Killers, do you tunnel on purpose or do you not know your doing it

piggwardd Member Posts: 11

Killers, do you tunnel on purpose or do you not know your doing it 35 votes

Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win
LeatherbillyAcromioFibijeanmusstang62FilledPizzamatchmakingworksfineSemimaticMozmatt[Deleted User]hex_genrushnoname11223345Spectre13OBX[Deleted User]rainman740Jrfrost 16 votes
No I don’t know I’m doing it
ThatbrownmonsterFatelanceSeiko300Spartagone45TapeKnotMegaWaffleblue4zionyobudddEnderloganYT[Deleted User]PapiQuentin_lsanders92BentcheeseeAwkward_Fiendcoffeebot99bing_bong_boiKellieRaulilloSilacko 19 votes


  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    I clicked "No" because I normally don't tunnel in the first place. Unless I need to for pressure.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    It's not "the only way to win". I do it if I really don't like one Survivor or if there are 1 or 2 gens left and I have to slow the game down. Usually I try to get each person on death hook before I kill anybody. Once I need to kill someone, I'll pick one and kill them off, and slowly keep killing. I don't kill them straight off the bat because it gives both me and the Survivor extra points if I let them stay for a bit longer.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I will tunnel if a survivor;

    1. Is being toxic

    2. Is very good at juking / hard to catch

    3. If the survivor in question runs in front of me and leaves me no choice but to down them (especially with ghostface)

    In the event of number 3. I ll slug them and allow them the chance to be healed before I return back and get them.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    This poll assumes all killers tunnel. Which I will agree it is at least 85% playing like total tools. I do not tunnel, for any reason. I have also had less than 5 DCs in my matches from Survivors ever (1500 hours/ 300ish killer specifically). There is obviously a direct correlation between people wanting to play with you in a match and not playing like an A**hole. DC penalty and several updates over the last year have made tunneling the meta in this game, which is sad. If I play 6 survivor rounds and 1 killer is not tunneling everyone like a jerk I am pleasantly surprised by the one guy and assume he is a survivor doing a daily. Do I wish people relied more on skill and objectives and less on Camp/Tunnel/Slug sure but the devs have promoted the later more and more over the year. And will continue to do so until they have squeezed every last bit of fun out of this game.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm looking for other people but run into them by accident. It is all situational.

    If I'm being pressured, I will tunnel for the kill. But only because survivors are pressuring me to get the kill (because 3 gens within 5 seconds of each other is not great), not because I wanted to tunnel.

  • Bentcheesee
    Bentcheesee Member Posts: 14
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    I do not tunnel, except for when I need to pressure or there is a Steve. I usually slug if I need to pressure though.

  • Eredin_Bréacc_Glas
    Eredin_Bréacc_Glas Member Posts: 24

    You're a copypasta now (not because of me) but I read the copy pasta and it made me pretty mad for several reasons

    1. You're just assuming on a basically racism level of hate

    2. You obviously don't have many killer hours because I see you don't know the actual struggle of playing killer in red ranks

    3. The devs actually don't promote those 3 but nerfed a of them the DS change makes tunneling very risky while it was the go to strat back in the day they also nerfed slugging significantly and camping makes your emblems ######### so pipping is prevented if you camped btw camping is stupid anyways

    4. If you think the DC penalty is bad then you should just play a different game shouldn't be one with ranks though because all other games with mmr have dc penalties.

    5. A last tip pls play a lot more killer I need more killer in high ranks so I don't have to wait 5 minutes for a match you can tunnel and camp how you want because being camped is still more fun than waiting in queue

    Thanks in advance


  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    the only reason i'll be a tOxIc TuNnEleR is if they get unhooked, and I go there because I don't have any clue where anyone else is, and they're still there, alone. if they're healing I go for the unhooker, but if I come back and they're right there, they get smacked

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    These options make me unable to pick one, cause i don't tunnel.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    This poll is missing a few options. Although I generally try not to tunnel, when I do, I definitely know I'm doing it, and the reason is because while it may not be the only way to win, sometimes it is the best way to guarantee a win, especially when the survivors are obviously miles ahead of me in skill because matchmaking isn't doing its job.

    There's no real way to tunnel without being aware of it (and if there were, none of the people who answered 'no' to this poll would fit into that category because, if they truly don't realise that they tunnel, they wouldn't think the question applied to them in the first place).

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    Okay, yes but not for this particular reason. I don't tunnel to win, and there are specific instances within the game that would make me do it other than that.

    I normally don't tunnel at all, and purposefully go away from hooks so they have the chance to unhook.

