Sadly... Game is slowly dying due to baby killer mode.



  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Even with a well coordinating team? Well I'll be damned who's gonna have fun doing that? Lol I guess you want dbd to be a "troll the killer and waste their time in the most toxic way," kind of game huh.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    So you just expect for survivors to feed themselves to you? It's far too easy for killers now you want to be fed kills like there's no tomorrow? I don't understand your state of mind. It just boggles my mind how you could even think all this is fair to survivors. Like.... Wow...

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Yes I understand getting downed is part of it but is guaranteeing the killer a 4k game nearly every match part of the game? Then all killers would be rank 1 and survivors would be stuck at 2 or 3 or 4. That would just kill the motivation for survivors to try to survive because they're expected to not have a chance. They're now being expected to be toxic. Especially from the killers because there be some toxic killers out there that go out of their way to talk smack to survivors after the game and be toxic even before anything happens in a match like being t bagged by ghost face for no reason. Yall killers are just salty I guess.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Well who needs counterplays against survivors when you could just run around really fast and one hit them(Oni), or hide around a corner with no terror radius only to be exposed and get one hit again by a ghost face, or just throw an Axe across map at someone trying to open a gate or heal up another survivor and one hit them, or my favorite have all the survivors reveal their locations to you so you could just casual waltz over to them and smack them or shock them to the point they cannot even do a single action but run. So how could you say that the game is survivor favored? All we have is slowdown perks, that's all we can do.... Basically encouraging the toxic survivor play style cuz who cares if you go down, it's all about "f*ck that killer lets annoy him and piss him off Idc if I die." am I right?

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    Oh I'm sure a lot of people could agree with my post. And if people do not want to cooperate then I guess everyone will just stop playing. Eventually.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    They didn't have to nerfs insta heals to the ground thought, now they're practically useless, why still have them in the bloodwebs? They're now just a waste of space for something new. They weren't as op they provided protection against face campers that're not good at the game. If the only requirement to use insta heals is playing poorly then you're assuming all survivors are supposed to never get hit at all? Just magically be invincible to killers even though they're faster than you and you have no kind of defense against them... Cuz you've frankly taken away all types of defense from survivors. DS is just mundane if you hit it you're good if you don't you f*cked up and you just basically wasted a perk slot and technically only brought 3 perks... Lol toolboxes were just fine the way they were I seriously don't know what they were thinking. Medkits along with add ons are still not that great unless you have a purple rangers Medkit with green add ons that speed up healing speeds and botony knowledge. But who wants to swap out their perks just to be able to heal yourself faster.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Considering you wanted my whole chapter on why ur post is wrong here goes nothing,u'll probably just say i'm wrong and I should get better or that I'm a killer main but I really don't care. 1. Ur conclusion is pretty wrong considering I've seen the number of players on steam go up each day so dunno where you pulled out that statement. 2. There Is no op killer,give me an example and i'll prove you wrong,there is strong killers like freddy/spirit whatever but there isn't a single killer in this game you can't beat. 3. "survivors have nearly no chance of getting out as a whole team" why would the whole team have to survive? The balance of the game is 2 kills 2 escapes. Either run BT and DS each game and try to make sure everyone makes it out or play swf aka "easy survivor mode". 4. Taking away insta heals, do you really think that bs stuff should stay in the game? You would down a survivor and then their teammate would just pick 'em back up in 1 second and u'd have to waste time AGAIN on that chase instead of earning ur hook,and have gens popping because of 1 addon which you can easily get in ur bloodweb. Decisive was bullshit back then aswell,you'd get a free as people call it "get out of jail card" without doing anything. Decisive today is still pretty abusable by survivors,who will do gens infront of you and then hop into a locker or similar situations. I don't tunnel at all,i will camp endgame but why should a survivor be able to freely do a gen infront of me and have 60 seconds immunity? The skillcheck has also gotten alot easier since back then when it atleast took some skill to hit it,and waiting out ds can cost 2 gens or more against a good team. Toolboxes were broken,you can't deny it. They shaved off too much time of gens,and allowed for really quick and unfun games for the killer side while both sides depipped in the process and didn't get alot of bp. Map bugs always affected killers more from my the sanctum of wrath middle building which nurse couldn't blink through,which luckily got fixed. Getting hit through vaults is not a killer problem unless a killer is using a VPN and doing it so they get an advantage which is very shady and bs. Had people do it to me in the past,but you'll only face those killers once in like 3 weeks,a month etc.. every other hit is just a dedicated servers problem not a killer one. If I missed anything,remind me and i'll try to make a point about anything I missed aswell.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Are all killers rank 1? Apparently they don't get 4k every game. Instead there are waaay too many survivors on red ranks that easily get downed. Guess it is easier for survivors to get to red ranks. That's why queue is f*ucked up and killers get into games easily but having to face red rank survivors all the time.

