Killers op now

How am I supposed to run a killer for 30 seconds without any chance of getting downed with these nerfs. This is outrageous killer biased balancing. Uninstalling and refunding dlcs, wont be buying your stuff ever again.


  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356
    edited April 2020

    These are changes that killers really needed, and will probably affect high ranks far more than low ranks. Which is a good thing. Don't jump the gun before we've even seen what the map changes actually are. Then you can decide whether to leave or not.

    (also DLC can only be refunded if you have less than 2hours playtime after purchasing and have owned it for less than 2 weeks, so that might be quite difficult, Steam can make special exceptions at times though)

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    Are we playing the same game?

  • Gamingwalrus51
    Gamingwalrus51 Member Posts: 45

    can we ever get killer nerfs?????=?=??. this is so bad balancing. thats it im quitting.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    So you're complaining that you couldn't run any loop other than an infinite? That shows a really low skill level.

    I've ran killers on maps like The Game and Hawkins for 2 or 3 minutes straight with relative ease and no infinites as I learned majority of them off.

    Survivors have had better changes the previous two patches when compared to killer, and this is the first time in a while the killer has received a proper buff.

    Finally, leave the game, the less toxic mindsets the better, goodluck defunding DLC, although I believe they'll completely decline your request.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    every single word in that sentence was wrong

  • Gamingwalrus51
    Gamingwalrus51 Member Posts: 45

    shut up bish0 the refund policy is under 2 hours and i only have 4 so they can probalby taek them still back because it has not been long

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    Yeah my group just said we're all going back to Minecraft. The balancing is terrible and playing killer is no fun cuz you can't play with friends for blood points.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    clearly u haven't spent more than 5 hours learning how to spell

  • Gamingwalrus51
    Gamingwalrus51 Member Posts: 45

    mine craft is so much better than this gafbage game becuz they cant balance this game at all and only buff killers

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Awww. Are you mad because now you'll actually have to play w skill instead of just blowing through gens and running to God windows/loops? In NO WAY does this make killer OP. All it does is level the playing field a lil more. Git gud or quit.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,685

    Since OP isn't accepting criticism, insulting everyone who shares their opinion on the matter, i decided to close the thread.

This discussion has been closed.