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Guidance with reporting players blatantly working with killers


Hey all,

Sorry if this question was asked in any fashion. When I tried to do a search of it on here, I got an error page and had to log back in. So I figured I might as well just make a post looking for some guidance/advice.

I was playing in a public match as a survivor on PC/Steam maybe 30-45 minutes ago. I noticed I had two Twitch streamers in my game. Usually when I see this, I like to pull up their stream, give them some viewership, support their channel, say gg afterwards- whatever.

As the game loaded in, I realized I didn't drag the volume all the way down to mute, but a hair before that. I let it go until I could finish my gen and get to a good spot to tab out and mute it (I only have one monitor). Well, I am glad that I ended up having that stream not fully muted. Right off the rip, the two streamers and the killer were in coms together. The streaming duo manged to queue snipe their killer friend to get into the same match. Both the survivors and the killers had certain achievements they wanted to complete. In order to do this, they made it clear they wanted to farm me and the other random survivor, saying they wouldn't complete gens to assist the killer, telling the killer who to target; everything. They knew what they were doing was wrong because they brought up during the stream that it's a blatant rule to not work with a killer, but brushed it off and continued what they were doing.

I was honestly dumbfounded that someone not only went to the level of teaming with their killer friend in a public lobby, but be stupid enough to stream the whole thing across two twitch channels. The killer did manage to get me and they all complained when the other solo person managed to get out.

I went into the chat of one of the survivor's streams after the match to voice my disappointment. He essentially put the blame on me because I didn't drop what I was doing the second I heard their plan to get in chat and ASK him to just play a normal game.

I haven't reported people before in a PC game, so I'm basically looking to get direction to report this to the right place. I've made note of date, time, streamers, and what the vod titles would be to show what they did the entire match with their coms included. I clicked on the little bubble above the end game score and submitted a ticket, but I'm unsure if that is the correct spot. I also reported in detail each of those involved at the little thumbs up/thumbs down in the end game screen.

If there's a spot I should have reported, not via 'submit a ticket', that you may know of or can steer me in the correct direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

Best Answer


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Beside what @FireHazard said, I suggest you use the app below to download the VODs, if available. This way you can keep video evidence to submit.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16

    @FireHazard I appreciate you offering your opinion. At first I felt like maybe I was just being sensitive or maybe over-reacting, but then when I saw what the in-game reporting system had for their definitions, I was like no-this is definitely very wrong behavior. I'm going to bookmark that link for the support team. Thank you again for the guidance and input!

    @PrettyFaceKate Thank you so much for the app suggestion! I am new to PC, like, 1 month new, so I'm definitely not familiar with all of the systems and apps available to me. I did make note of the VODs, but I know streamers can remove them, so being able to keep a downlaoded record of them will be incredibly helpful. It will also make it easier to submit the specific recorded instance as video proof as FireHazard suggested. I really appreciate it!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    No problem, glad it can help you with this and in the future as well.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16

    Just an update to those who provided assistance-

    I made a full report and included the VODs thanks to the download system recommended. Submitted everything and was given an update maybe a week ago that if they found that rules were broken, they would follow through accordingly.

    So I checked up on it again today and they “solved” my ticket four days ago and I checked both of the streamers i reported for cheating and they’ve still been playing DBD daily.

    It’s just a major bummer. If griefing and teaming with a killer wasn’t something they cared about, especially with beginning to end of match proof from the cheaters’ pov, then i wish DBD would make that known before i went through the trouble. Makes me feel silly for reporting to them.

    I will say though that I do appreciate the help you guys provided, even if the DBD team didn’t care to take action. It makes my heart happy to know there’s still great people in this community. <3

  • Kamikazi
    Kamikazi Member Posts: 144
    edited April 2020

    You've got two sides of the coin.

    1. The streamer buys the game again, on a new steam account, cause its their target audience.
    2. The streamer continues to buy stuff on their old account, which the company enjoys.

    The important step might seem to block them due to inappropriate behavior. But this doesn't solve the issue of them continuing to do it to others.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    By "solved" they probably mean that the report was taken care of, whether that means they were banned or not is not stated, it just means the report was completed.

    If this is the case, since I don't know, than they must've investigated it and found no reason to follow up with it. I don't personally know what happened and I'm not really interested in discussing it since it's not going to lead anywhere. I will say this though, what you thought what happened might've not actually happened at all, but again I don't know and can't confirm anything for you unfortunately.

    Personally, if that's the end result than I would just move on from this entirely, it's not worth the hassle to fight over something that has already been discussed and looked into. I don't know what really happened during that match, but from the sound of it, I hope it doesn't happen to you again. I wish you the best of luck.