    You counter your own arguments here and I get the impression that you don't even think about all the facts, just about the stuff that annoys you. Insta heals didn't just counter face campers, they countered chases. Against every playstyle killer. Your argument why ghostface is baby mode is also vague, GF has the killer power that is easiest to cancel. And so far there is NOONE agreeing on your post. You are pretty tunnel visioned. Maybe you should try to accept different opinions and why they are different.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    What? How did you get any of that out of what I said? Maybe this game is not for you if it gets you so frustrated.

    Survivors are stronger than killers as a team, just not for brand new players like yourself. If you feel that way get your killer to rank 1 and stay there for a bit. According to your post it should be easy.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    The game is not what it used to be. We all know that. Since all the changes the main population has gone down from what it used to be. Back then you'd get a match withing like a minute but now a days it takes up to 10mins at worst times and 3 minutes at best. So how can you say it continues to go up? Do you mean to tell me you're keeping stats on the game everyday that goes by? Show me a chart or a graph to prove me wrong, please do so. If it does go up like you say it's only because of desperate new content to keep players at bay from quiting. As for op killers there are some. You cannot say there isn't. You're probably assuming if all killer players played bad then all types of killers could be beaten. Obviously that'd be true if that were the case, BUT some killers play good and some players bad and some play like az wholes who abuse the games bugs and killers abilities to grief and get an ez unfair win against all the survivors. For example: the Doctors shock therapy just reveals you to him every once in a while or whenever he wants to shock you. Whether it's directly to you in a chase or when you're hooked he can just simply shock and everyone who's around trying to save gets revealed and then get chased out further extending the time you're on hook and basically camping the hooked player. How could you counter that? I found that the best way to play against him is to just run around the map the whole time so he can't catch up to you while he's trying to reveal you to himself... But killers are faster than you and bought to catch up with you eventually specially the doc cuz he can SEE YOU AT ALL TIMES. HOW IS THAT NOT OP???? Anyways. there is also the plague who can just vomit on you and chase you until you are a one-hit and then down you or she can simply just projectile vomit red vomit which is extremely hard to dodge(both green and red) and if you were to walk towards a pallet she can just easily vomit on you and down you through the pallet so there is no way around that. "why would the whole team have to survive?" because they're survivors and point of a Survivor is to survive regardless if they want to work as a team or not. Borrowed time only works if you're near the terror radius of the Killer and decisive strike you could easily miss it and waste a perk slot right then and there. there is no survive with friends anymore either play solo or group up as a team... Lol easy survivor mode xD that's funny. As for insta Heals yeah I just think they should stay in the game because it fits the theme of the game like you can have a morphine injector or an EpiPen that can save your life you like in real life. But no y'all had to complain about it and got it removed from the game because you couldn't handle a little instant pickup. It was perfect. You could've made it more rare in the blood web or only have one insta heal(the syringe) and one endurance heal that like we have right now as the styptic agent but make it last longer than 8 measly seconds, I mean come on do they really expect people to try to heal in a middle of a chase? Are you crazy!? Just to get a small chance at getting another hit on you that would just waste your time having to mend and then heal. That's just pointless.. But now they're useless and taking up blood web space. As for toolboxes and the add on you're talking about I'm assuming it's the brand new part. Toolboxes are useless they have no power, you can only do like 3% of a gen faster which is practically nothing. But if you have brand new part it's still not guaranteed anything cuz that thing only gives you like 10% gen progression and that's IF IF! YOU HIT THE SKILL CHECKS. how's that shaving off too much time? Lol if all survivors did a gen with brand new part on their toolboxes and hit all skill checks correctly then that's just one single gen out of the whole 5 you gotta do to get a chance to escape. Just #########... Map bugs like invisible solid barriers around walls that get you stuck such as the one plank of wood at the bottom of the stairs in the basement where the killer has 4 invincible hooks can easily mess you over. There's also the one in hawking lab at the end of the map where there's a gen on top where there is glass windows all around, when going up the steps to get to the gen you can get stuck on the rails for the whole match or untill you get hit by the killer lol which can also get other survivors stuck with you if they try going up the stairs. So there's that. I stopped using DS since they nerfed it and made it situational only. It's just not the same, it's a waste of a perk slot if you miss it and if you hit it the killer can just track down your scratch marks and also blood stains on the ground. 60 secs of immunity? It's 50 secs. And it only applies if you get downed... Or grabbed from a locker, that's the only escape for survivors with DS. A LOCKER... You can wait it out sure and down more survivors while you're at it rendering DS useless to all that're carrying it. Getting hit thru a vault is bs because you can get to the vault on time and jump thru it and still get hit thru it by certain killers like the plague who's weapon can pass Through solid wood and hit you when you're already falling down to the ground after vaulting on time. So it's not just a VPN or dedicated server thing.

