power, making Feral Frenzy easier and less punishing to use basicly. And they also need a good dusting of their add-ons, especially the purple ones, 2 of wich are complete useless garbage.

    I think the Devs had the right ideas with the Legion rework, they just turned the screws a bit too tight. They should not have been afraid of making Feral Frenzy stronger and more convenient as long as it remain non-lethal.

  • Member Posts: 81


  • Member Posts: 42

    All I play is Legion, and as much as I love them, I still sadly can't say that they are one of the best killers in the game.

    Indeed, they are so close and with a few minor tweaks they can become really good, but currently there's way more killers that can do better than him while also taking less effort than him to play.

    You really start to see Legion's weakness once you play with god SWF survivors, they will play in a way that will make his power seem useless and you will really feel pathetic playing him.

    Still gonna play him tho as he's the only killer I actually find fun to play, hopefully BHVR does some minor buffs soon

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Legion is countered by either holding W or just not grouping together. Against Survvors who know how to actually counter him, he's the literal worst Killer in the game. His power is to give himself Decisive Strike.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    No. Legion is not top 5. Is Legion a solid killer? Yes. Middle of the pack for sure. Lower B tier if Im being generous

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Well I'm glad you explained that, because then I face Freddy mains who appear to be very dumb.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Even I wouldn't call them amazing. Hag, Nurse, and Spirit do what Legion can do better. The only advantage Legion has is the KI readings, which the killer has to interpret and use to their fullest extent. Hag can teleport to her traps, which are often faster than a Legion's Frenzy, Nurse can ignore walls, even if she is masochism to play, and Spirit is much faster (with addons) and can down people using her phase.

    Legion can't even down people with their power. The only way to do that is Frank's Mixtape/Stab Wounds Study, but they can mend in your face if they figure it out and you really want the addons to be useful...

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    -survivors see Legion or deep wounds on another survivor- -survivors now all do their own gens- -Legions power now hurts Legion more than the survivors-

    Also thanatophobia is objectively a bad perk. Again, if the survivors spread out it will go from bad to useless real quick.

    If the survivors are bad any killer will work, Legion included.

    Long story short Legion has too many restrictions on their already underwhelming power to be a good killer against any competent team. It really boils down to either:

    A) Survivors are competent, spread out, now you're just an M1 killer with a non-lethal power that stuns them.

    B) Survivors are not, all stay grouped, get killed (because type of players also usually can't loop).

    C) Survivors are not, stay grouped, but loop you because you have no chase power and you're most likely on a survivor favored map since that's most of them.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Not really lol, Legion has no power to down survivors and that is the biggest issue with the killer. Injuring and keep survivor injured is nice and all but if you dont have any power to down them then this Killer is trash.

  • Member Posts: 458

    Legion is a hit or miss killer. You can run the same build in every match and have a 4k one match and a quad escape the next. If you have a group of survivors who insist on sticking together everywhere they go, legion is very effective and a great time waster.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    With the exception of trailer which really didn't convey their power in the slightest they weren't falsely advertised.

    If your referencing the teaser image that was the community jumping to conclusions and acting like their headcanon was gospel.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    It really depends on the survivors you're playing against. Against mediocre loopers he's godlike. Against good loopers he's complete garbage.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    a survivor who turned out to be the killer was what was shown

    that is not what was it turned out to be

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    That's why I said with the exception of the trailer.

    Besides the trailer nothing else was really falsely advertised

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited March 2020

    Legion has a power that can’t down survivors. Their power is to give survivors Borrowed Time and a Sprint Burst. They’re basically playing tag with the survivors.

    They have mediocre map pressure. What are they gonna do when they get to their destination? Legion suffers a four second stun (basically a DS stun) and has to chase normally while a killer like Billy can instantly chainsaw and can get to one side of the map quicker and suffers no stun or a killer like Spirit who can phase walk and still down with her power once she gets to the opposite side of the map while suffering no stun.

    Even disregarding the top tier killers, Legion isn’t better than mid-tier killers like Plague, Myers, Ghostface, and Wraith. All of those killers can at least use their power to either down or sneak up on survivors. Legion’s power is more of a hinderance than anything.

  • Member Posts: 583
    edited March 2020

    It sounds like you haven't reached your targeted rank with them yet. I suggest holding your final verdict until after you've stopped getting 4ks and you consistently get 2k games, or start safety pipping with them a lot.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    If they're injured then you go for the body block on a windown or pallet. They'll spend about 2 seconds trying to get through before they realise they can't, and as long as I play my average game when it comes to looping, they're dead.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    That's what I'm actually trying to do actually. I've decided to play 50 games as Legion and track important stats, and so far out of the 15 I've played, 11 have been 4ks.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    If you like really long, mind-numbing matches...sure.

  • Member Posts: 3,426
  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Oof, I have had numerous legion matches drag on for ages with random teams. They run around mend hitting everyone before engaging in a chase. Everyone is off gens trying to mend/heal. They don't execute a chase well and so they abandon or eventually get a hook and then the process repeats. The whole thing is a lengthy cluster. Its also annoying AF to essentially have to heal twice to get one health state numerous times. I'd rather die.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    In my opinion the only advantage with playing Legion is they can reduce gen speeds just a little bit.

    Had Ruin not been nerfed, Legion could've made a powerful killer if the perk was equipped.

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    Legion is one of the best noob stompers: Self-care, people wasting pallets when you're on FF, dead harding, hiding from killer's instinct, and some other noob things. But against good survs, its not that good

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Why play Legion and bodyblock when you can play Wraith who can bodyblock (who can uncloak faster than Legion’s stun) while also having more map pressure and stealth on top of that?

    It’s totally fine to play Legion, but they’re just not gonna be able to compete with good survivors who can loops and split gens. Legion’s biggest weakness is survivors who split gens. While killers like Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Hag, and Oni can all down survivors quickly and maintain map pressure on top of that. Legion just can’t.

    Legion is a noob-stomper.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Fair enough, although I still think Legion slows the game down very well, especially considering that people don't heal often anymore, as they already waste 12 second mending, while people are more encouraged to heal against other killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    He’s nowhere near as bad as people make out. Sure he’s an M1 killer but he only has to do hapf the work of all other M1 killers. Free hit and survivor location notification.

    Legion is also a great example of bad game design. He’s actually quite an embarrassment for the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    I have 600 hours.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Legion doesn't have great map pressure when his power is only useful when people are together.

    All his power basically does is give you info on where people are and helps you spread out damage all while spreading deep wounds. This sounds good until you realize he has absolutely no lethality, almost no mobility, and a power that doesn't help down people.

    After deep wounds he's just a 115% killer with no power. Play your loops well and yes you can get a hit but that is until you can get a survivor that can play loops well.

    Hitting someone with a basic attack reduces the meter gauge by 50%

    You are literally being Punished for hitting people with a basic attack. And you completely lose your power when you miss people which can happen from auto aim.

    Legion: a killer with a power that only serves a purpose to get free first hits and spread out damage all while wasting time for the survivors.

    Sounds good

    But then you realize the time you waste isn't a lot and he is just a regular 115% killer.

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