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[Graphic issue]: Overlapping issue with "Smell My Pustula" outfit and the "Mr. Puddles' Disembodied

etms51 Member Posts: 625

Description: When i'm wear this outfit called as "Smell My Pustula" and i use this Carved Smile Head, the outfit is okay with no problem. If i change the head into "Mr. Puddles Disembodied Head", a part of the edge of the neck of the outfit overlaps with the head. (Video 1)

Step by Step:

1)I login into my account

2)I'm waiting which this game is loading the main menu

3)I click on the "Play as Killer" button

4)I choose and i click on "the clown" killer image

5)I click on the "Customize" button.

6)I choose my outfit "Smell my Pustula" and i change the head "carved smile" and the "Mr. Puddles' Disembodied Head".

7)When i put the "Mr. Puddles' Disembodied Head" on the "Smell My Pustula", a part of the edge of the neck of this outfit overlaps with the head. (Video 1)

How often does this occur: Always 100

Language: italian language

Killer: The Plague

OS: Windows Home 10 (The last version)

Video card: RTX 2070 super

Version game: 3.6.2

Setting Quality: Hight/Ultra


Video 1 =>

1 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated
