"Undetectable" & Spine Chill

What is the point of the "undetectable" status if there's a perk that can detect you 36 meters away? Why is this a thing? It's literally called undetectable. And the description says "stealth". But they know you're coming from 36m away.
I suppose there has to be a counter.
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I honestly am not sure but the perk spine chill is supposed to save you by activating for stealth killers and non-stealth, I am not sure if there’s any effect or killer perk that will stop it from activating. However I do not think the perk is op especially cause it only gives you a warning and does not really help you in chases etc. I use it in most of my matches, well all. And in my opinion I’d say it’s good but there isn’t a 100% guarantee that you will escape without getting in a chase or getting downed or spotted. But why is there the undetectable? Because, not everyone uses the spine chill perk, unless you like to rush things when it’s almost done or get to know if killers near you And looking at you. that’s why it’s used but I don’t really see to much people using it unless there solos, that’s why I use it.
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It doesn’t tell us the direction you’re coming from, only that you’re near. Many times when it lights up, I thought I was being a clever sneaky Claudette, and I walk right into the Killer.
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Umm it does tell you the killer is looking in your direction , not that your near.
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The perk doesn't tell you where they are at. The perk only tells you that they are near,but they are looking at your direction. So they can be coming from anywhere.
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at 36m it completely negates stealth gameplay though. It should be 12m max otherwise why are we pretending to have stealth killers
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Didnt use to. I think (and correct me if Im wrong) but premonition used to be the only perk that bypassed killer stealth abilities.
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Undetectable should also mute breathing, footsteps, and all other audio cues a killer can give until the status is broken. Spine chill would make more sense as a counter if your ears didn't work at all.
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36m is more than every killer's base terror radius.. does something like that make sense? That's an 8 second head start minimum.. "undetectable"..
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Spine chill is so busted it lets me listen to music while I play.
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Imagine complaing about spine chill. Yikes
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imagine contributing nothing of substance to the discussion
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spine chill doesn’t give a directional cue though. It Just warns that someone’s coming towards you. Everything needs a counter, that’s unfair to survivors to just be invisible or cloaked or undetectable and get the jump and ez down on people.
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omg I am so so sorry I read that wrong
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My bad nvm I read this wrong
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I mean it specifically says "trumps all stealth perks." Probably because it's not a whole lot of information, only "the killer is nearish and looking in my direction while this is activated."
"Undetectable" refers to the killer having their terror radius and red stain removed. Both those features still function completely fine even if SC activates.
Also, why should the range only be 12m honestly? A killer will literally already be coming up to you by the time you even see that light up.
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"Spine Chill" essentially gives every killer a terror radius regardless of stealth abilities. The condition "looking in your direction" is the key to the counterplay. To sneak right on a chiller you just have to moonwalk.
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so whats the counter to spine chill then? ALl you can do is not look in the direction of the gen as you approach, which makes you entirely blind to anyone who sees you and might be simply walking away from it.
The point of stealth killers is to be undetected as they approach, and most of them cant even attack directly out of stealth anyway (its only really ghostface, wraith and pig both need to announce their presence before attacking, and myers has no distance to his lunge at all in T1.) Meanwhile, there's a perfectly good perk called Premonition which has no reason to exist since Spine Chill does its job in every way without having a cooldown. They could very easily make it so that Premonition keeps the ability to detect stealth killers and have it keep its cooldown, while making spine chill stay the same but lose the ability to proc from the Undetectable status (making it actually kinda live up to its name.)
I feel naked without spine chill tbh, i'd take it over any other meta perk. The amount of info it gives you is absurd, and it even gives you an action speed boost while its going off as a bonus.
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Spine Chill activates when the killer is looking at you, and experienced survivors know that if it flickers, then you're not looking at them. I also cannot tell you how many times I've walked/ran into a killer while using it.
It's also currently one of 2 perks that counters stealth killers. One of which is on a cooldown.
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I think we can change it to: If Killer looks at you for 1sec at 32m range, then this perk will activated, the perk icon will bright up for 5sec
- you will get a skill check for whatever u're doing (heal, gen..).
- for those 5sec, you work 8% faster
- this perk has 60/45/30sec cool down
This will paired with Premonition.
For now, it constantly triggered with work speed bonus make it much better than Premonition.
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It is a-okay. :)
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Actually, it does give you a benefit. Increased vault speed.
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So what you are saying is you basically want people to just get pulled off gens and hit for free with no warning? You do remember that all killers (except nurse) Run significantly faster than survivors so if you take away something that’s gives a small warning, what are survivors supposed to do??
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Undetectable entails that:
The Killer’s terror radius is removed.
The Killer’s red stain is removed.
The Killer will not have their aura revealed.
The Killer does not trigger the jumpscare sound effect.
The Killer sees the smoky screen visual effect.
All that considered, Spine Chill does work as intended. So, itt we're essentially arguing the semantics of the word Undetectable and whether a better name would be suited.
