Does Behavior have a new plan for dealing with genrush?

If you've played high rank killer or watched killer streamers lately you'd know gens are still blitzkrieged even after the item rework. Anybody know if there is anything in the works for the gen time problem right now? I know there are other problems like infinite loops and matchmaking but I feel like matchmaking is only bad because so few people are playing killer after the ruin nerf so red rank SWF squads are getting matched with low rank killers. It sounds like people don't want base time to get added to gens since it would be boring so everyone seems to like the idea of a second objective?



  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Do they have a new plan for how fast killers can kill people too? You’re being very one sided here on the issues at hand. Ebony Mori’s and the ridiculously small maps are unfair to survivors when you crunch all of the generators in a small area With fast killers. You’re in the wrong on gen speed. Use dying light, thanat and/or ruin. Thanat especially will help. But it angers me to hear you talk about gen speed still after they’ve nerfed toolboxes. You have perks that slow gen repair. Use them.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    I know this sounds sensationalist and I'm sure I'm not the only neurotic killer main but I seriously doubt there will be many killer players if more isn't done about gen times. In 3 months it will probably take ages to find a surv game and anybody that does play killer will always get matched with a rank 1 SWF squad that waited an hour to find a match.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Get good. I can tell you I’ve seen killers do their job effectively without ebony and with ebony it’s overkill. Solo surviving is at its worst. You ought to be more acknowledging of another issue than gen speed. They need to stop buffing killers.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Don’t fall for loops playing as killer. Protect your gens. Staring at a progress bar Longer isn’t going to solve the issue. They could add parts to find that would be cool, but even then honestly I don’t see why it should take longer than it is now. It’s not fair for survivors to stay in a game longer where it’s possible that a teammate can go down hooked unhooked and downed again within the first minute of the game and get Mori’d. It’s the fact that this is a possibility is ridiculous too!

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    This has to be bait. The only killers that got significant buffs recently are killers that are still considered mid-tier like Doc and Myers. Freddy is an exception but even Freddy isn't as strong as the old giants like Nurse and Spirit. I've played as much solo survivor as killer and can say that solo survivor was still significantly easier to play and pip with as long as you bring information perks like spine chill and empathy.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Gen times are fine. Even if you say it thousand times again it wont get right.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Old Ruin was the bandaid to the main issue.

    Once they nerfed that, the Gen Rush Meta began.

    It's why NOED and Devour Hope are so strong, IFFFFFFF the totem spawns were and have been worked on like they said they were.

    But since totem spawns haven't been worked on like they said they were, Hex Perks are still garbage.

    Old Ruin needs to come back.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    The issue is not generator completion times, the issue is badly designed maps.

    Places like Ormond, Disturbed Ward, and Rotten Fields are so ridiculously large that unless you are playing a killer with cross-map teleportation, a chainsaw sprint, a phase walk, or a blink, good luck. Ormond is probably the smallest out of that group but the pallet designs are so appallingly safe it's disgusting.

    If maps were smaller, generator completion speeds wouldn't be as much of an issue, as killer could patrol generators in a way that was significantly more efficient, this would increase survivor/killer interaction, making games more about managing aggro than holding M1 the entire game.

    This was the problem that old Hex: Ruin was more or less keeping at bay. Hex: Ruin was never a perk killers expected to see last until the end of the game, but what it did do was give killers 1-2 minutes of breathing room as survivors looked for totems, or gen tapped. This is what corrupt intervention does in an inferior way now.

    Getting rid of Hex: Ruin without fixing maps was like taking a bandage off an open wound, and now it's gushing blood. Should have fixed the problem first (map sizes) and then gotten rid of the band-aid (Hex: Ruin).

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    Yeah NOED and Devour Hope are legit viable now because survivors ignore totems. Only problem is you usually don't pip well with them because they end the game too quickly.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    New ruin is super annoying on high mobility killers, especially when combined with corrupt intervention.

    You get into a high ranking match and it's a ruin billy and I am like FML, because unless your team is actually really good at looping (which due to the ranking system, most red rank survivors are actually not) people are gonna be dropping in 20-30 seconds and then you gotta go get them and your gen gets regressed. Or they drop in 20-30 seconds and then he BBQs over to you and your 90% gen is regressed back to 0. Or maybe it's on a map where the survivors are given literally nothing to work with, so it doesn't matter how good your team is once they get spotted.

    I think the gen speeds are fine in an era of super high mobility one shot killers, or killers with super cheap ways to down survivors.

