So based on what the Devs have stated on the Tome/Rift stream...

Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

If we missed out on the cosmetics in the rift will we be able to get those cosmetics in the In Game Store?

Cause if I recall the devs stated we will from both Rift's. But I have unlocked all the rift skins from Tome 1. So if the Tome 1 Rift skins were in the store it would show them by my other unlocked cosmetics in the store right?

So are any of the rift skins in the store yet?

If not then I'm here to ask Devs where are they?

Post edited by Micheal_Myers on


  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    Iirc they said that the cosmetics will be available through the store about 6 months later. But I've heard the charms might be exclusive. I guess that the cosmetics you've already unlocked will be shown as unlocked. Same happened with the hallowed blight cosmetics.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think the two community outfits (Mr. Puddles Clown and Demon Slayer Feng) are getting added to the store sooner than the rest. The other Rift skins are supposed to be added six months after their respective Rift closes. IIRC only event cosmetics and charms are staying exclusive. So only things like the Hallowed Blight Nurse, Putrid Serum charm, and Moonrise Lantern charm should be staying exclusive. Everything else should thankfully be going to the store.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 647

    That makes sense, you want most of it available in the store later if people really want it, but also give a couple things as exclusives for those who played during that time.