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Ok ToXiC NAncY mAiN
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If Spine Chill didn’t work against Undetectable, it would essentially delete the perk from the game. It’s already a non-meta pick, but nerfing it so that it doesn’t work against stealth killers would make it completely useless. The whole point of the perk is to give a warning that the killer is approaching, and you don’t really need a warning against killers with standards TRs.
If you want to be able to confuse Spine Chill users, you can either moonwalk or just flick your camera around as you approach. Whenever I use Spine Chill, I only really get off a gen if I see the perk light up and stay lit up. If the killer is beelining for me I’ll move. If the perk keeps flicking on and off I’ll often assume they’re in a chase or looking for someone else nearby.
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You don’t think I know that? Vaults don’t really help much till it gets blocked off. Don’t forget mind gaming.
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You can walk towards them backwards. Good old spine chill counterplay as we used to do it back when DBD launched and spine chill was popular perk.
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This is exactly why Spine Chill is my favorite perk in the game. I don't need to be alerted that much. I can chill. By the way this perk is not only great against stealth killers. Btw. I'm addicted to that perk.
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Spine Chill is still good after the undetectable status appeared. While I understand some stealth killers are unhappy with it, it only activates if the killer is looking in the survivors direction, but they don't know which direction that is. I used to use Alert all the time, but when the undetectable status was given to a few killers, it stopped working while these killers had that status, so I switched out to Spine Chill.
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"we have 4 stealth killers in the game, but also, you can't sneak up on survivors"
what i'm saying, is the above is nonsense. Why should a perk negate stealth at a greater range than the terror radius? 36m = 8 second head start.. that's a "small" warning?
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There are 3 types of Spine Chill players I find.
- Immersed players - use Spine Chill to avoid chases. The range actually cucks them a tad here as you can activate Spine Chill from that far away, they go to hide, they waste their time if you're not coming to them. Besides, what immersed player does gens these days?
- Those who use it for vault speed. If they're using it to gain a competitive advantage, its likely that they wont be using it for stealth and you can go up and hit them as a stealth killer, because they likely want their Resilience.
- Players who use it so they can listen to music. They can't hear your TR so you have the overall advantage in that category anyway.
I get your point but Spine Chill is no where near as strong as other perks. I hardly see it used as intended and I don't really see anyone running it for vault speed unless they're a streamer/youtuber. Spine Chill is completely useless in the middle of a map, almost completely useless on a map with lots of different floors, almost completely useless on a small map. If you really are so worried about this perk, walk sideways or moonwalk. Another great way to trick those with Spine Chill if you expect they have it is to look forward, look away, look back. This not only allows you to observe the surroundings but it'll look as if you're chasing someone else and Spine Chill just happens to light up.
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But you said it did not have any benefit for the survivor.
And, there are some broken vaults, if you take a look at the (going to be fixed) Ironworks vault, the Grim Pantry vault, some of the vaults within Lerys are still really bad... couple that with the faster vault speed of Spine Chill, it makes a really bad combo.
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You read my mind. I find myself thinking this many a time on these threads.
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"Undetectable" makes you so undetectable, every detection perk can detect you.
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technically speaking, Spinechill does not "detect" or "reveal" you.
it just warns the Survivor that you are aware of their location and are about to come and check on it - but not from where you are comming from.
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If you really want to counter spinechill, go moonwalk towards generators. Ez.
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literally just moonwalk once you realize they probably have it. you dont need a perk to counter it, you dont need add ons, you dont need to adjust your gameplay style. literally if you are playing killer and you dont moonwalk in chases already you're not doing basic killer mechanics right.
Edit: Also this is the degree at which spine chill works. Basically you have to be in their red stain cone up to 36 meters. Its basically 15-20/25 degree cone (at max range) I believe when someone did the math on it (can a dev confirm?). Here's a video about how it works. Literally this complaint stems from obviously never playing survivor in high ranks and understanding how easy spinechill is punished outside of chases.
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They want easier 4ks.
Easy answer.
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But is it an easy 4k if you actually use your eyes and ears for any kind of indicator that the killer is near? From my experience Pig is the most quiet killer, and one time she snagged me off a generator and since than I have never been snagged off a generator by here because she has taught me to rely on my eye's. All other stealth killer's have some kind of audible indicator
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You act like pulling someone off a generator is a part of their standard kit and is what makes them a stealth killer. Getting the jump on a Survivor where they take an early hit could be all you need to start a nice snowball.
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i mean if you don't want to think about things logically and just generalize then sure we'll go with that
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yup you got me, never played survivor at high ranks ever
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Playing P3 Blendette on Play Station. Yikes. Come at me when you play Claudette and you don't need an invisibility perk to make it to red ranks. I'm guessing you take quick and quiet, urban evasion, DS, Dead Hard, Iron Will, Adrenaline, Unbreakable too as well?
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The point that I'm trying to get across is that, if you use your eyes and ears than you won't have to depend on Spine Chill.
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Spine chill also lights up when the killer is in chase with someone else and not coming for you at all, just because they looked in your direction for a few seconds. You have to decide whether you'll get off the gen for potentially no reason.