  • Aaron10
    Aaron10 Member Posts: 35

    How do I counter my own arguments? Maybe no one is in agreement cuz there are mainly killers on here who complain and whine all the time to get what they want, maybe that's why the game is so imbalanced and biased and killer friendly. Am I the only one around here who is trying to justify the imbalances yall have made the devs bring to the game? Some say it's hard to find a match as killer and some say it's easier for survivors, maybe it's you guys who are countering your arguments.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    You say killer is baby mode and that every game is an easy 4k and you say "guaranteeing the killer a 4k ... Then all killers would be rank 1" which is not the case. So killers simply do't have 4k every game and are not all boosted to rank 1. Instead, survivors are boosted to red ranks, which is, taking your argumentation, more an indicator that survivors are on baby mode because they easily pip.

    And it is pretty ignorant to dodge all logic by saying "all killer mains here" instead of trying to understand their argumentation. And it is not hard for killers to find matches, it is pretty easy for killers because match making is broken and all rank killers are matched against red rank survivors. Another indicator that there are too many red rank survivors compared to red rank killers.

    And arguing with you is pretty boring, you got a lot of facts and you return a bunch of "maybe" and "some say", OP is already full of false information which you got facts against. So I guess I'm not responding anymore unless you have really something that's worth thinking about. I see this thread slowly dying...

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    There is so much wrong with ur post and so much lack of knowledge lmfao there's no point in correcting it all,I can tell you don't know alot when you complain about doc's power that just reveals you and doesn't allow survivors to hook bomb or saying tier 3 ds is 50 when it's 60 secs. Please stop complaining for no reason and git gud is all i'm going to say. We can do a 1v1 if you want,and i'll prove you that killers are weak as #########. We can do a doctor/plague 1v1 considering you hate them that much and i'll have a 3,4 min chase.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    No there's a very small and limited amount of slowdown perks for killers that usually need something to happen for them to work. BHVR even stated they will be careful on future slowdown perks too to prevent stacking like Forever Freddy. You list 3 killers who have counter play, but ya let's make them an example on why this games killer sided. Sorry man this games heavily favored towards survivors to a almost unfair point. Your honestly overly annoyed or upset you probably lost a game. It happens. I don't know what rank you are, but based on your arguments it's still in the ranks where killers have the upper hand. Survivors tend to be toxic because they can get away with it.