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[Bug]: Missing sound injured survivor without spirit calm

etms51 Member Posts: 605

Platform: PC + Steam

Description of the issue: When my streamer hit a claudette with chainsaw of the billy and then he follows an another claudette near the gate of the escape, billy return back at the point where was hitted the previous cluadette. Here the killer don't hear any sound when the claudette is injured. (Video 1)

Step to reproduce (If possible):

1)My friend use this killer (Billy with his chainsaw)

2)During a match at the end of the game there are two claudette, the first claudette is hitted from my friend with chainsaw,

3)At the near of the gate of the escape, there is an another claudette with flashlight, and she's hitted with chainsaw at the line to escape.

4)billy return back at the point where was hitted the previous cluadette. Here the killer don't hear any sound when the claudette is injured. (Video 1)

How often does this occur: 50% (sometimes)

Language: italian

Version game: 3.6.2


Video 1 =>https://www.twitch.tv/latanadelleo/clip/DirtyAdorableBubbleteaTakeNRG?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time

3 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated


  • Human
    Human Member Posts: 40

    I bet they're gonna silently confirm this not being a bug. That'd be funny. Noone cares about killer bugs man. It's been there for months.