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[Missing translation]: Ingest Corruption - The Plague - italian language
Description: When i'm drinking on the red fountain on the "Plague" killer, i can see a missing translation into italian language called as "Ingest Corruption". I press the "Space" key on my keyboard and the animation of the drinking shows a small bar with missing translation (Video 1)
Step by Step:
1)I login into my account
2)I'm loading on the main menu and i click on the "Play as Killer"
3)I choose the Plague Killer
4)I click on the "Lobby" button
5)I'm starting a match with 4 survivors and the killer (me)
6)I am in front of the red colored fountain with "THE PLAGUE" killer,
7)Below to the right is a text that has not been translated into Italian but has remained in the English language.
8)I press the "Space" key on my keyboard and the animation of the drinking shows a small bar with missing translation (Video 1)
Missing translation: "Ingest Corruption"
My italian translation: "Ingerisci la corruzione"
How often does this occur: Always 100
Language: italian language
Killer: The Plague
OS: Windows Home 10 (The last version)
Version game: 3.6.2
Video card: RTX 2070 super
Video 1 => https://youtu.be/dnxPqM4PxTs
I hope which someone translate this missing translation into italian language.
any info about this issue?