Leatherface's Blackface Should Not Be In The Game



  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Having a problem or issue with something yeah you should be able to advocate for it. But when you are advocating something that has bo real basis is a issue. Considering you are claiming this to be racist with no real evidence. Yes blackface was used to insult people of color. But a serial killer that wore the skin of his victims this is not mean anyway the slightest as a insult to a particular group of color. Just a deranged killer who just wears his victims skin.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Grow a pair , snowflake

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Also, your use of the term 'blackface' is incorrect. Based on the historical use of blackface and it's actual meaning, Bubba does none of those things. Blackface was worn by entertainers to depict enslaved Africans to depict them in a derogatory manner whether it was to be lazy, ignorant, or cowardly for comedic effect. He's a cannibalistic killer who wear's his victims skins. You going to call him sexist too if he only ate men or only ate women?

    Honestly, I'm pretty sure this is just bait.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I'm talking about the majority of players, not the basis of their skin. How do you know that the majority of people that play this game are white? You've also ignored all my points and chose to cherry pick 'majority' , turning it around to make it into a race thing. It seems you're definitely baiting now and have some racist undertone. So please calm down.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    "Most of the people in this thread more than likely have racist parents or are racist themselves but don't even know it (not individually accusing anyone here...)"

    So now you are insulting people here and their parents by calling them racists. Reported.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Why not? Doc is black. If a black person plays Doc, and kills the white characters, than by your logic, there must be some kind of racist intent, intended or not.

    Or, you can accept this is a game, cosmetics, and their usage, have no racial bias, and go from there.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    You do not advocare/open discussion at all, you are playing on the racist card full aware of the history of the black people in the western society. And by doing this trying to make a problem and promote ill surrounding where there should not be one.

    Every character is included in the leatherface skin and cz your feelings that is irational you trying to pull racist card in hope to get the game changed and spark more fighting where there were no need for it at all.

    By weponazing racism for you own benefits, you not only spit at the ones who died cz of their skin collor you also telling with your post that black people can't be racist while other races can an top of that even if you are black your post is racist as much as the ones coming straight and saying (insulting) word for color. The only difference is that you used demagogue and hoped that at first read people don't see the true meaning behind it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Seriously??? Just get over it! SMH...

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Do you not understand what segregation means or was that taught at your school? If they remove something because of the color of skin is racist good intentions or not. So by actuality removing her face because she is black is indeed racist. Doesn't matter how you want to put it but yes its racist by definition. But I mean this whole discussion is on deaf ears. Just understand that context is what matters and in this case leatherface wearing claudette skin is not about race or prejudice but a killer who just kills and skins his victims be it white or black.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Honestly, i wish i knew where he got these powers from to just randomly seem to know everything about a player base in a online game. Where you know jack about what a person looks like and don't even know what they sound like. Unless you are watching a youtube of course or playing with friends while using discord.

    Yeah the op seems to have powers greater than professor x to seem to know about all of these things. Like i don't even get their logic. Like how can someone be racist without knowing it? Since you think it would be easy to know if someone is racist or not, due to treating someone differently purely base on their race. The op logic makes no sense. They just seem so eager to push the racism card, they don't care about it making any sort of logical sense.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You need to chill, you are actually being really racist now.

    Enough trolling, enough baiting, enough with the snide comments or you'll be reported. It's one thing to have a genuine discussion on something. But it's another to be racist and rude to people on the forum who are bringing their counter argument forward in this "discussion" (not the ones who are just saying get over snowflake).

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    @MandyTalk could we maybe close this thread? It's creating quite a bit of hostility among members :/

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    I'm done trying to get you to understand just basic logic. Context is what matters and the utter refusal to see that this has nothing to do with race but just the lore of a movie killer that wears his victims skin as a mask.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363
    edited April 2020

    You will respond to that when you get valid arguments. I am in no obligations to use every single grammatically right word, since it is not my first language. I just hope that devs react fast enough and close this tread before it goes to wrong direction. People like you only pick one word from the conversation and ignore whole point of the sentence only for the sake of prolonging conversation in the path that likes of you find it acceptable.

    So other faces are ok but black face is not.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I don't think they want to remove a reward that thousands of people have unlocked because some people are upset from theorizing what the Killer's intentions are for wearing that face on their Cannibal.

    I wore the Claudette face a lot when i was busy unlocking all Cannibal faces. (Hers was easy to unlock, everyone was Claudette at the time.)

    I did that cause it's distinct, i wanted to feel like i had earned a reward.

    While there's obviously some differences between the faces, Dwight's & Meg's faces are extremely similar, and also similar to the default face.

    Jake's was the other one who could be pretty easily distinguished, but Jake was, and probably still is, the rarest of the 4 to encounter, so i got it last.

    Point of that paragraph is: You don't know their intent for wearing it.

    And if you're gonna assume your theory every time this version of Cannibal comes up, that's not fair towards them.

    Also, what about the Jake face?

    He's Asian, don't you want that face removed?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol and you're a hypocrite.

