Random QOL Ideas

• Officially put all characters' base cosmetics into their respective outfits.
• Replace the Slightly-Tremendously Language with the actual values.
• Add an Apply Charms to all Survivors/Killers checkbox underneath the Inspect button in the Customization tab.
• Add the Autoplay Entries checkbox to the Settings menu and make your preference persist upon exiting the game.
I'm on board with all of these, if only because for once a thread advertising QOL changes is talking about actual QOL changes and not straight buffs.
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I mostly made this post because I'm tried of going to look at my Tome collection and it starts playing an entry, even after I've unchecked the box billions of times.
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It's strange that it does that for you, because I don't think that's actually intended functionality. I only had to uncheck the box once for it to never autoplay again. What platform are you on? It might be worth filing a bug report about it.
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- Show SWF in Lobby (for both sides)
- Show Perks of other Survivors in Lobby
- Rematch-Option (1x time use, to prevent farming)
- Show some Stats at the end of the Match (Pallets broken, longest/shortest chase etc.)
- KYF should have an solo option to explore maps
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I would like a volume slider for the menu sounds like leveling the bloodweb, and clicking on the tabs for perk selection ect.
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I'll add a few of my own:
- Ability to search for perks by name, or at least have them properly alphabetically ordered
- Ability to save custom outfits and loadouts
- "Equip to all" option when customising charms, so that I don't have to manually equip my favourite three charms to all of my characters individually
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I think these are cool too. Not sure about the SWF thing since that's more balance than QOL.
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LOL The equip all was one of my points.
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I can easily check Profiles on PC to see, if it's SWF or not. The information is already available, you just have to use some seconds to get it. So I think it's QOL :P
(I'm aware of the "Killers will dodge argument", though. But SWF-Balance is not, what this thread is about :))
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I think the descriptions are fine, but it should be consistent and defined. Tremendously = 10X(10 meters/seconds/percent), moderately =5X, etc.
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- give me back the button to switch directly between survivor and killer!! (should only work when in a lobby by yourself)
that's my only point lmao
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Increase the max amount of BP you can have to at least 3.000.000 or more.
It sucks for new players to have to grind so much to reach the P3 on every character(21 Survivor and 15 Killer atm).
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Oh, I wasn't sure what that one meant. But there you go, great minds and all that 😉
Also yeah, if it hasn't been reported already, I'd encourage you to make a bug report about that, because like I said, it works on PC so I don't think what's happening for you is intentional.
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As a PC user, I have never needed to uncheck that again. Definitely a bug.
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Show SWF in Lobby? That's a can of worms right there designed to allow SWF dodging by killers. Yeah nah.
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So how do I report a bug like this?
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