    They are probably not fine for most standard M1 killers, but let's be real, nobody really plays those at high ranks anyways.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    I don't think the game should be balanced in such a way that only the best killers are viable. The M1 killers should be made viable at whatever cost and if this makes the higher tier killers unbalanced then they could be nerfed if need be. Billy has always been balanced though because he needs to rev up and it takes some precision to hit a chainsaw. Spirit is the only one I could see being problematic, Behavior is apparently already thinking about nerfing her, but they should probably fix gen times first or else killers will lose their schitt

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Well, consider that at the red ranks, probably 70%+ of my games are going to be against the best killers. Potentially the best killers running purple+ addons or mori's as well.

    So if you don't balance around that, they would be extremely overwhelming to deal with; more-so than they already are when you load into a map like hawkins and it's spirit with a mori. Every gen is going to feel like a struggle, and 80 seconds is a really long time when you are dealing with killers who down people in under 20~ seconds.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I'd say my last 20 games as red rank survivor were something like:

    Freddy, freddy, spirit, freddy, spirit, nurse, M1 killer with a mori, huntress, billy, billy, oni, freddy, spirit, M1 killer with a mori, deathslinger.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    The fact Ruin was nerfed in the first place should tell you everything you need to know about these devs.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    That might be true but did you consider that my last 20 games as purple rank killer were something like:

    SWF squad with 2 red ranks carrying their low rank friends with DS, Dead hard, and genrush tactics; SWF squad with 2 red ranks carrying their low rank friends with DS, Dead hard, and genrush tactics; and SWF squad with 2 red ranks carrying their low rank friends with DS, Dead hard, and genrush tactics; etc.

    The reason killers are all playing as the A-tier killers is because of how painful the post-ruin killer game is.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Some games you're gonna get genrushed and there's nothing you can do it about. There is a luck factor that happens right at the start of game where everyone is placed randomely across the map. If you're unlucky then you got 4 survivors that all spawned separately and therefore 4 different gens are being worked on right at the start.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    It was a rank 1 legacy nurse who got ruined because I offered badham preschool so I could run that infinite window with object + lithe all game, but she ignored me and someone else ran her at the school for 3+ gens and then she proceeded to facecamp him.

    There was a second nurse today who was slaying people, including myself, (due to a great exhausted on the ground dead-hard) but she got 3 man outted because someone brought a key. But she hard tunneled off a rank 4 who didn't have DS so I didn't feel bad for her at all.

    You can still slay with the new nurse, she's just not as brokenly overpowered as the old one. Spirit is just as busted as old nurse and is way easier to play in my opinion, and she doesn't have any super bad maps like nurse does. Both are equally boring for the survivors to play against. Even as a mostly killer player I was still happy to see old nurse get nerfed, it was annoying playing against her in like 8/10 matches.

    If there are any low ranks in the game you can just be scummy and hard tunnel them out. And it totally ruins the game for them while you win at the same time. When your lobby is like P3 claud, P3 nea, shirtless david king, and a stock dwight; who do you think the best target will be?

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    I guess tunneling the noob isn't a bad choice, only problem is their friends will be genrushing and trying to flashlight save them. I guess SWF are so altruistic you have to take advantage of that though.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    no, I’ve played both sides. I know gen rush is their only way out. But I don’t think most of the maps are really that big. Killers can kill really fast too. If you want gen speed to go down I believe killers need to have moris taken out or just in general slowed down as well. It’s not fair to see teammates go down 1 minute into the game either. Hell you practically spawn on survivors as a killer too. All killers....They all have potential, but some have more than others.

    Post edited by drimmalor on
  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    You really don’t understand that survivors only have one to two ways out. And most people have hatch locations memorized so that’s not a viable option a lot of the time as they’re going to slug anyways. F13 has 7 counselors and 5 ways out. I have way more fun dying in that game than for these complaining killers that want ez 4Ks. That’s not fun for survivors.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    If we still had Old Ruin, that combined with Corrupt Intervention would be amazing balance for killers.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    It’s not fair to keep a nasty 3 gen lock for the end game and work hard to get it to work just for survivors to get the hatch. And all your threads and replies hint to you having a vendetta against killers. But that’s ok because you’re probably a rank 1 clown main who uses no perks or addons and 4ks every game even on Ormond or Haddonfield.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Tends to happen, especially when playing solo and your teammates are utter potatoes.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Same, she's been my favorite since PS4. She's the reason I defected to PC.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Clown isn't even that bad. The fact you are complaining about haddo after the BL nerf speaks volumes. It's really not even that good for survivor anymore. You get a couple basement houses, a few safe pallets, and a large map, and that's it.

    When things like springwood exist still?

    Meanwhile; the devs are moving towards maps like Hawkins and Dead Dawg Saloon, where the killer just gets free hits at almost every pallet, because most killers are just awful and can get looped at the shack for 5+ minutes because they don't know what a mindgame is.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I still main Spirit on PS4, and all my buddies are on PS4. I don't know why I left PS4 and rarely play it though.