    You're okay with the mutilation, skinning and wearing of White Faces, but when it comes to Claudette's face, that's where you draw the line right?

    Am I getting this correct? And you have the audacity to call me ignorant?

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765
    edited April 2020

    But it's ok for him to wear white people's faces, huh?

    That's a bold stance. Couldn't be misinterpreted at all.

    Does it offend you that the Doctor is one of the few truly evil killers and he's black?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Here's my "Gotcha" moment.

    It's not going anywhere.

    No one cares if you have an issue with this.

    This thread will be old news tomorrow, you'll be irrelevant and everyone will be going about their day like normal humans.

    Did I forget anything....

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Segregation, noun, the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. So yes it is you moron. Considering you only have a issue that the white killer has one black girls face as a mask but it's ok if he has two white people's faces and Jake who is Asian face but no it only matters that cause she Is black so she shouldn't be added just makes you racist. But whatever you say buddy. Just educate yourself.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    so what your saying is LF should care about feels

    what if a black person wants to play leatherface and have his own race included not everything is meant as hurtfull

    if u took out claudette face then players would feel upset their race is not excluded from the character

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285


    Nobody uses the Claudette leatherface cosmetic to be racist. Allow me to follow your logic for a moment. Therefore, every toxic p3 claudette is racist, because theyre acting like ######### and playing a black character! Theres no racism or any racist underlying themes. No need to sound the SJW alarms

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Uhm you realize that you are the one that is unknowingly racist here right now?

    claiming only white people would have cried is pretty damn racist and even so I am not black myself I bet there would be more black people calling this racist than what you are claiming is racist here.

    if it was one user playing as Leatherface using this mask AND be otherwise racist you can report that individual person in-game for that. As many people stated, the mask itself does not have anything to do with blackface or being racist.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Intentions absolutely matter, but okay.

    This is why you're one of the very few who is bothered by this.

    You can say there's other blacks who agree with you, and i'm sure, if you wanted to, you could get some people here to say they care to prove to me that there are more like you.

    The way i see it: If they do care, somewhere in the last 3 years, someone would've complained about this like you do now.

    You're the very first one i can recall to complain about this.

    There's been way more complaints about a simple lack of colored characters, and those complaints are also in the minority at best.

    So i can't believe "many other blacks do care", i believe they're simply playing the game like most other players.

    And if they see a Cannibal wearing a Claudette face, i believe their thoughts are more something like: "Oh no, we're gonna get camped!" & "Don't go down near the basement."

    Few like hearing this, but maybe this is just you. (And a few others.)

    And like you said: You're allowed to be upset, all hail the freedom of speech.

    The request to remove the face is, in my honest opinion, ridiculous.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    I don't see "Blackface Bubba" often, but when I do it's usually worn by people who intend on being incendiary. However, that's just the consequence of having a character in the game that literally wears faces. The good news is, if those people cross a line, you can just report them and move on.

    That being said, as a black woman, the Claudette face itself never bothered me; leaving Claudette out of Bubba's collection would be weirder, seeing as how she's one of the first survivors. I understand how her likeness being on a white killer could make someone uncomfortable but--again--its just the consequence of having a character with Leatherface's lore.

    Its a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Do you exclude Claudette because of the color of her skin or risk evoking blackface vibes? The developers obviously went with the latter, which was probably the best decision they could've made. Leatherface doesn't discriminate; anyone's face is fair game. What people do with it is up to them, but the report button is there for you to use.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No, my logic is from point a to b. Killing and/or wearing can fall in the same ball park. Going a step further, if Billy kills Claudette, are you going to later claim 'isn't this racist due to lynchings in history?'

    You're the one getting uptight over a cosmetic. What, it's okay with him wearing every other ethnicity, except black? Somehow, that is a line too far crossed?

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    Sensitive much? lol seriously how do people get offended by this stuff is beyond me..but welcome to 2020

  • AlecSander
    AlecSander Member Posts: 67

    There aren’t supposed to be any snowflakes in April?

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107
    edited April 2020

    Leatherface is simply displaying a trophy of his kill. It doesn't matter if the trophy was orange, black, white, pink, purple, or any other color on the spectrum of colors. That is not blackface. If a player used his trophy feature to act out blackface then that can be reported.

  • plunder
    plunder Member Posts: 74

    Honestly I dont care anymore you just a racist individual. This whole forum just shows it. Since the only thing that matters to you is the fact a white killer has a black person skin as a mask so you want to scream it being blackface and it being racist. When everyone has had to explain to you multiple times that it has nothing to do with race but his lore as a killer. But for you race is all that matters in your eyes. Just educate yourself please is all I ask from you.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I can not really be mad, I mean we let the leftist propaganda take over and raise our children (in school) and now we have a new society of authoritarian bullies who don’t use thought or reason but use feelings and victim blaming to control and manipulate young minds.

    Sadly time and time again it’s shown that these people usually are what they condemn. The more and louder he shouts something is racist and needs to be removed, the more I hear ‘I hate white people, please give me free government money’.

    Also like he desperately wants to have solo conversations so badly. Let the brainwashing machine continue to churn lol.

