Poised should be an exhaustion perk

Right now it is pretty much...almost entirely...worthless as it is. It should keep the no scratch marks benefit after a generator, but should add 3 seconds of 150% running. This would at least give it some usefulness. It should also activate for every gen completion (if not already exhausted) whether you were working on the gen or not. Even after the buff, it would still be inferior to other exhaustion perks like Sprint Burst (it can only be used up to 5 times; can't be used on command), but at least it would be worth considering in some builds.
I like the idea but slapping Exhaustion onto it seems overkill. Maybe a 10% speed boost for 10 seconds instead.
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I feel like survivors suddenly getting a speed boost like sprint burst in the middle of a chase when a gen gets repaired would be beyond frustrating for the killer, especially if the killer would have gotten a hit otherwise, so I would disagree with that.
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I love poised as it is. I have lost the killer so many times during a chase because of it. There's no need for the extra speed boost when your scratch marks disappear. If you're out of line of sight, the killer will get confused and you can make distance.
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The perk is fine as is. No need to add yet another speed burst perk into the chase mechanic. The last thing we need is another way to elongate chases.
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Personally, I wouldn't like it. It is an okay perk that you can pair with others to make it stronger. Like Poised, Dark Sense, Sprint Burst and (Other Choice). So you can Sprint Burst away from the killer and hide your scratch marks.
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Some good constructive feedback. You're right that it'd be frustrating for the killer mid-chase. I still like the overall idea but to avoid multiple mini adrenalines throughout the match, the Sprint burst should only activate if you were on the the generator as it popped. To help get away from it quickly and without scratch marks
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I just run sprint burst and poised. Super fun.
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its fine as it lol