Is the doctor currently balanced?

With the doctors new buff, I have noticed that the number of people playing the doctor and the number of games that I have lost against the doctor have increased. I attribute this to the doctors new static blast ability which reveals survivors in his terror radius. In my opinion, the current cool down of the ability is way too short and is in desperate need of a nerf. Similarly, the doctors static blast is able to interrupt survivors preforming actions such as dropping pallets and vaulting windows.

Do you feel that the doctor's abilities are balanced in the current meta?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I do. While his abilities do cripple some Survivors, the one's who adapt to his weird playstyle can find him easy to go against. It is completely possible to juke his Shock Therapy. As for his Static Blast, it functions like Legion does, in a way. Lots of information, but not a way to capitalize on it.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    He's a mid tier killer, meaning he's as balanced as can be. Against green ranks and lower, he'll most likely dominate, whereas against true red and purple ranks, he'll have a hard time. All his power does is feed him constant information. I don't see how a killer having constant information is too powerful if survivors also have constant information as well (swf, kindred, bond, empathy, aftercare, etc). His madness effects aren't all that bad either, they just make skill checks a little buggy. Tier 3 madness is pretty much Deep Wound but without the injured state.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yes..because he can pressure to the equivalent of a 1v4 scenario..static blast helps him make up for a lack of mobility..he has the longest cd in dbd on his blast..any more and it's way overkill..killers are not npcs to toy with..they are the opposition..getting in your way is their 1 priority..many people forget that

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Hes fine can survivors please stop demanding nerfs any time it isnt easy loops and the same meta perk build playstyle 100% of the time

  • AddictedToMosh
    AddictedToMosh Member Posts: 116

    He's still pretty weak, in my opinion. His shock treatment is not reliable for preventing actions, as it doesn't always stun survivors.

    I like the inverted skill checks, though.