Perk Idea: Make it a choice whether to heal or not

A killer perk that makes it so that when a survivor is injured the first time, any time they are healed into the healthy state, they are given a debuff like hindered, slower action speed, blindness, or some other effect, etc (it could be anything).
I believe this would force survivors to make a choice between healing and staying injured if the debuff is dire enough in some way.
It could be somewhat countered by 99% heal progress so maybe make it regress healing over time (but not too much) to make it still keep the choice on the survivor.
I dislike the idea of making it very dangerous to be healthy making it become a hex perk due to hex totem spawns and the fact that the hex mechanic in general isn't exactly perfect.
As you said, as long as SC is a thing, such a perk is easily countered by the 99% strategy.