How to solve toxicity?

E.g. teabagging after every window/pallet or tunneling/camping.

I hate people ruining the game experience like that. Yea, just ignore it, but it still bothers me...

Why not introduce a feedback system where players can rate other players. And if a certain player gets a too low rating too often they receive penalties like longer queue times and negative BP multipliers.

Ofc people could just abuse it and just vote their opponents down because rage so it should be only counted 1 vote per SWF group and the penalty should only be set in action if a player predominantly gets bad ratings.

I already posted a thread on this topic but with positive modifyers. Because I think the rating system that exists right now doesn't have any effect (or does it?) and it should.



  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    tunneling and camping aren't toxic, they are just tactics, strategies to get a kill. Yeah, it's annoying but it's not toxic. As a survivor clicking the beamer or tbagging it's toxic, as a killer tbagging with GF/pig, nodding your head, slug the last survivor etc.

    The feedback system would be a bad idea, imagine, every killer that has a bad game against good survivors, he will just rate every survivor with the lowest rating possible.

    The best solution is: Just ignore them. When i'm playing this game, i don't have in mind *i gotta win this at any cost*, if i lose ofc i'll be mad, i'm just playing casual, i have disabled the post game chat, if survivors are toxic or something i just ignore them, what do they get if they tbag at the gates? Just force them out. I'm laughing my arse off when i'm using M&A on Deathslinger with the addons for lower TR and hit survivors at the gates while they tbag, hook them and the exits are blocked bcs of blood warden.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    Facecamp or tunneling the tbaggers, they will learn some day or just get tired of the game and leave. I always do this as killer.

    As survivor I don't care how the killer plays the game. If he facecamp me that is fine I message GG and go to the next game trying to avoid the hook, it's part of the game.

  • Junebug
    Junebug Member Posts: 64

    there's no reason that a vs game should necessarily breed toxicity

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    The issue isn't the game itself, the issue is human nature.

    This kind of thing goes back long before video games, whether it's sports, politics, or any other thing that pits different sides against each other there's always going to be some douches on each side that instigate that kind of behavior when dealing with the other side.

    Combine that with online game's anonymity and it's not surprising to see how you get to people saying stuff to people in after-game chat that we all know good and well they would never say to anyone's face.

    Not to get philosophical, but trying to solve toxicity in a video game community is basically trying to fix human nature, not gonna happen.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    There is, actually. You're pitting people against each other.That in itself is going to raise hostility, because somebody has to lose. And nobody ever really likes losing. It's a show of skill. Worse is a game such as this, where it's a team vs one. Either your team fails and was spanked by one person, or one person loses to a team. That WILL breed hostility. Maybe in different forms among different people, but still. It just comes out worse in some than others.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2020

    @Rivyn Yes, I would expect it to be like that. But there are also players who loose and write gg and they would then leave a positive rating and this is where the system could distinguish between a toxic person who would exclusively get bad ratings.

    @BeHasU Hmm but tunneling just the new guy just to get an easy kill is still unfair.

    @DBD78 I did facecamp the dude in the basement where at the time another survivor was hooked. They came for the rescue and i nodded at the other guy and shook my head at the teabagger, but they tried to save both, meh.

    @Kwikwitted You're right about that and it's too naive to think it possible that people respect their opponents.

    But yeah, having a system like that would basically force them to play nice.

    They could also reverse this and make it possible to give positive ratings so that if you got a high rating you get bonus blood points etc.

    Hah or just make survivors automatically get teleported on a basement hook if they teabag or flashlight click. Shouldn't be that hard to recognise for the game.

    Post edited by jamako on
  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    The problem with ratings is always the same, it's subjective and people will often give players who beat them bad ratings even if they played "honorable". You can't enforce good behavior with a feedback system anymore than you can enforce good behavior with any system.

    I've had games where I played as "honorable" as you possibly can, didn't tunnel, didn't camp, got everyone to death hook before I started eliminating people, gave the last guy the hatch, everything you could do. Do you think the after-game chat was filled with "gg wp"? Nope, "stupid noob tunneler camper bad killer plays like a scrub to win" was much more accurate.

    End of the day I don't want my rating in the hands of other players, because I can't enforce them being truthful.

