I don't understand why making the other side DC is considered fun

I'm not saying you guys are, and please don't take it the wrong way, but isn't making other players intentionally miserable a type of sadist behavior?
You'll find plenty of sadists in this game.
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Yeah I would care about people dcing but they'll do it for literally any reason. Too many times I've gotten the first down of the match as killer and they immediately dc.
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And masochist, it feels like.
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On killer side probably frustration cz of some behavior that swf pulling on killers, and on surv side probably cz they geting face camped almost every second game.
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I don't deliberately try to do it, but I'll have a laugh if a killer DC's in me. If survivors DC against my killer, I won't go as hardcore and if there are 2 or more DC's, I'll generally let the last guy go to make up for the fact that they had to suffer through generally terrible teammates.
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This. Can't stress it enough.
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Outplaying somebody and them D/Cing as a result gives me direct sustenance ;P
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well you are combining 2 aspects that are not linked really.
If I actually manage to run the killer for long enough that the just say "F this" and pull the plug, its kinda funny, mostly because I suck generally.
But I dont go out intentionally being toxic.