Question about the Ranking System IN GENERAL

A friend sent me this one. Just glad the match didn't happen he said 😌 Imo it looks like a well-thought about SWF with those 3 Urban Evaders and that r4 dude looks like he's gonna take all the aggro.
I mean what is the ranking system? Why is a rank 17 matched against that kinda group? Oo Can't they just program a better ELO system than ranks? It doesn't even work and it's so easy to keep your rank low as to bully players with less experience.
Is anything going to happen about the rank problem? Because I feel like mostly new players suffer from frustration due to bully players or just being matched against unequal opponents.
For all of you who are about to remark his tier 3 perks: This isn't about complaining that survivors or toolboxes are too OP or whatever. I was just wondering about those 3 urban evasions since it's not a particularly good perk. (Maybe they had a strat with that)
Also if the rank 17 were a new player with much worse perks he wouldn't have had any fun in this game.
Matchmaking quite simply isn't working even close to intended and that it has been like that for months now. This is in no way intended behavior, but I guess now they've decided to just leave it like this until they can finish the MMR system they're working on.
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i believe it's reverted back to previous state where they are all playing with the rank 14 who is in close proximity to your rank. Typically that is the trend i have been seeing with red ranks in yellow/brown rank lobbies.
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Its survivor with friends, its either a 17 killer playing Red rank survivors or a 14 survivor playing a Red rank killer which is way more of an unbalance if you ask me. Also dont look at Rank doesnt always make them the best just simply play alot. The game was never played and your buddy had no Idea how this game was going to play out. SWF had a major flaw and its Alturism those Red ranks are trying to boost there 9 and rank 14 buddies and can get caught unhooking and healing instead of gettimg gens done and clearing totems. The bullying players thing and toxic style play if you wanna play this gotta have thick skin most toxic community EVER.
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First, sabo toolbox with repair addons, what an absolute gamer.
Second, my guy if you're complaining about urban evasion then I really don't know what to say anymore.
Three of em have self care, so they'd spend most of their time helping because oni.
Repair toolbox being used for sabo, this team gets better and better.
And how long has your friend been playing? They'd have had to get:
-Level 40 teachable from nurse (40 webs)
-Level 35 teachable from Plague (35 webs)
-Level 35 teachable from hag (35 webs)
-Level 35 teachable from Leatherface (35 webs)
Not including shrine because none of these perks have been there recently, and a rank 17 killer should be fairly new to the game.
So that's a total of 145 webs just to get the perks. They're all tier 3, and there's four of them, so that's 12 more webs at best case scenario, but probably more because rng.
So 145 + 12 = 157 webs to make it through to get all these perks.
A level 30 bloodweb seems to be the most middle ground in terms of nodes (imo). I'm gonna use a level 31 Web because that's the closest I have, and I'll centre my calculations around that (using my own game as a basis for that). There are two perks, 13 nodes in total. Only one perk can be taken, and after taking one perk the rest vanish. With 6 commons, 2 uncommon, 2 rares, 1 ultra rare, and the 2 perks, that would be a total cost of 43000 not including the perks. For the 12 webs on the oni, that would be (43000 * 12) + (4000 + 5000 + 6000) + (5000 + 6000 + 6000) + (5000 + 6000 + 6000) + (4000 + 5000 + 6000) which are the cost of the perks. This gives us 516000 + (15000 + 17000 + 17000 + 15000), leading to a grand total of 580000 bloodpoints for the one killer.
For the teachables let's be lenient and say all were uncommon (4k) except the teachables themselves. That is:
(43000 * 40) + (43000 * 35) + (43000 * 35) + (43000 * 35) + (5000 * 9) + (4000 * 157).
1720000 + 1505000 + 1505000 + 1505000 + 45000 + 628000
6908000. That's how many bloodpoints, on a good day, your friend would need to save.
Not including the bloodhunt, killers gain roughly 20k points per match.
6908000/20000 = 345.5, rounding up to 346.
Thats how many matches, on average, your friend would need to play with the current state of dbd's grind, give or take 100 because lots of averages were used.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but how have they managed to get all those perks if they're brand spanking new to the game?
What's the point of me doing this? They might not be AS new as an average rank 17, particularly with those perks.
(would like to clarify I did all of these before any edits were made made to the opening statement)
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on4 -
Did they say anything else about what they're working on?
When I'm queueing with a grey rank friend who just got the game we mostly get better killers and he complains about the game being unbeatable :P yeah this ranking system seems twisted
1) The urban evasion looked quite suspicious, that's why I mentioned it. It looked to me like 3 of them would just hide all the time while the r4 would show himself and loop the killer.
