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Ranking mismatch?


So... I'm not sure if this is normal... But I'm a rank 16 with 7 hours put into the game, fresh out the gates, just started playing a day or two ago. The problem here is that, while yes, I have done somewhat well over a few games, matchmaking got worse and worse as time went on. When I began, I was getting at least 2 kills per game and had people around my rank, y'know, somewhere between 20 and 16. Then I got matched with a few yellow ranks more often (still didn't go up in rank or at least went from 20 to 19), didn't think much of it until I got matched with a rank 5 and a couple green ranks, started to get uneasy on account of being put with people way above my skill level, and now, I'm regularly being pitted against purple and red ranks nearly every lobby without fail. Is this just me being unlucky or what?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It's unfortunately an issue with the current matchmaking at this time. This issue is especially troublesome for lower ranked Killers and/or Survivors, such as yourself, who have to face against Red Rank Survivors/Killers.

    It's not intentional no, but it has been an issue for several months now. Do not fret though, the matchmaking IS being reworked to counter-act a lot of issues that the current one brings, such as this one for example. I'll link you below to the matchmaking update AND quote how it will be implemented in the future.

    Please keep in mind that we haven't heard much about this change SINCE this update was released. (If I missed something in a past dev stream that gave an update on this, than I wasn't aware that it existed).

    Here's the link to the matchmaking update + an import quote

    The release of these changes will be gradual. With the release of the mid-chapter update, we are able to start tracking skill levels. For the time being, this is only a test and is not being used for matchmaking purposes. Once we are confident that the skill rating is working as intended, we will be running tests on live servers.