Gen Rushing NEEDS to be Addressed

I am a relatively new player to DBD (only bought it about a year ago now), but in that time I've grown to absolutely love this game. I play both Survivor and Killer, but tend to opt towards Killer more.
I understand that Ruin needed a nerf - from what I experienced, it was a real pain in the ass to counter as a Survivor. However, with the recent nerf to Ruin, this has opened up, what I believe to be, a HUGE flaw in the gameplay. I'm not referring to the fact that Survivors can now win the majority of times, but moreso, that there are fewer and fewer flexible options to actually play as Killer.
When I first got the game, I was stoked to be able to play as Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, etc., but if I'm looking to win and enjoy the game, I cannot play these killers for the majority of games.
It's not necessarily due to these killers' ability to down survivors quickly; I've found that they do very well at that - the issue itself is the time that DBD Devs have set for how long is required to complete a gen.
To be clear, while I've only been playing the game a shorter amount of time compared to the veterans of the game, I've nevertheless fallen in love with this game and even purchased a good chunk of cosmetics, simply because I wish to support the continued development of DBD.
That being said, the game is completely unplayable for me at this point, or at the very least, not enjoyable at all. I find myself growing more stressed and frustrated after playing this game, which is completely counter to the experience I'm looking to get from when I play.
I, sincerely, ask the DBD Devs to take a strong look at the state of the game and to, truly, think outside the box. The game is so unique, and I've seen many changes that have shown the ingenuity of the Development Team, that I simply cannot understand why these incredibly poor design changes have been made.
Regardless, I registered for an account on this forum simply to ask that the gen rushing be addressed. Games used to last at least 10 minutes - now I'm finding my average game to last about 7 minutes, even though I could have everyone on death hook. This is unacceptable and I do not know of any other multiplayer game that gives such a McDonald's, fast-food experience.
Lastly, and I think this is fairly obvious, but the state of this community is absolutely deplorable. I'm a relatively older gamer, and I have not seen this kind of toxicity since XBOX Halo 2 lobbies. The community is a direct reflection of the state of these games; if the community is frustrated, guess what that says about their experiences when they play.
This game will die sooner than it should, but not because it's inherently a bad game, but because the changes that are made seem to only cater to one demographic of players. Considering there are only two demographics, and it's a symbiotic relationship (one needs the other), you can guess what's going to happen when all the players that play Killer start disappearing.
Please, fix this game!
PS: One thing I think is VERY telling of how poorly this game is balanced is the fact that this subforum, for Feedback and Suggestions, is the 3RD TOP SUBFORUM on this website. Not even by a small amount, but is 10,000 posts more active than the next most popular subforum, which is "Share Your Work." SMH
This is the first time I've been on the official DBD forums, but I've never encountered a game with so many requests for balancing in my entire life. I feel like this post is just as if I'm pissing in the wind, so I suppose the only solution is to give the game up for a bit until something changes, which I hope is sooner rather than later.