    Oh yeah, survivor queue times are a nightmare and I'm with a SWF.

    I do enjoy playing killer on PS4, but I mained Spirit there. You must have a lot of patience maining Nurse on PS4.

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51

    Saloon is the most balanced map in my opinion. I haven't needed pallets anyway while looping just get good lol. The only problem with this map are big a$$ bushes where Claudettes are invisible. Making killer to stay focused on 1/2 survivors, because they don't want to take the agro

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Your argument towards gen speeds being fine isn't actual proof - which people who think its broken have provided lots of videos, instead it is a simple "get gud" argument.

    Why do i even bother.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    No need to be such a try hard maybe? 4kills should mean that killer played perfect. I mean you wont die if you get 2 kills if you played bad or will you?

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    This community proved that they dont care about balance and only care about their own vision of how things should be so i wont waste my time and just leave my opinion. You should just git gud. Stop playing bad then gen rush wont happen simple as that.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Yeah, I miss them too. The devs over-nerfed her because she was the only killer who could put the smack down on survivors.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    That's such a useless thing to say. Even the "goodest" of killers are struggling with the genrush, hence not many killers are playing now.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    Gen rush is something that any survivors can do so yeah even the best killers struggle against gen rush thats actually called trying to play good to win. If you dont struggle to win then obviously there s no balance.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    The survivors don't struggle to win nearly as much. It's common knowledge that survivor (especially SWF which most red ranks are) isn't nearly as sweaty as killer. Thus there is no balance indeed. This is where the issue arises and why the game is considered survivor-sided.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited April 2020

    I can't say I blame the survivors for anything aside from the toxicity. Beyond that, they are just doing their objective and it goes quickly due to the DEVs incompetence at game design and unwillingness to fix it beyond a band-aid patch/perk that gets ripped right off before anything is finished actually healing.

  • Murdle
    Murdle Member Posts: 119

    When are killer mains going to shut up about genrushing?

    HOW about you stop facecamping and interrupt survivors when they're trying to do gens? Maybe if you weren't staring at the person on the hook as leatherface, you wouldn't get genrushed!

    Use Thanatophobia. Use ruin. Use Dying light.

    There are plenty of other perks that SLOW or completely stop genspeed or progress as well.

    There are perks that show you which gen survivors are working on, perks that reveal their location.

    The only way you are losing to genrush every game is if the only perks you use is noed, insidious, and unrelenting then facecamp and tunnel one survivor.

    Tldr? Get gud and stop complaining when the game is already easy for you

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Please remember to keep comments constructive and related to the discussion. Stay civil towards other users and stay on topic.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    what if they made it just much easier to pip and award full points for doing well even though everyone escaped? would you be ok with that?

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    They are not nearly as sweaty as a killer because there s nothing much they can do if killer plays good. A lot of swf? Prove that. I m hardly able to find one . Unless you talking about 2-3 man swf.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Honestly, I think larger maps should have an extra gen or two to repair.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Daily threads about gen repair times making me:

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    If you can’t see how different the game is now and how easy it is for survivors to win now and the increase of moris used, you probably shouldn’t say too much about the matter

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    Then play the contentless Friday the 13th, we aren’t holding you back one sided player.

  • KayK99
    KayK99 Member Posts: 94

    Man, all the people crying about getting Gen rushed... Do we need 5 new topics of the same ######### every day?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    -To anyone arguing here are some kittens

    -To anyone browsing the thread here are some kittens

    -To answer your question about slowing gen times, just release kittens once a gen is done. I'm not doing another gen until I gather all the kittens!

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    They'll keep happening as long as the problem doesn't get fixed. Maybe if enough killers leave the game it will spark some sense of urgency.

    I didn't see a single topic on gen speed when I posted this thread, which was strange because it seems to be the elephant in the room. As I said in OP the problems with matchmaking wouldn't exist if more killers were playing the game (which they're not because of gen speed) and the problems with map size and God loops are already being addressed by Behavior. It's doubtful that the situation for killer will improve much unless the problem of gen speed is addressed directly because the game doesn't get slowed down too much by the artificial map shrinking of Corrupt Intervention.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    When you're playing solo survivor or when you're playing killer? If you find 2-3 man SWF when you play solo survivor that makes sense because you're taking up a slot in the lobby so chances are you're only going to get paired up with other solos or small SWF. If you're not find SWF when playing red rank killer you must honestly be joking or you're not good at telling when they're using communications. Just try and use a slugging build with Knock Out and maybe Hex:The Third Seal for good measure and it should give you a pretty good indicator of who's using comms.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Idk, playing killer feels like #########, having 60% of the game completed in 90 seconds its unheard of.