    League of Legends tried this years ago with the "honor" emblems. It didn't end well.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I just want a block system. If you can eliminate the possibility of playing with people who are toxic to you, eventually the toxic people will naturally run into their own long queue times as a penalty, because no one will want to play with them. It would feel instantaneously better knowing I could leave a toxic match and never get that person in my lobby again.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited March 2020

    If it were only positive ratings I would be on board, but the ability to rate other people up or down is fraught with issues. There's a reason that so many people find the idea of a real-life social credit system horrifying and unacceptable, and this is just a step down from that.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I watched that episode of black mirror. No thank you. 🤣

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    How does anyone think this is okay.

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  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    The blacklist is a bad idea “oh they played better than me let me blacklist them”

    Teabaging isn’t a issue, most games have it, if you get angry and upset because someone is crouching up and down repeatedly, that’s kind of your problem. You wouldn’t of survive Gears 2 or Halo 3

    Letting the killer know if they’re playing with swf will encourage dodging, it will increase on consoles where it’s encourage to play with friends. I would say at the end game table it should show,

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I can get behind the idea of a Blacklist. Just limit it to X people, so you don't create longer queue times. Lets say 10 People. And if you add a 11th player, the first one you added gets deleted.

    Teabagging is toxic, doesn't matter which game. But if the other side needs to get validation from bming random strangers on the internet. Well, I can just smile about that :)

    Since I play on PC i always check player profiles. If I know I have to face a 3 or 4 man SWF, I usually don't try to play a killer I'm not comfortable with. Don't know how it is on console with checking other profiles and see if they are a SWF or not, but it should show directly in the lobby who plays in a group. I can get the information in less then 20 seconds, so just make it baseline. Even though I agree, that it will increase dodging.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    simple answer: you can't

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    just play singleplayer games for life or only multiplayer with friends xd


    couple of bouncing pixels are pissing you off?

    oh and btw maybe you didnt heard about it but taunting your opponent can also be called a strategy xd (because most players are kids and fall for easiest taunt on earth)

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    @Galklife You're probably right

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    How does one solve me?

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    To solve toxicity you just gotta be toxic

    that way the other side will understand how bad it is beeing toxic and they will stop

    it's genius

    If a survivor is toxic just slug or facecamp them

    If a killer is toxic just spam your flashlight and tbag

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107
    edited April 2020

    I think that video games would be boring without toxic players. I would quit playing if it was everyone holding hands and frolicking through the fog. I need some drama in my matches.

    I'm not toxic 99% of the time, but I get amused when someone teabags me, or clicks their flashlight. They're letting me know they wanna play, so we play, and I enjoy the salt in the endgame chat for tunneling when they themselves asked to be tunneled.

    Look man, at the end of the day its a video game. Its a bunch of anonymous people playing against each other, and as history has shown people act like a-holes when they are anonymous. That won't change, so I just embrace the weird and enjoy it. Life is too short to get salty over some kid spamming left control, and I don't mean to sound insensitive, but if that's the worst thing to happen all day, then I would say that's a pretty darn good day.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    "Yea, just ignore it, but it still bothers me..."

    Then you need to work stuff out with yourself and learn to ignore it, because you won't solve it.

    Me I see it as a part of the game. If someone is toxic I'm toxic right back. When playing survivor I just don't see strategies like camping or tunneling as toxic. Have no problem with it just go to the next game.

    What I do hate is when people write evil messages with threats or people telling me to kill myself. I mean that is just being a little crybaby and I tell them that and report them. Then..on to the next game 😀

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    @The_Horde yeah... wise words, frolicking through the fog, lol :D

    I'm probably just sad that some people are pricks, but that's a general world-problem

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    A low rating doesn’t seem like a good idea at all! what about a low rating for killers as well, nope of course you won’t agree cause you don’t think about survivors as well, don’t forget you can also be assumed as toxic for tunneling or slugging and camping, so if survivors are getting a rating system so should killers!

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    @asparagus Yes, i can see the trouble, what do you think about a positive rating system?

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    I’m not saying it’s really a bad idea but to be fair there is a lot of troubles between survivors and what they think of killers, negative or positive is fine to me but I think it’s a bad idea cause the killer/survivor would assume that 1 of them is toxic for how thy act, I mean I’d be all up for this but with the matchmaking? It just wouldn’t work to good cause the matchmaking isn’t fair on both sides, and yet even if the survivor or killer didn’t do anything 1 of them can abuse the system and give them a low rating even tho they were nice and fair.