    He’s an equal opportunity killer who wears a face. The players use it as a trophy or aesthetically like it. Luckily the black people I befriend and work with in my town are all down to earth people that would sooner judge you by your character then the color of my skin. Luckily I don’t have to deal with this new age of racism towards white people~

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Man, I miss the times where not everyone got offended about everything.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    OP rn, cuzzo really think devs are racist just because they gave leatherface a face from the original survivors. Mind you didn't mention how the Asian or White Community might feel about the faces leatherface skins off them as well. Joke post 2020 and people still tryna play their race cards.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    It doesn't. You see a racist issue where none exists.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962



    1. the makeup used by a nonblack performer playing a black role.

    I'd like to focus on the fact that Leatherface is not wearing makeup to look black which is what blackface is.

    He is literally wearing a black person's face.

    There is no racial motivation except for the one you're forcing here in your own mind.

  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319

    Listen, OP. I understand why you are offended by the "Blackface" Leatherface, but you need to understand context.

    What you are claiming here is that because Leatherface is wearing a black person's face, it's racist because of historical accounts and racist connotations.

    However, you cannot claim that Leatherface wearing Claudette's face is Blackface and henceforth racist. Why? Because you are not looking at the "Why" and the reason why he wears it. You cannot simply look at the visual aspects of something and immediately cry racism

    If I showed you a scene in Bioshock Infinite involving racism towards blacks and other minorities, you would just undoubtedly say "Remove this scene, this contains racist undertones and shows racial discrimination towards blacks because history,etc,etc."

    But if you played or watched the rest of the game, you would realize there's more to it then that. There is a deeper story with amazing twists and turns, but you can realize this ONLY if you watched or played through the game.

    The same can be said here. You are ONLY looking at this Blackface from the visual perspective and failing to grasp the concept of WHY Leatherface is wearing it.

    He wears people's victims after murdering them, also eating their bodies. He's a psychopath.

    You need to understand context.

  • AlecSander
    AlecSander Member Posts: 67

    Hey,let me just say Rivyn,you can’t argue with stupid.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    yup I agree I’m telling you to get over it lol it’s just a game and if it really offends you then just don’t play this game?

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,222

    Okay, that's twice you've made the claim about the playerbase being mostly white. Now, let me ask you this.

    WHERE is your proof of this? You would LIKE to ASSUME that there's a small number of blacks playing? Assumptions like this have no basis in reality. For all you know, the majority playing could, in fact, be Black. Or Asian. Or Native American. Maybe Whites are the minority. YOU HAVE NO PROOF TO SAY OTHERWISE!

    I was chill when I made my statement. Now, you are just choosing to ignore the facts that everyone is repeating because they don't conform to your reasoning. If the mods don't shut this down in a few hours, I'll be surprised, because all you've done this entire thread is attack those who disagree with you while they are trying to explain their view of it.

  • AlecSander
    AlecSander Member Posts: 67

    How dare you provide OP with a definition!This must mean that he’s wrong,although of course he’d never care to admit it-even in the face of concrete facts.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Thank you. This is why we don't give SJW's an inch, because then they take the mile.

    First Leatherface is racist, then they'll say he's sexist, then they'll say he's discriminating against people with glasses.

    Racist confirmed, thanks for playing.

  • The_Horde
    The_Horde Member Posts: 107

    I'm trying to get where you're coming from, and I understand wanting to start a discussion. With that being said, removing Claudette's face because it creates an opportunity for people to be racist would be like removing end game chat because it allows people an opportunity to be racist. Acting racist is already punishable regardless if you are using Leatherface to act out blackface or dropping racial slurs in the endgame chat. I get why it can be offensive though and I'm sorry you had to deal with a racist jack wagon.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Okay thanks, that's a few more.

    4-5 out of 50K people on average currently.

    On the forums, that's still 4-5 out of hundreds of people.

    Still kinda in the minority there.

    I'm not sure about the actual black players count either, but my guess is that there's more than enough colored people playing who don't care.

    And your guess is as good as mine.

    The only ones who can actually know an average would be the devs, who ask for ethnicity in surveys.

    I also don't see how a more diverse playerbase would help identify.

    Y'know, i don't see the players with ill intent suddenly go: "There's a lot of different kinds of people playing this game, better take off my Claudette face."

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Not just that, but say the cosmetic was removed. What then? Somebody will come along and claim 'omg, you removed a black cosmetic, racism confirmed.'

  • AlecSander
    AlecSander Member Posts: 67

    As a side note-why was he playing Leatherface in the first place? xD

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Bruh, you came here to troll obviously with your fresh account, not even a week old. Tired of trolls like you flooding the forum's with garbage ######### to start controversial topics within this community. And playing the race card as any chance you get is pathetic stop trying to make something out of something that's not there.

  • AlecSander
    AlecSander Member Posts: 67

    Yes let’s compare actual serious Civil Rights issues that directly affected multiple groups of people to a characters cosmetic in a video game.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    20 bucks this is a white person~

This discussion has been closed.