Please lower the bl;eedout timer

Mediva Member Posts: 126

There is literally no reason for it to be 4 minutes long. The only thing a bleedout timer does, is give the killer 4 minutes of finding the last survivor without him having an out. It literally is the only way killers use the bleedouttimer. its just slug, find last survivor for the 4k. And I seriously hate being on the floor and do nothing for 4 minutes. You wont get picked up, you cant do nothing. Its stupid. 2 minutes is more then enough time for a bleedout timer.

Right now, all the sweaty killers use it to get the 4k. And there is literally no need for it to be 4 minutes. If i will be down for the whole 4 minutes, then please kill me. Cause thats not a game i wanna be in. Please lower the time. Even being on the hook is only 2 minutes. So pleas explain to me why we have to be doing nothing on the floor for 4 minutes straight. Its boring as hell a slug game.



  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211
    edited March 2020

    Honestly, I'm on Team "Let the survivors pick themselves up" (without needing those specific perks that let you do this).

    Slugging a survivor should always carry that risk for the killer. You put someone down and don't hook them, you risk that survivor being able to pick themselves up if they are able to successfully hide from you.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    >Toolboxes, BNP's, flashlights, keys and swf gen rush/bully squads = casual players just looking to have fun

    >Slugging when Unbreakable and altruistic teammates exist = sweaty try-hards


  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    Actually that's not even remotely the only reason we use slugging, at all.

    Slugging is a very powerful temporary generator slowdown tactic. When you're face-first in the dirt, you aren't rushing generators, and unless you've got unbreakable someone has to come pick you up. The four minutes is to give your teammates ample time to pick you up.

    And as I just mentioned, unbreakable counters slugging, so........there's your solution?

    As far as slugging for the 4k, yeah sorry but the way emblems work now sometimes that last hook is the difference between safety pip and an actual pip, so some killers will be inclined to slug for it, sorry, we didn't make these rules, we just play by them.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    Killers often slug survivors to force other survivors to come pick them up, and thus not be on generators, that's kind of the point.

    And as has been said already, run unbreakable if you want the option to pick yourself up.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yeah, I wouldn't want the bleed out timer lowered. Killers who slug throughout a match cause incremental bleed would make it easier for them to slug to death throughout the match. I personally run unbreakable a lot of the time now, because killer behavior is toxic AF rn and you HAVE to. It sucks to HAVE to run perks because they counter a specific, unsavory play style vs. being able to pick fun perks, but that is DBD for you.

    I wouldn't listen to the notion that killers MUST slug to get a 4k to ensure a PIP. That's a pathetic excuse by killers who enjoy unsportsmanlike game play. If you get all 4 survivors sacrificed and you don't PIP, you've done something terribly wrong with the rest of your objectives.

    I also like having plenty of time to crawl off and die with dignity when being slugged by an idiot with a 4k hardon. I get at least a little enjoyment out of them not getting a last hook, despite their best effort.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I prefer that the bleed-out timer remains 4 minutes because by decreasing it to 2 minutes, makes slugging more effective at killing survivors than hook survivors.

    Furthermore, sometimes 4 minutes is just enough time to escape, here's an example where the bleed-out gave me the time I needed to escape. 😄

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The bleedout timer is just so ridiculous. Being forced to sit there and wait because some toxic troll wants to get a buzz by leaving players to bleed out.

    and that’s the problem really. Thats why killer mains kick up a fuss whenever the idea of shortening it is brought up. They can’t be toxic then. So the devs wont change it because the game is all about killer fun

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I get why it's done. This is more for the end game when the killer slugs someone and just leaves them to die and wastes four minutes of their life instead of just finishing the match.

    But I suppose toxic jerks are going to toxic jerk. It might just be a "sorry champ, go watch Youtube for four minutes or something" situation though if they can't or won't figure out a way to make it so that you can still slug if it's a tactical thing versus just being an ######### thing...

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,339

    Perhaps the bleedout time should be reduced when all four survs are down? Nothing drastic just allow time for Unbreakable to be used, and if no one runs it the time is altered. I've been on the receiving end of four down and the killer has no intention of hooking anyone, especially one or no gens done. That interval seems like a week.

  • SupaSlay3r20
    SupaSlay3r20 Member Posts: 139

    If the timer was lowered to 2 minutes, the you would see a possible slugging meta. It would make it much easier to slig people to death. These "toxic" killers you speak of would probably slug even harder than they already did.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    God forbid someone use a strategy that no one could do anything about to try to get an advantage over the other player.

    Both parties do it

    99% exit Gates you literally can't do anything about it as a killer as there's no way to regress it and they'll always just be one tap.

    Working on the generators totems or going for hook saves once you have decisive strike activated because you know the killer can't grab you or pick you up.

    How dare a killer try to use slugging as a strategy to get the best results.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    there should be an option to bleed faster, being slugged repeatedly just makes me eat the DC timer and play something else

    and no, unbreakable isnt a "counter" since you cant know if you will be dealing with a pro slug gamer, same logic with "just bring iron will 4head vs a spirit"

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    Right, cause terror radius isn't a thing, or watching your icons to see if the killer is actively chasing someone. But you right, no possible way to know if the killer is still around or not. Totally.

    Ironically I agree with both your other points. A faster bleed out option sounds fine to me. And yes people are dumb for saying you should psychically know you're going to play spirit so bring Iron Will. Thing is, isn't Iron Will pretty good in general anyway?