Pickrate for better balancing


A question for the devs: Would it be possible to release some data regarding the pick rate of Killers/Perks/Items/Add ons including their piprate?
That would be really interesting and should also prove helpful when balancing such things.


  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    I had a good long look for that info, which was available on previous dev streams. But this is all i could find. And yes, that info is hugely important in balancing the game. Its amazing theyve had that info for years and still done nothing about it. Here's hoping for a year 3 balance patch to perks.

  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2018

    Thanks for the information!
    This really makes me wonder though why the devs do not just reveal those statistics, this would make it easier to do gamebreaking changes to perks, since the statistics prove that they are over/underpowered and anyone crying about it could just be ignored.
    More than anything else I really wish for an answer from the dev side though, since at the moment it just looks like they are too lazy to make such things transparent, which probably is not the case since they are very dedicated to the game.