End Game Collapse when Gens are Completed

When survivors finish all the gens, they can just 99 the gates so they're not pressured by EGC, making EGC practically useless. As a result of this, it also makes Blood Warden very difficult to use unless you open an exit gate yourself.
So my idea is that EGC will begin as soon as the last generator is completed. Of course the EGC timer would be increased to give survivors more time to get to the exits. I wanted to see your opinions on this, if it would be a good change, a bad change, etc.
i mean, technically speaking the EGC was created to force the game to an end, which it does perfectly fine.
i do understand the problem with the 99% gates though, but imo it shouldnt start the EGC once the 5th gen pops, otherwise certain killers could drag out the game way too long and then get everyone entity spiked (especially trap based killers like Trapper or Hag).
personally i would fix this issue with the gates regressing at a very fast rate as soon as someone stops using them, so they are a little like totems where you eigther fully cleanse them or they wont be destroyed, just that the progress wont immediately hit 0 and instead goes down within a certain amount of time (20 seconds for opening them and maybe 5 or 10 seconds for regressing them back to 0?)
that way they would eigther have to fully open them and start the EGC, or they have to sped a certain time with opening them, so they cant just run for the gate and onetap it during a chase.
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I think it’d be better if the gates just started regression when nobody was interacting with them
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If you want to pressure them out, open the gate yourself. If it's 99ed, it's practically already open anyway.
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they're more likely to make you waste a perk on such a niche scenario rather than make it base
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Which will not change anything because someone is just waiting there.
EGC was introduced to end a game. So that when the gates are open, Survivors dont run around the Map, either because they want to farm some BPs with Totems or because they simply want to annoy the Killer. EGC should not give the Killer any Kills, it is not a Buff for the Killer (yet, it is more killer-sided than survivor-sided).
If you want to pressure them, open the Gates yourself. You have this option, so use it.
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I feel most killers don't wanna open the doors as any survivor that has full health is pretty much guaranteed an escape against any non instadown killer. Plus for me I feel like I'm just giving up if I open the doors with not even one survivor dead.
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This sounds like an ideal situation for someone who uses a noed/blood warden set up. LUL
Since killers can freely open the door and start EGC themselves, the mechanic seems fine as is.
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In youre explanation you just stated a change you lose the effectiveness of 1 team member making plays like body blocking that much harder
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That would make it impossible to escape if you were the last one alive.
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Basically, I try to bait the survivors to opening the exit gates, which makes it look like I don't have BW.
Then, I slug them or pretend I'm bad to burn time on the EGC. You know what happens next when there's 60 seconds left on the EGC and BW traps survivors for 60 seconds. 😁🤭
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not at all.
hold down the lever for 20 seconds and you are free to leave, nothing has changed about that.
and when you are the last one alive and - considering hatch is shut at that point - you get interrupted by the killer on a door switch, you are dead anyway. it literally doesnt matter whether the door regresses on its own now or not - the killer is just gonna chase you down until you are dead by eigther the EGC timer ticking down (in case of a hatch close scenario) or you running out of options to avoid them.
the only thing you would not be able to pull off anymore would be the door fake, where you pretend to open one by activating a red light and then going to the other one. well, that wouldnt be impossible, but a lot harder to pull off. still, this is not at all necessary to survival.
also, in case you are talking about a hatch closed scenario: you arent supposed to escape with that anyway. the doors are there as a slight chance for you to get out - the last bit of hope if you will. however pulling off an escape through one of these is supposed to be a rare scenario, you are not at all entitled to escape there. you got beaten twice, at some point you gotta accept defeat.
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To be honest, they would have to fix door spawns on all maps. It really should be impossible for doors to spawn on the same wall or even in a position the killer can see both gates. The reason I say this is because I had a game on Autoheaven today in which when I stood on the hatch I could see both exit gates.
I am no entirely against this as I like the idea of more pressure during end game to get people out and moving. The timer would have to be increased and the doors would have to be fixed to not spawn so closely.
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The person at the gate can also bodyblock. Done this multiple times. The important thing with 99ing the Gates is anyway that someone is waiting there. Got killed multiple times because I ran to a 99%-Gate with nobody being there to open it.
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they're not pressured by EGC
Because that is not the purpose of the EGC. It's the killer who needs to pressure them, the EGC is there only to avoid standoffs.
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I do like the idea of the last gen just activating the EGC
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It's gonna be a no for me, dawg
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The person at the gate can’t body block at the hook tho so you should be able to at least trade
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As killer Open the gates yourself to deny them the points and watch the ticker fly
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It wasn't made to pressure the survivors to begin with.
So no.
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Gate progress on its on when started so no stopping it when its started so a killer end game perk isnt completely useless
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I agree and it would have to be real regression. Not like 99%, 2 mins later it's still at 80%. I'm talking 99%, leave it alone for 5 seconds and it's back to 0%.
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No, EGC is fine now. To be honest when i play killer i like 99 doors. They run into 99 doors and die. More hooks,more kills.
As survivor i'm waiting for the hook first and then the exit is open no matter what.
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I think 5 seconds is fast but I agree that it should be much faster than gens where it’s like 1/4 the progression speed