    These are the only reasons I would tunnel:

    • If I don't even have a chance to properly get away from the hook and they get unhooked. That's their team's fault, and I can use their bad timing to my advantage.
    • If it's an incredibly large map, such as Red Forest, I would normally not really have anyone else to go for. I would need to apply pressure still, and if they're on the other side of the map, I can't do that. In that scenario, it's not like I'll purposefully go back to hook, but I wouldn't really take into account if you were recently hooked. This is if I'm not a high-mobility killer. (Also, please fix the huge maps. They look really nice, but horrible to play in as killer at least).
    • If they're toxic, there's almost a 100% chance of me doing so. You have survivors blind you at every pallet, teabag all the time, and insta-heal twice in front of you. It's not like I will tunnel on purpose, but I will totally be less lenient about it towards these people. They especially get flustered because they do all of this and wonder why they were tunneled, and then killers are the one who are toxic, makes me wanna give up as killer.
    • Sometimes it's unintentional. You can get unhooked and around 30 seconds later I may run into you when not even going back to the hook. I may subconsciously realize they were hooked, but it's not the main thing I think of when I go after them.
    • This isn't totally tunneling, but I will fixate on a survivor if they disrespect me. If they have tools at their disposal (i.e. flashlights and insta-heals) I probably won't. However, if they finish a generator right in front of me, then I will fixate on them for a little bit on purpose. I also bring STBFL due to the disrespect at times.

    We are all aware that we tunnel. However, many of the times it's not of malicious intent. Sometimes it's fair and the survivor team's fault, other times it's due to if the survivors are toxic or not, sometimes it's nobody's fault and it just happens, and sometimes it's completely unintentional. Like the comment above me, we all realize when we tunnel, but 'tunneling' isn't always 100% toxic in certain scenarios.

    I've recently have given up about my red rank and started playing killers I haven't really played, but even when survivors clearly see you are new to a specific killer, they're still really toxic sometimes. I'm not saying killers aren't toxic either, but sometimes it's really rough.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    edited April 2020
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    Not the ideal option choice, but the closest to my situation. Basically, I don't camp, and I don't tunnel.

    • I chase someone to the hook as they go in for a rescue? I'll just stand there and watch while positioning for my attacks on the rescuer (ps4 here, attempting a grab is inviting failure), then I chase that rescuer down for 5 steps and throw them up on the used hook "ewwwww!"
    • A survivor comes off the hook and unknowingly runs into me? I'll literally let them bounce right off of me safely as I continue to search for the rescuer.
    • If we're having a basement party, then I will try to down the rescued person on the steps if I've already handled the trouble-maker, but that's about it.

    The games are so fun like this! If I get a 4k, it's usually because I got 12 hooks (unless someone tries pulling off). Lot's ob points for everyone involved.

    Now, yes, if there are 2 or more identical players, I'll do my best, but an accidental tunneling may occur. Oh yeah, and if I'm running Legion I have no qualms about using Feral Frenzy on the freshly unhooked. It's essentially free information for finding the rescuer!

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    I know when I'm tunneling, and when I'm not. But usually, if I start tunneling it's because I've found you and you're the easiest target, or it's after an unhook and the unhooker is hiding. Basically what I'm getting at is that it's usually your teams fault, or I just don't like the cut of your jib.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    I click yes because my play style and perks aid me in building early game pressure with most of my killers. I do it mostly for building up my Dying Light stacks. Of course if I figure out they all have BT then I change tactics a little but my goal is to get as many tokens early game as possible to hopefully slow down the game either by gen speed or having people rush to rescue. Sometimes it works and others it doesn't but so far I normally wind up with at least a 2-3k per game without using NOED.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


    I don't need to tunnel

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Getting DS'ed doesn't mean that the killer is tunneling. kinda biased tho

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited April 2020

    Most people would say they don't know just to not fear getting berated.

  • coffeebot99
    coffeebot99 Member Posts: 8
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    I don't really don't know if doing it because I'm just trying to get survivors down and booked

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    Pretty much this.

    If I realize I need to get a kill to put pressure then sure but most matches I just kill whats near me and if you were injured I'll slug for pressure.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    Or because its true.

    If you are going to assume without facts then you just fuel the problem.

  • Jrfrost
    Jrfrost Member Posts: 16
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    think about this logically if you see someone unhooking and with the current gen rush meta are you going to go for the injured guy who is on death hook or are you going to waste time going after the healthy guy running to a god loop there are 2 gens left and killing him is essential for slowing the game down don't blame the killers blame the devs for encouraging a genrush meta and catering to rank 20 survivors 4 happy survivors is more profitable than 1 happy killer

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    I put I know I'm doing it but with a strong caveat; I'm not doing it deliberately, but if you're the weakest link and your team is genrushing me down in 3 to 4 minutes, I need to kill one of you to slow the game down, and unfortunately, you're it.

    I wish the game weren't like this, and I wish survivors actually had more defenses and protection against tunneling, but in exchange killers are given a more reasonable time frame to work in. Unfortunately, these are the tools the devs gave us, and just like I don't blame the survivors themselves for gen rushing, I think it's fair we not be blamed for tunneling.

    I squarely fault the devs for incentivizing these strategies on both sides, not those whom realized it's the optimal way to play.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    No I don’t know I’m doing it

    I never tunnel in the first place, if I do hit them I slug.

    However I do occasionally forget who was last hooked/mix up similar survivors and accidentally tunnel.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736
    Yes I do it on purpose because it’s the only way to win

    Only way to create permanent pressure. Wish everyone could have fun but the way the game is designed it’s not possible.