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Fix Xbox Please.

Game is pretty much unplayable on Xbox at this point. Pretty sure the devs don't even have Xbox's in the office...

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  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Can you explain more? Has something happened in the last few hours?

  • Member Posts: 613

    i've done numerous amount of bug reports and stuff, never get responded to. Ever since last update, completely random lag spikes, kicking me out of the game (never happened prior update). Terrible framerate issues (playing on a One x) EG. Vaulting a window pulls me back 2 yards everytime, using Exhaustion perk freezes the game, I got completely froze earlier trying to jump through a window...that's just the beginning don't even get me started with the buggy lobby system where i can't play with my friend due to constant errors and having to restart the game 5 times to get it to work.

    Yet we still don't have dedicated servers back and maybe they have been testing them out since last update and if they have well good luck with that because it's minimum 150ms ping every game compared to usual 50-70 on P2P connections.

    Don't even get me started on trying to play Demo & Freddy on certain maps without my xbox looking like it's going to blow up with it's 15 fps...

    I mean I, like everyone paid a lot of money towards this game with countless hours put into it, it's been out for 4 years now? Still feels like a Open Beta.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Unless this is only happening to xbox one x, I haven't been experiencing this, although I hope the devs fix this soon.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    The main issue I face on Xbox is the slow camera speed for killers. If survivors do this weird "wiggle" or literally just turn around and run toward you it makes you miss a lot of the time. You can even feel the "aim dressing", or whatever made up term we're using for aim assist, pull the camera to try and keep up. You see the survivor basically touching you and the weapon swing right where they are but it whiffs and the camera shakes.

  • Member Posts: 613

    yeah it is easier to get 360'd on Xbox that's for sure, i think they said 2 or 3 dev streams ago they were working on adding new sensitivity options

  • Member Posts: 613

    This is just one of my clips of what i'm talking about with the freezing issue, also getting pulled back towards the window after my animation is complete. Other times i've been frozen are getting hooked, unhooked, getting picked up, sometimes on skillchecks.

  • Member Posts: 602
  • Member Posts: 42


    I am experiencing none of these issues on Xbox and I stream this game daily. In fact, my viewers and I noticed a sharp increase in framerate after the last update.

    I have noticed, however, that after about 6-8 hours of running the game, it does start to suffer a little performance wise. The menus lag and my framerate becomes sluggish. I just restart the game and its all good from there. :)

  • Member Posts: 613

    You play killer or solo? Most of the time when i'm playing solo or as killer i don't have to restart my game for like you said 6-8 hours. When i start to hover over stuff in the bloodwebb and just has those little freezes is when you know it get's bad. But it's maily when i try to play with viewers and stuff I start having issues with lobbies, but this past week the game has been so frustrating to play with lag & maybe it's with my ISP for more households being home due to the Coronavirus so more people online. I don't know but it really felt like most of it started on last weeks update. It was also only 5 bug glitches in the last update they never said any optimizations, strange

  • Member Posts: 33

    I am from xbox as well and i can't play survivor because i always get red ping killers. They rather release clothes than fixing the game when it's dying, awesome 200IQ plays there.

  • Member Posts: 133

    Don’t forget to explain more, but also if things are slow it could be your Xbox, damaged, old, whatever. Or wifi. But don’t make people speculate on this stuff so please explain more if your wanting help.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    It's the game. I have almost 3k hours on Xbox. I've played on an OG Xbox One and Xbox One X (currently). Things got slightly better when I switched to the X but a lot of stuff is still there. Here is a list...

    1) The game suffers a massive lag spike anytime a notification pops up. Any Hex or perk activation makes everyone, killer and survivor, suffer frame drops. Getting bloodlust as killer causes frame drops. Using your power as some killers (Hag, Doc, falling asleep V Freddy) causes frame drops. The most egregious offender here is Sloppy Butcher, as it will lag the game for a full 3 seconds sometimes when you get hit.

    2) Going off #1, opening a chest causes frame drops for all players. This can actually kill survivors on a hook in phase 2, as it interrupts their struggle and the game thinks they let go.

    3) Matchmaking is completely busted. As survivor you can wait AGES for a game, when I know for a fact there are plenty of killers playing at the time. As killer I find games almost instantly. Ranks are all over the place, it's as if they aren't even considered. I get green rank killers as rank 1 survivor, and rank 18's as red rank killer, regularly. You could argue there aren't many killers online, but the problem was the exact opposite about a year ago. It would take me 5-10 minutes to find a game as killer, and less than a minute as survivor. After the update last March things switched overnight, and have steadily been getting worse since.

    4) The game crashes constantly or boots you from games for no reason. I was playing in a 4 man, my friend searched a chest as I was disarming a trap (Trapper) and when she finished searching the chest it booted both of us from the game as if the killer quit. We only knew they didn't quit because our 2 other friends were still in the game and told us.

