Hillbilly: Overpowered, good as he is or noob killer?

I on my side, think that hillbilly is good for starters, but is way to used in higher ranked. The thing is playing against him always causes in an endless hooking rush. But you have to say that genrush is as annoying as this hooking rushes. But it is just so easy playing as him if you play him like leather face+dash attack. But there is an option to outplay his attack, what isn't really possible with leather face. But achive high rank isn't really hard with hillbilly. But high rank survivers are the only ones, know how to outplay him. But he always has BBQ and hex: ruin

You see, this topic is driving me crazy, so what is your opinion. Are you maybe play him yourself?


  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    He is pretty overpowered. There is decent counterplay to him though, and it is always a rush getting chased a good hillbilly. That's why most people don't have an issue with him.

    But you get one playing scummy, get him on a bad map, get a good one one using a mori, etc, and you will realize the problems with him.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited April 2020

    I don't enjoy playing Billy very much myself but he's in an extremely good place. Pretty much the only major thing that needs changing are his Addons which are incredibly outdated.

    Billy is powerful, but not uncounterable. He's relatively easy to pick up and understand but has a very high skillcap. He has an excellent Power for map pressure, but with the appropriate downside of constantly broadcasting his location.

    You can say the exact same things about any other killer, by the way. Any Killer using a tactic like Insidious basement camping (when it works), or gets lucky with a good map, or brings an Ebony Mori can clean house and feel "overpowered".

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Like almost every killer, I think Billy as well is pretty difficult to beat with certain addons. Without addons he is strong but managable. If anything I would suggest some addon changes. He is very fun to play and play against when you get the hang of it.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    He fine but they wont be happy until him nurse freddy and huntress get the nurse treatment

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Balanced noobstomper. He separates the wheat from the chaff in the chase

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Other killers don't really punish working in deadzones, any mistake, etc to the same degree hillbilly does; straight at the start of the game. Killers like Oni and Myers need to build up power, where-as hillbilly just starts sawing people straight off the bat if they don't know how to loop.

    He eats pallets for breakfast, especially with spirit fury / enduring / bamboozle / etc on him. There's tons of loops where he pulls up his saw and you are basically forced to drop the pallet or risk being instant downed.

    If you get caught in the open, you are just dead. Unlike the majority of other killers; who will just hurt you and let you get to a loop.

    So while it's fun to get chased by him, it's still ridiculously strong. Almost no hillbilly is going to be running add-on less at red ranks, because add-ons are cheap and they all use BBQ.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    They definitely won't change Freddy. If they were going to change Freddy, then they would have done it by now.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    The constant chant of hes not fun to play against and hes brain dead easy are their way of trying to nurse him

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Billy is in a perfect spot in my opinion.Great for starters because even if you don't down survivors with your chainsaw you can use it to travel around the map very quickly.

    And a really good billy with good control of his chainsaw is nothing to underestimate.

    I don't think he's OP at all if you find yourself out in the open to much then that's on you.

    The only nerf he needs is is his insta chainsaw addons.Those are pretty unfair but thats already it.

    BBQ has plenty of counter play to it and Hex Ruin won't do a thing most of time anyways.

  • Lumen
    Lumen Member Posts: 16

    I honestly have no idea how to play against Hillbilly. I always hear people say that he 'broadcasts his location' but I can never tell where he is by the audio cues of his chainsaw. It just sounds like a chainsaw revving 360 degrees around me. It's not 'directional' enough for me to tell where he could be.

    It's gotten to the point where I just accept my death vs Hillbilly. I don't find him fun to play against, and there's no way for me to 'hide' like I would against a normal killer because he can sprint across the map.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Billy isnt op, hes good but not op.

    Nurse for example its op because a good nurse doesnt have any counters.

    If the billy wants to go only for chainsaws you can punish him in loops, a good survivor will just take m1's from billy; as you can see, at least he has a counter. See?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    At base, he's perfectly fine.

    His add-ons can become problematic and same for some perks like Infectious Freight and Bamboozle, especially if it's all in the same build.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Billy is fine where he is, his most powerful add-ons need touching, but as a whole his add-ons and his power are perfectly fine.

    Billy has a high skill ceiling, and so he deserves to reward those who truly do well.

  • KinglyKingVee
    KinglyKingVee Member Posts: 15

    Hillbilly is probably my best killer, and I think he is in a good spot. He is fast and has an instadown which is tremendous, but he can still be looped and outplayed by survivors as well.

  • Whut
    Whut Member Posts: 25

    Billy is so easy to deal with. I have absolutely no idea how you possibly could have problems against him.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    At the end playing nurse is a guessing game combined with conditioning. She's by no means op, especially not with the crapload of bugs she got atm.

    On topic: Billy without addons is balanced imo.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I hate him. He is everything that I dislike about killer within a killer except for his mobility.

    My personal distain aside, he's strong and possibly borderline OP. The fact that his power can 100% replace his weapon is a terrible thing to me, especially combined with the """cooldown""" that he supposedly has. Leatherface has his Tantrum mechanic, and Hillbilly has nothing similar WITH MOBILITY.

    I'm personally in two minds about him being so easy to play, or at least learn, and being one of the most powerful killers in the game IF you base it off kills. It's great that a baseline character is able to do well in higher levels if play, but it's also the one with an instant down.

    Add-ons like Carb Tuning Guide also put a majority of iridescent add-ons to shame. As a Pig main, both of mine actively hinder me in some way, where a green add-on is all buffs.

    I don't play that much Hillbilly, but I've versed him more times than I have refused people sevice at work and I've been at my job for 5 years, while playing Dead by Daylight for about two. I'm also a red ranked Surv unless a reset has recently hapoened if any of that is needed for my opinion.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    I think Billy is a pretty boring killer to go against, his power is nothing special or interesting, so I don't play him either. I think he is fairly balanced though. He has counterplay and can still be looped, only thing I think could be changed is make him a 110% killer, like any other killer with a ranged attack or has the ability to travel the map quickly. I used to think if survivors got found in a deadzone by Hillbilly it was their own fault, but DbD nowadays has so many deadzones, so I don't think that's a fair argument anymore. So making him a 110% killer would make deadzones a slight bit better against him.

    His addons need a rework though, so many are pretty powerful with no or very little downsides.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990
  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    Realistically if a killer was truly 'overpowered', no one would have a definitive way of counteracting their power and there would be no way to win against them. However because the word 'overpowered' has become such a subjective thing in Dead by Daylight, it's hard to tell what the community thinks is overpowered or not.

    To the main point of the thread, I'd say The Hillbilly isn't overpowered, rather he's just decent when used correctly as he can apply serious map pressure.