2) He hasn't played Killer for a while, thus the r17, but I wasn't complaining for him, just in general, what is this matchmaking, that was my point.
And actually, let me correct you there, Ruin is in the Shrine right now.
3) Impressive number juggling and, I appreciate it, but firstly, don't forget there is WGLF and survivor play, too. You don't have to play killer to farm BP.
The point of this thread wasn't to complain how unfair THIS setup is and what "OP" items/addons the dudes used but rather to ask about ranking system - if there are any announced changes and what you guys think about it.
And I wanted to know your oppinion on the 3 urban evaders. This does look like a setup with 4 SWF doing the strategy 3 immersed + 1 neon-Nea. Against less experienced killers I could see this strategy working and being quite frustrating for the killer.
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Okay fair enough about the urban evasion, I see your point. I just usually see people highlighting meta perks they hate and assumed something different, I'm sorry. Same with ruin being on the shrine rn, that was my bad for not checking.
Him not playing in a while is what I thought would be the case. Yeah, it sucks ngl, but maybe the game has started looking at hours played alongside your rank, or the highest rank you've ever been, and matching from there with the devs testing and not telling? That's my best guess. Matchmaking is pretty scuffed right now.
And hey, thanks for the compliment. School's out so I have to keep myself busy somehow, and I had a morning to spare. Admittedly yeah, bbq would work to cut the required matches in half (down to only 172.75, rounding up to 173, give or take around 50. And yeah survivors can get BP too, but usually they get significantly less than a killer player and WGLF rarely reaches 4 stacks. Because I was trying to have a best case scario to make numbers easy, I decided to not include survivor (and because it makes my life easier lmao).
I'm not entirely sure, if these guys were a swf, that they knew what they were doing, considering they had a sabo toolbox with repair addons and a repair toolbox with sabo addons, but the triple immersion one aggro could be what they were going for (except you'd think the aggro guy would have chase perks, not prove thyself). They might have been good, but to me it looks like a poor imitation.
And as for the ranking system (as I'm sure other people have pointed out), the devs are working on a new MMR matchmaking system. I'll try and find a link to the page they discussed it on and post it here for you.
Here is their update on the MMR system, have fun.
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Dont be showing me some smurf account and cry about match making. Rank 17 with all those tier 3 teachables, c'mon man!
I know...I know...haven't played in awhile. Well if that was true, and matchmaking worked as intended, your friend would have been the op one to baby survivors.
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That's what happens when there's a shortage of high rank killers. The game has to match high rank survivors with low rank killers so the survivors aren't waiting in queue for absurd times.
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Why are you demonizing them like it's their fault? They didn't choose to queue up against you. Weirdo.
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that's their friend. you know that, right? literally the first line of the post is "My friend sent me this".
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Lol you right, my bad
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Yes I know. Why quote me? I dont get your comment in relation to my post?
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Ah ######### did I? Sorry man, must've misclicked. I'll change it now. Nvm can't change it on phone apparently.
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No worries, just wasn't sure if I missed the point!
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Is smurfing really a thing in dbd? I mean you'd have to buy the game twice.
Also, I did not post this in order to complain in the name of the guy who sent me this. I just thought it was peculiar that high ranks would still use Urban Evasion.
And this... i don't even know where you saw something deomonising there
Are people just too quick to assume an aggressive stance once they see the slightest hint of complaint against the other faction?
Again, this is no salty anti SWF thread. Since apparently some people don't read stuff properly I added some explicit statement in the original post.
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Smurfing is prevalent on console. Easy to do on ps4.
Yeah, I dont know why people are running urban tho.. seems weird.
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I'm a college student and can't play DbD while at school, so it almost always demotes me to rank 20 killer due to being gone months at a time, so rank should be taken with a grain of salt rather than calling smurf.
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Are you rly sure that this is a 4 man swf?
Why run pts if you should run the killer for the whole game. And he didn't had adfrenalin, eventhough he should be getting chased. :/ and like the other person already said, why a sabo toolbox with repair add ons.
Idk it just seems like a 3 man swf that consists of one better player and some newbies. And i think they wouldn't even unhooked the other dude, and crouched the whole game over.
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No idea what happened here but my post wasnt posted first and then appeared 1 day later. Is that a forum bug?
I edited this one since it contains basically the same content as my previous one.
Post edited by jamako on0