    5) Going off #4 we regularly have to restart the game after a match because the SWF lobby gets bugged and shows people not ready or in a game when they are in the lobby and ready on their screen.

    The game is a mess on Xbox right now. And there is ABSOLUTELY no excuse for the poor frame rate or frame drops. NONE. My Xbox One X is probably more powerful than most PC's on the market. I can play Gears 4/5 at 4k resolution and 60fps with no issue. I got DOOM Eternal and that game runs butter smooth at 60fps despite there being a ton of stuff happening, with really good graphics and lots of effects. Never did the game hitch or drop frames during the entire campaign, even with 15 enemies on the screen and me moving at 100 MPH around glory killing everything.

    I have frame rate issues with Borderlands 3 as well. Even the new Ori game has some kind of frame rate issue, I think that one's a memory leak though because it gets worse the longer your play session. But this isn't because on my console, it's because the developers failed to optimize the game. It seems no one outside id or The Coalition know how to make a game run smoothly on Xbox. Or, more likely, they simply do not care enough to make sure it runs properly because they think they can just port the game to console, do the bare minimum needed for it to run and play well, and call it a day.

    You can also tell no one at these companies play their games on console because of how controls are set up. This is one area that bothered me with DOOM Eternal, as the game requires constant movement yet the base controls are not bumper jumper. Anyone who actually plays shooting games on console would realize this as a necessity in the first 60 seconds of playing the game. I will give id credit though, the game runs amazingly well on Xbox, and you can customize controls so I guess I can't complain about this too much. But it's very common for any game that was basically ported from PC to have sub-optimal control layouts for the base controls. DBD is the same thing, though I've been playing with a custom layout since day 1 so I can't even for the life of me remember what the base control scheme is. All I know is that it sucks balls if you actually intend to play the game with some level of optimization and skill. Everyone I know set up their own controls different from the base, which just proves how sub-optimal the base layout is and how little effort the developers actually put into making the game on console.

    The problems on Xbox are 100% the developers not giving a #########, because the console (even the base model) can definitely handle the game at 60 fps. Both Gears of War and DOOM Eternal are way WAY more graphically intensive than DBD, yet they both run amazing while DBD plays like a stop motion Tim Burton film a lot of the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    DbD on Xbox was a huge pain for me. I suffered with constant frame stutters, FPS drops randomly on some maps, moments where the game literally froze for a second, the list goes on. I've switched to PS4 now, not that Dedicated servers are any better, but Xbox seriously needs to be optimised!

  • Member Posts: 42

    The issue I have with your first point there is that it isn't true for everyone. My friends and I have ZERO issues when notifications pop up. No lag, no problems. Been asking around and the game works well. I am sure you aren't lying about your issues but my point is, you shouldn't be making blanket statements that make it seem like all of xbox users are having the same problems.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    Dude this is true for literally every single one of my friends. How you don't get this lag doesn't make any sense, you probably do but never notice it for some reason. So yea I can make such a statement when I know like 40 people that have the exact same issue every single game.

    What model Xbox do you have? What country are you in?

  • Member Posts: 74

    I'm on xbox one original and I'm not experiencing the problems you do. Maybe it's just your internet? Make sure you aren't joining lobbies with bad ping. If you aren't already get off the wifi and plug in an ethernet cable

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    It's not the internet. You can tell the difference between lag and performance issues. Lag is like lag in every other game. Frame drops happen regardless of ping/connection and happen consistently for the same reasons. And you get frame drops as killer, which shouldn't happen because Xbox is still on p2p and killer is host. There should be exactly 0 lag for host. It's 100% the game.

  • Member Posts: 29

    I'm so glad someone else is having the same issues! I haven't had frame drops from playing doc or opening chests but pretty much every other issue you mentioned has been problematic for me. ESPECIALLY trying to play this game with friends, after every couple matches or so we'll all have to reset our games because of some bug that prevents us from playing together. Sometimes it'll put 1 or 2 people in a match while everyone else is still sitting in the lobby, sometimes my friends will ready up but it won't tell me they're readied up on my end and it won't look for a match. Whenever these issues pop up, simply starting a new lobby never works so we all just restart our games and hope for the best. Sometimes this isn't good enough so we resort to restarting our consoles, it's ridiculous. If it matters, I use the original Xbox One while my friends use the Xbox One S and Xbox One X. We all have the same issues you described for the most part.

  • Member Posts: 613

    As I said, I've done numerous complaints and bug reports without hearing a single reply from them. I thought something more simple would get their attention.

  • Member Posts: 613

    You pretty much sumed up every issue on Xbox. I've done so many complaints and bug reports about these issues and had 0 response from BHVR. Part of me wishes Microsoft buy the company or something just to make them get their ######### together. It's not the only game with annoying frame-drops. Games like Apex, CoD Warzone etc...all happen, difference is they're graphically gorgeous where this game looks like a potato and runs like a potato. Seems to me they don't care and just want the next quick money maker, that being cosmetics and chapter updates.

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