  • Eyedice
    Eyedice Member Posts: 14

    Toxicity is only an issue because the other party is an actual sentient being that doesn't appreciate those antics. People will be people, no matter how much you police them, so the only way to soothe toxicity/balance issues is to separate survivor and killer matches and have people play against bots. A killer bot will not care no matter how much you teabag them and a survivor bot won't call you out for using pink items.

  • asparagus
    asparagus Member Posts: 133

    Bots would actually be a good idea, plus it would kinda be funny if somehow the survivors pissed off the bot 😂😂

  • Eyedice
    Eyedice Member Posts: 14

    That would be something! And I mean, Left 4 Dead has been doing this since 2008 and you really don't see toxicity/balance issues. 12 years after and I'm sure the devs can pull it off, specially since there has been talk of survivor "husks" to counter DCs and there's already a killer bot in the tutorial.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    Teabagging survivor bots that insult you after the game? XD

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    I mean there will be dc bots for dbd mobile though 😄

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Punishing players for doing something that's ultimately harmless? Even helpful sometimes? No thanks.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    harmless? I can see lots of new players lose interest in the game because they keep getting bullied like that. I'm just not a fan of such behaviour, even if it helps your team

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    If somebody can't handle somebody crouching up and down in a game then maybe it's not a game they should be playing. It's a thing that's been happening as long as characters in games could crouch.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Ya know what really helps? stop caring about your idea of "winning".

    Have matches where your goal is nothing but get hits with bottles with the clown, no M1's, no hooking, no slugging, just throwing bottles.

    Have matches where your goal is nothing but to get shots with the deathslinger, hit target and break the chain, no M1's, no hooking, no slugging, just shooting and released.

    Just stuff like that, its pretty damn fun and you might learn something, only problem is when people start running at you etc because now you are just wasting time for the most because there is no difficulty if people try to get hit.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48

    @ZoneDymo my definition of winning = having had fun in a game.

    @Huff That includes knowing that the survivors also have fun with the way I play. If the same survivor always ends up running into my arms I will hit them once and go away, but if I see someone just teabag after every window and pallet I ask myself why they are so hostile towards me. That ruins the game for me because even if I make an effort of making the game fun for everyone, maybe just having let baby Dwight get away, I still get another teammate disrespecting that.

    Maybe you tell me stop caring about everyone else's fun but I don't want to quickly kill the worse players and then deal with the better ones. I like giving all of them chances.

    Also @ZoneDymo that sounds great but what am I supposed to do on Oni? XD he can just act the brutal killer or take blood donations the whole game.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    NGL, sounds like the problem is just how you perceive it. You said you want the survivors to have fun and it sounds like in your example scenario they're having fun. The problem you state is that somebody is being disrespectful or whatever, but that's just how people are. As a result, I have to say once again that if that's something that somebody can't handle then maybe they shouldn't be on the game they're playing. The way I try to look at it is a survivor is wasting their time instead of running away from me, so it can even be helpful.

    If you choose to go easy on survivors, expect them to disrespect you and call you a baby because they think you're bad or just simply want to troll you/get you mad. That's actually how some of them are. You just have to learn to accept it, and this is coming from somebody who plays killer and tries being nice when I can.

  • ChirpingCat
    ChirpingCat Member Posts: 40

    Personally I've never understood why so many Killer's have a problem with tea-bagging;

    Are our lives all that pathetic that spamming an animation in a video game actually offends us? I mean... Really?

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2020

    To stop t bagging. If a players constantly press the button in rapid succession to tbag then slow the process of being able to crouch for a period of time thus stopping the tbagging of toxic players.

    If the gate opens up and players are sat waiting at the exit gate, I don't even bother going there anymore because they're just waiting to tbag me at the gates. I just walk around until they leave the game.

    Stop 3 players standing in front of the hooks please. Getting someone down and then a 4 man SWF lobby sitting in front of the hook is not fun at all. Something needs to be done against this.

    Tunnelling and camping should be left alone because it's the only way some players can even get one kill in the game.

    If you take tunnelling or camping out of the game then once again the SWF groups have just gained the upper hand some more.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited April 2020

    How to solve toxicity in gaming:

    Post edited by Ohnoes on
  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I've just been in another toxic SWF group. 2 people sat in front of the hook whilst the 3rd person destroys it.

    I turned the game off for the night again. I mean I can only take about 2 toxic groups like this before the penalties stack up.

    I guess you have lost another player for the night again.

  • jamako
    jamako Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2020

    this is hilarious xD

    soo... i call them and a 2nd killer joins in and helps me get them nasties down?