Predator: Hunting Grounds...
I see myself mainly playing the Predator. It looks like it's going to take a long time to learn how to play it, so I'd like to get a head start by playing the trial.
One thing that I really don't get is why can the Fireteam bring back their dead members? It just seems so weird how they can get a second chance at life. I can understand the Predator getting that because they're an advanced alien race that's been all over the galaxy, but why should a group of normal human soldiers? I would think reinforcements would be some kind of buff to the remaining soldiers.
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I hope its just because the game just came out, but I played 2 games as Fireteam (cause Predator queues are too long) and we've killed the Predator with ease both times.
Either way I'm having so much fun the whole time! I may try to dedicate myself to the long Predator queue time, because I soooo wanna play as him! This game is a dream come true.
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I'm not a shooter type of person, it wont be getting much more out of me unless it was gifted to me
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You may get a kick out of playing as the Predator then. That part isn't a FPS at all. More like a killer stalking you in the shadows.
Either way, I hope someone gifts it to you because its too much damn fun to pass up!
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I'm not sure if it's underpowered or just not having learned how to properly play it yet. We just got the trial about six hours ago.
Predator queues were around eight minutes for me, and the Fireteam would shred me if I didn't immediately start laying into one of them. Even then, I had to book it the moment I killed one because at least one member had arrived as backup and was shooting at me. Also the Predator's apparently really easy to see while cloaked, so getting the drop on them can be pretty hard.
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You're completely invisible if you stand still. It may not seem like it on your screen, but I remember watching a Predator in the trees stand still and he disappeared completely.
And I've noticed that as well. I'd see the Predator hunt someone down and the team and I would immediately open fire on him, forcing him to run away. We never separated so he never could get the drop on us, especially considering I could hear his footsteps above us when inside a building.
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Gameplay wise its to encourage the Predator to stay aggressive, and it avoids Snowballing or just giving the enemy team a permanent disadvantage.
Honestly think the Predator's Second Wind should be a perk or something.
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My impressions from just watching others play it is that I would definitely pick this up as another asymmetrical game to play. It seems fast paced, both sides seem pretty ######### fun.
Predator queue times will be ######### but that's the case for most asymmetrical games. But I can see myself playing the other side pretty frequently.
I like you can choose between quick and long kills too.
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Need to stop making games strictly online. Predator: Concrete Jungle was good back in the day, but now you require internet to play anything fun.
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I was happy that I killed the predator on my first try, gg ez baby predator etc (then I got caught in the self-destruct blast)
Fireteam seems to be stronger but that might be just because everyone's new to the game and it's the less complicated role to pick up.
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After playing Dead By Daylight, seeing 'perks' having such a boring take is kinda disappointing tho.
Say what you want about DbD and how the perks are to the game, you have to admit they are usually pretty unique.
Ones in Hunting Ground seems to be mostly boring stat increases.
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I woulda like to seen perks that, like DbD, encourages a particular playstyle (and unlike DbD, actually makes said playstyles viable).
Like Fleshripper. Increased damage against AI? Boring.
Maybe something like, for every AI kill, you gain 2% increased damage against AI for a maximum of 100% more damage, which encourages you to take out as many AI enemies as you can. Instead of just a standard stat increase, it rewards the player more for killing AI and it can encourage better team dynamics, as you got one guy who just worries about taking down AI.
IDK, I'm just used to DbD perks having a unique factor (but also being so unique that they're essentially worthless) that I wish something like that was in this game. I won't complain much tho.
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from what I've seen the predator is perfectly strong if you play intelligently instead of ramboing in guns blazing, if you think like a predator, you'll win much more frequently
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Boring and badly optimised. Predator lacks information, I spent most of the match trying to find people. As fireteam I barely see the predator which already proves my point that the predator lacks information. It's like if killers didn't know where gens are. AI is ######### and fireteam objective is boring. A hard pass for me.
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You have a cooldown ability which shows you where they are, between that and the heat vision I haven't had any trouble locating them.
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Probably was bugged then because I'm finding them easier now.